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When Sam came home the next morning everything was quiet. Penny's brief explanation had reassured him, but it didn't change the fact that he didn't like Max's attitude and Penny obviously didn't feel comfortable around him. That alone was enough for him to avoid Max. But while he was getting ready for bed, he found his team's photo laid out in the kitchen and as he lay in bed he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different in his bedroom too. He fell asleep, but he slept fitfully, waking up when he heard Max getting ready and leaving the house. He kept dreaming about Max and Penny - however, Penny wasn't as averse to Max in his dreams as he was in reality, which made him jump up several times. Finally, he woke up when he realized something and, without knowing what it was, leaned over his bedside table, following an intuition. He opened the drawer and took out the stack of photos - photos from the fire station, mostly pictures of Penny, sometimes with Elvis, Ellie or Arnold at work, sometimes alone, but also some where he was dancing with Penny - when they gave Steele lessons or at various festivals. Would he ever get closer to Penny than he did on these occasions?

Suddenly something fell out of the pile in his hand and when he picked it up, surprise was mixed with anger. It was a photo where he had also danced with Penny and their eyes had met. Elvis had gotten a real snapshot with it because he was closest to her and she looked at him with a radiant smile that he would never forget. Every time he'd looked at that photo, his eyes had been glued to her face, his mind filled with hopes, his senses remembering her scent and her touch, his stomach churning with butterflies fluttering in excitement.

But now that wouldn't be the case anymore, because the photo had been torn cleanly in half and you could only see a little of her hand in his, the rest of her was missing.

He angrily jumped out of bed and went into the guest room. It wasn't like him to invade other people's privacy, but who started it? He tore open all the drawers, looked under the mattress, the sheets, the pillow and in Max bag, but he found nothing. That bastard had to have it with him, Sam thought as he got ready for work and then waited anxiously for his colleagues to return from their emergency.

As Penny went up the stairs to start her shift, she heard a loud crash and stormed up the stairs, but she stopped at the corner and retreated into the shelter when she saw Sam had grabbed Max by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"You're just a guest here, both at the station and in my house. If you behave like this always and everywhere, I'm not surprised that Penny doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Now give me back my property."

"Sami, Sami, take it easy. I was just curious to see what drives our great hero. She's amazing, isn't she? Tell me, is there something going on between you?"

"Even if that were the case, it's none of your business. The picture! Now!"

"That's fine," replied Max and Penny heard something rustling. "Then let the better man win. You're a worthy opponent for me," he then added with so much mockery in his voice that it made Penny's stomach turn.

"Don't play games, Max. You're only here as a substitute and Sam is therefore your superior. Show him the respect he deserves," Penny objected as she entered the room angrily - if he played his games with her it was one thing, but he had to keep Sam out of it. "What has he done now?" she turned to Sam, who quickly put something in his pocket.

"Nothing, we've sorted everything out and I hope it doesn't happen again." He turned to Max with a warning look, who shrugged with a smile before turning to Penny.

"Hey little mouse, how about if I invite you to breakfast at the nice Cafe down by the harbor tomorrow morning?"

"No, thanks Max, I'd rather starve. Have a nice evening," Penny objected resolutely and sat down next to Sam. They both could see something darken in Max's face before he turned away and went down the stairs. "What happened, Sam?" she then asked, but Sam shrugged.

"He misbehaved a bit at my house, nothing more." His words sounded calm, but she sensed that his anger had not yet completely subsided.

"He wasn't always like this, you know," she then interrupted the silence that had ensued.

"And I was wondering what you seen in him," he replied, perplexed.

"I was young, what can I say? After he showed his true colors, I ended it."

"But he doesn't seem to be able to swallow that easily."

"He has no choice," she replied, and just then Sam's stomach growled. "Sounds like you're hungry?" she objected, amused.

"In my anger, I forgot to eat this afternoon," he objected, shrugging his shoulders. "But Elvis made waffles earlier. He said there were some in the fridge. A few of those will be enough."

"Forget it. We're going down to your sister-in-law's Cafe. You have to eat something decent and if Max gives you trouble because of me, the least I can do is give you proper compensation," she replied, leaving no room for an argument as they boarded Venus and headed down to the harbor.

They hadn't really started their meal when Max entered the Cafe and stood frozen.

"So, you don't want to have breakfast with me, but you're going to have dinner with the great Sam Jones? Shouldn't you be at the station?" he hissed at the two.

Sam shoved another forkful into his mouth while holding the radio in front of his nose with his free hand, indicating their readiness.

"In Pontyandy everyone is a bit more relaxed Max. That's why I came here."

"Yes, and probably because of that one too. I always knew there was someone else involved," he replied harshly and Penny and Sam looked at each other in surprise and blushed when Bronwyn turned to them curiously.

"Max, stop making a scene here over nothing," Penny objected, annoyed.

"I think if two men are into you, it's not nothing."

"I think we should go back to the station," said Sam now embarrassed, shoving another forkful into his mouth before bringing his plate to Bronwyn at the counter.

"Max, control yourself. I don't care who likes who. I just want YOU to leave me alone!" Penny said angrily, following Sam's example.

"You loved me and remember what a lovely time we had." He grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

"But only until you turn into the smug, media-hungry idiot you are today. You've become a stranger to me and I wouldn't even go out for coffee with someone like you anymore. Goodnight Max," she replied, pulling her arm away roughly.

Max watched her go and his eyes met Sam's as he held the door open for Penny. Sam knew that if looks could kill, he would have collapsed right there. But he just followed Penny into Venus and they drove back to the station in silence.

The night was uneventful and Penny's mood was low for the rest of the night, even though she tried to relax in the gym. Nothing would lift her spirits until Max left. Since the night was quiet, she talked with Sam to lie down for a while. He agreed and when she woke up 2 hours later he was curled up on the sofa watching the news. She suggested that he should follow her example and lie down for a while too. He gave in and disappeared into the break room and she sat down where Sam had just been lying.

She closed her eyes and took in the rest of his warmth in the pillows and his scent that emanated from them and relaxed a little. As aloof as Sam was, he unconsciously gave her many little things to enjoy, like this moment. Things were always easy and pleasant with Sam, and he always made her feel safe and secure. What must it have been like to be able to lie in his arms and not always just dream about it? But she dismissed that stupid thought because that would never happen. Sam would always remain an unattainable dream, no matter what Max did or said out of jealousy.

She reached for the remote and a rustling sound distracted her from what she was doing. She reached next to her and held half a photo of herself in her hands in astonishment. She remembered this moment very well and fondly. She had never shared a more beautiful moment with Sam or received a more tender look from him. Was that what Sam had slipped into his pocket in the kitchen earlier? What he had asked for in return from Max? Had Max torn it up? She went down to her locker and retrieved her still intact copy from the inside back wall. She would give it to Sam. It was only a small loss because she had the picture framed and hanging on the wall in her bedroom.

On the way to the common room she heard Sam say her name and she looked around the corner questioningly only to see that he was still in bed. Nevertheless, she went to him because he seemed restless. When she stood in front of him, he murmured her name again. Concerned, she placed a hand on his shoulder and called to him quietly until he opened his eyes.

"Penny, something happened?"

"Everything is quiet. But you slept very restlessly. Is everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, sure, everything is just a bit...upsetting at the moment," he replied and sat up.

"Who are you telling," Penny simply replied and sat down next to him. They were silent for a moment before Penny handed him the tear-off of the photo. "I think you lost it on the couch," she said and blushed when he looked into her eyes in surprise and blushed too before he took the picture from her .

"It's not what it seems, I..."

"I know, Sam. Now your argument makes sense. Max ransacked your apartment and tore off this half of the photo. You demanded it back and reprimanded him for his audacity."

"Yes, that's how it was." In short form and without the details, he thought that he almost exclusively only had photos of her.

"But I never thought I'd find you so beside yourself, especially over a photo. Here, you can have this. I have another one." She handed him the photo from her locker with a smile and he looked up at her in surprise.

"You have two?" he asked in surprise and knew it was a stupid question even before Penny laughed quietly.

"It's a fond memory for me, so I don't just want to have it at home."


"Why not? Even at work you have moments when you want to be reminded of something nice."

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. Why is it a fond memory?" he asked embarrassed and was surprised to see how she blushed.

"I...like to dance with you. Why is the photo so important to you that you would round up a colleague for it?"

"For the same reason and..." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye before taking a deep breath to gain courage. He had to tell her. He couldn't risk losing her to someone else any longer. "Because you look at me like... like you want me... like I have..." he stammered, rubbing his hand in embarrassment through the neck.

"A chance? Like more than just a colleague?" she then helped him and he said yes."You look at me exactly the same way, that's why it's so important to me," she replied quietly and he looked up on her.

"Penny I..." he began as he moved closer to her, but the alarm tore them apart and they both laughed as they caught each other groaning in annoyance.

Two hours later, Penny jumped out of Jupiter and closed the gate. Sam followed her example as soon as he turned off the engine and met her in the cloakroom.

"What an effort," Sam groaned as he peeled off his thick pants.

"Well, the two of us didn't do too badly for such a big warehouse fire. Still, I'm looking forward to a shower. I have the feeling that I only smell of smoke and soot."

"You also have soot on your face," Sam replied, laughing as she turned to him. He wet a tissue in the sink and stepped in front of her to wipe it away from her cheek. "So, flawless as always and I don't smell any smoke on you," he said with a smile.

"Because you smell completely smoky yourself," she replied with a smile, but she couldn't take her eyes off his since he was standing so close in front of her and she could still smell Sam's scent even under the smell of burning. He leaned his face a little closer to hers and when she closed her eyes, she could already feel his breath brushing against her lips. But suddenly Steele's voice tore her apart at that moment.

"Sam, Penny. Where are you? I want a report of what happened in the warehouse earlier!"

"Yes sir, good morning sir," Sam grumbled loudly to him and Penny saw the same frustration and disappointment in his eyes as they were wrestling in hers. Sam reluctantly followed him into the office before Penny went into the women's shower - she was a little more hopeful now that Sam had already tried to kiss her twice. She just hoped that luck would be in their favor to complete it at some point.

To be continued...

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