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A/N: Shucks, sorry for the long delay. I had lots of homework and EYYYY IM WILLING TO BET I MADE A NEW RECORD IN MY SCHOOL FOR DRAWING 1000 POSE FIGURES IN 4 DAYS WITH LESS THAN 20 PAGES ASFGHJKL but that's only for one subject and i still have more hw to do;;;

Summary of previous chapters:

- Nezu is sus of you, and so is Aizawa

- You plan on training Shinsou with Kaminari and Ashido

- Yall are looking for new apartments to live in—teams are divided; you and Sasuke, and Kakashi is left with Naruto and Sakura

- Sasuke showed you Shisui's eye and he finally allows you to poke him on the forehead-- all Team 7 kiddies finally received the forehead poke!!

Anyway, now thats settled, enjoy!!


"I know I'm in no place to ask anything of you, but should you accept, please spare her from any more heartbreaks."

Itachi's last request rang at the back of Sasuke's head, reminding him of why he didn't pursue to kill the five Kages while they were trapped in their Tsukuyomi cocoons, why he chose to repent and return to Konoha without much fuss, and why he recently made his amends with you. If that was his brother's last wish, then so be it.

It's not like he's entirely opposed to it, anyway.

In his wandering rogue days, he missed you. During his life within Konohagakure, you were his only constant-- from childhood, pre-massacre, post-massacre, and then there's now the present. Hopefully, you're in his future too; he'll fight tooth and nail for that to be guaranteed.

You were the only living person left of his clan, other than himself. Sure, you two were not related by blood-- far from it, really, with your branch's... unique family tree-- but clanmates are clanmates. It's not the chakra, the blood, nor even the dojutsu that labels one as an Uchiha, but the ties formed within the clan that earned the Uchiha name. After all, the Uchiha were known for love, and that, in itself, should be unconditional-- adopted, intermarried, it doesn't (shouldn't) matter. Unfortunately, that value was lost in time with how the elders obsessed over the preservation of their kekkei genkai for the next generations.

Still, while guilt and regret of his past mistakes continued to gnaw his conscience, at least he's actively doing something to redeem himself in order to lessen them. Eventually, they will disappear, and he would finally have his peace of mind.

He will move on, and let the dead rest in peace.

"Alright, so far we have three apartments in mind, and I'm preferring the one with one master bedroom and two guestrooms. What do you think?" You asked him, while looking over your list in a small piece of paper.

"Hn," Sasuke couldn't actually care any less; as long as Team 7 is with him, does it really matter where they stay?

"Thank you for your insightful input, Sasu-cakes," You snorted, as he only brazenly smirked at your sarcastic remark, and then realized that you just used his nickname that he hasn't heard since the massacre.

You're already this comfortable with him, huh? That's... relieving.

It's as if he never left.

"Hm, seems like we've reached the edge of the city. The forest here is denser than the parks," You thought aloud, to which Sasuke observed where you directed your sight at. Standing on an average-sized building, the structure's height didn't really help you much on overseeing the area, as there were a lot of taller infrastructures obscuring the view. Although, jumping from rooftop to rooftop made it unnecessary, as the both of you had your fair share of sightseeing during your travel. You two didn't really have much trouble familiarizing yourselves to the district.

Sasuke's singular eye scanned the view in front of him-- on one side was the city, but across from it is the tree line, the size and density of the forest underwhelming him in comparison to Konoha's Hashirama trees. However, this place compensated with their tall and colorful buildings and skyscrapers that seemed so alien, even with the reference of Amegakure's infrastructures in mind.

This world is in the era of peace—an era newly introduced to the shinobi world after the fourth war. He wonders if the Elemental Nations would reach this world's level of advancement in technology, as countries no longer have to hoard their knowledge and discoveries to themselves. Instead, they can collaborate and mix ideas, leading to more discoveries, which would eventually start the Golden Age of invention. That would be nice.

His train of thoughts was then interrupted by the sudden shrill screeches of birds, the noise drawing his attention to a nearby tree. Sasuke easily concluded that the cries originated from bird chicks, as logically, no bird would dare make senseless noises at night with the risk of potential predators hearing them. He would've ignored the birds, if only you didn't make your way to approach them.

You landed within the small clearing—exactly a feet away from the inhabited tree; the source of the shrieking. Following behind you, he then found that the trees surrounding the two of you were also occupied. He can feel his skin prickling from being watched by beady eyes.

Upon closer inspection, Sasuke then realized that the birds surrounding the area were crows. He felt a pang of melancholy at the remembrance of his brother's signature summons.

After your short contemplation, you raised your arm out, as Sasuke looked at you with scrutiny.

The crows here can't be the same as your summons back at home... Can they?

To Sasuke's gawking surprise, a crow followed your wordless command and landed on your offered appendage.

"So you're in charge of this flock, hm?" The crow perched on your arm cawed in confirmation to your inquiry. It was then the noir realized that the chicks were no longer crying.

"Wait, what?" The boy was now baffled, as he looked between you and the animal settled on your arm. "The crows here can't possibly have chakra, right? They aren't summons," Then again, he can't rule out the possibility that the birds were somehow affected by their summoner's dimension jump.

"Have you ever wondered why you never saw me, Itachi, nor Shisui carry, much less sign the crows' Summoning Contract?" You asked, as you looked at him with a patient smile.

Oh, he definitely wondered that. He can remember a vague memory of himself begging his older brother to have him sign the apparently non-existent contract.

"The crows were never summons, Sasuke," You started. "They existed far beyond the time when Summoning Jutsu and Contracts were invented; in fact, the crows were fabled to be old enough to have met the Shinigami, himself, hence their association with death,"

With your exposition, he guessed that since Death is universal, the same could be said for the crows, thus your authority over them.

Sasuke recalled Itachi telling him of a story similar to that. The story of Death's Agents; the Shinigami's pets. It was said that the crows were created as the extension of the Shinigami's will, and were assigned with the duty to escort the dead to the afterlife. Despite the crows being related to death, they despised ruthless killers. While the Shinigami does take life, it doesn't mean he aims to destroy it.

Death wants to preserve beauty, but true beauty is only beautiful when it's temporary; hence, why life is ephemeral.

"You don't summon crows; you call for them—your connection to them is not through chakra but in spirit. If you want to have them as summons, you'd have to wait for them to approach you," You informed your adopted nephew, as he mulled over the new knowledge.

"Is that why Itachi never let me have the crow summons?" He questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"Trust me, if Itachi could, he would have given you the crow summons without hesitation," You said, amused at the thought of Itachi giving in to Sasuke's whims and desires. "It's just that the crows have... certain requirements for a pact with them to be made,"

"What are the conditions?" Yes, Sasuke already has two other summons at home, but who's to say he can't have a third one?

"Shisui called it the Pledge of Death," You supplied, holding out three fingers. "One must see, know, and understand death. As a shinobi, the first two are easy to accomplish; it's understanding death the hard part, and the condition is that you should figure that on your own, which means I can't tell you what I know, or else your pledge would be nulled,"

Understand death, huh? He ponders over what opinion you've made about it, and can't help but be amazed at the thought of you, Itachi, and Shisui coming up with the exact same conclusion for the crows to approve. Speaking of crows--

"The crows don't talk. How do you all know this?"

"Intuition," You didn't miss a beat to reply, which bewildered him on how your detailed explanation was just out of the whim. His perplexed look must have said it all, as you further explained yourself, albeit sheepishly. "It's kinda hard to explain. Once you made the pact with the crows is when you'll understand. I didn't get it the first time from Shisui either,"

Sasuke won't force himself to contemplate about understanding death; it would either come to him or not. It's not really his desire to earn the crow summons anyway, as they would serve more as Itachi's remembrance for him rather than function as actual summons.

Nevertheless, it would seem that Team 7 has found new assets.


In the end, it was Kakashi who got to pick the apartment, with the support of Naruto and Sakura, and--

"I know I said feel free to choose, but isn't this a bit..." You trailed off, as you observed the luxury apartment room—fully furnished with seemingly top quality furniture, knickknacks, and decorations you've never seen before in a daimyo's abode. Everything screams expensive to your obviously non-existent budget.

On the bright side of all this, you wouldn't have to wait for the next day to approach the manager due to the prestigious nature of the establishment (inquiries are open for 24/7; it's 1am now).

"Excessive." Sasuke finished for you, and you couldn't agree more with your fellow Uchiha.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Naruto wasted no time exploring your supposedly new home.


"The dressing room has everything!"


"Woah, there's TV in the bathroom!"

You looked at your partner with wordless inquiry.

"It's fine," Kakashi placated, waving his hand dismissively. "I casted a B-rank genjutsu to the CCTVs, and the landlord to grant us a year stay. With no one here other than us having a chakra pathway system, nobody can detect it, much less dispel it,"

"Kakashi, we promised the kids we won't do anything illegal," You contended, as he only gave you his infamous eye-smile.

"And I said we'll try not to," He defended, whilst you crossed your arms in disapproval. "Besides, while using quirks are illegal, technically, we aren't using--"

"Kakashi," You said sternly.

"Maah, okay, how about we steal money--"


"From criminals," He finished, as you pondered over the suggested option.

It's still illegal, but... not really against any of your moral codes.

First and foremost, you're all shinobi-- misdeeds are not a foreign concept to you, especially heists, which are formally known as retrieval missions. However, you still have a moral compass to follow, and part of it is to not have innocents be involved in your crimes. Like for example, a landlord (no matter how devious they can be) are still considered as innocents as they do their jobs legally (though, that doesn't mean they're exempt from occasional mischiefs).

Criminals, on the other hand...

It's no different from raiding bandits for supplies, as long as the supplies were not stolen from a Konoha citizen. And the people here are not Konoha citizens.

"We start tonight." You relented, and you didn't need to look at your fellow jounin to know that he was satisfied with your decision.

You guess that it won't hurt to treat yourselves while you're stuck here.

"Kids, time for bed!" Kakashi announced, clapping his hands twice.

"We are not kids, we are technically adults," Sasuke asserted, but the silver-haired man was not deterred.

"Not with your height barely reaching my collar, you aren't,"

"Just you wait."


The moment Team 7 retired for the night (it's actually morning), you and Kakashi did not waste time to head out for your first of many escapades with your henged ANBU masks. The sooner you 'earn' the required money to pay off your year's stay, the better. Kakashi has no right to complain; he doomed you both with this.

At least the effort it would take out from you is only minimal.

Spying outside the abandoned warehouse's window ceiling, you already found your selected targets for tonight.

With basic intel gathering, tracking, and short observation, you discovered that the small group was comprised of nine amateurs with a budding name from their reputation of ambushing delivery trucks and reselling its contents, and occasionally scamming people under different online aliases. Recently, they upped their goals and started targeting armored cars for 'bigger pay'. The group was rather predictable, as their place of operation is only in one location, and that they always move before daylight.

To think your observation time was reduced five times lesser than usual, as you got most of this intel from news outlets you've read from the internet. The World Wide Web? The T&I would kill for it.

Aka Ryuu, the group called themselves. Based on their similar facial structures, builds, and quirk concepts-- a mutant type that gives them traits similar to predatory mammals (claws, sharp teeth, etc.), they're family-oriented criminals. That's only your speculation though, but it is highly likely.

The plan you have is simple: infiltrate and steal from their base (only cash), and place them in a sealing scroll. That's... really all there is to it.

However, there are limits to until what amount you and Kakashi would take. You would only steal a small percentage of their fortune, just so they won't bear grudges and go into extra efforts to have their revenge on you (they can try, but they'll obviously fail. The point is that you don't want additional nuisance). You just need enough money to last you for a month; other than the rent pay, you also had to consider basic necessities and miscellaneous expenses (why do you have a feeling that property damage fees will make it to the top list?).

Naturally, you weren't planning to be seen; you were just meant to sneak in to their vault with a genjutsu that earned you the moniker of Ghost of Konoha. However, the moment Kakashi opened the ceiling window, both of you forgot to account the possibility of one of your targets having a keen sense of smell.

"We have two intruders!"

Hm, this encounter reminded you to supply yourselves with your first original seal-- the anti-odor seal.

Languidly, you dropped your invisibility genjutsu, and made a freefall to the middle of the room, landing with cat-like grace. Your partner shortly followed after you.

"Yo, Kawauso and I have come to insult your security!" Kakashi announced with a smile (not like they could see it with his dog mask on), lazily waving.

"You guys sure are stupidly confident to come here outnumbered," Their leader remarked, his canines showing through his wide smirk. "Kill the guy; keep the girl alive." Your eye twitched at the probability that this group may have more crimes under their belt other than scamming and thievery, with how salacious the leader's eyes scanned you.

"Inu, they are going down." You decided then and there to take all of their fortune, and deliver them to the police station with a red ribbon tied on top.

You were loaded with 68,000,000 yen later that night.

And that was the reintroduction of the YinYang Duo to this world.


"What are you two doing so late at night?" Oh, how the universe plays hilariously so.

Who would've guessed you'd meet your hosts' class adviser (with your actual bodies, mind you) on your way home after dropping the criminals by the police headquarters? The timing truly is of Team 7's luck.

"In our defense, it's technically early morning," Kakashi placated. Aizawa's eye twitched in annoyance.

"Let me reiterate: What are you two doing jumping on rooftops at 3:42am?" Well, if he puts it like that...

"Maah, none of your business, Laserhead," Your partner dismissed casually, as the underground hero's frown deepened.

"I'm a hero and it is my business that you're jumping from one property to another without clear intentions of what you're planning to do. And it's Eraserhead,"

"It's no problem as long as we aren't using our quirks, isn't it?" The jounin shrugged. "Also, technically, you're doing the same thing too since we encountered each other on a rooftop. Not really good to be a hypocrite, Raise-Her-Head,"

"It's different because I'm a certified hero that guarantees that I'm not planning anything malicious, unlike you two," You noted that he didn't even bother correcting Kakashi of his hero name. Looks like he immediately caught on that your partner enjoys being an asshole. "Take off your masks and come with me, or I would have to use force,"

"Better idea: how about we--" Deciding it's literally too early for this and that you feel too drained to listen to the two challenge each others' testosterone, you grabbed Kakashi's arm, and with instinctual ease, you disappeared in a murder of crows.

Once the birds cleared, Aizawa was dumbfounded and already lost sight of white and dark hair. However, he kept in mind to research anything online about green vests with a red spiral on its back.

Perhaps new vigilantes, he thought, as he did not miss when the pair (somehow) dropped off nine people tied in a red ribbon in front of the nearby police district.


OMAKE: Anti-Odor Seal

Age: 13

"Eyyy, Sunshine Shisui, my number one best friend, my partner-in-crime, what's up?!" You greeted the moment you spotted the aforementioned boy within your daily meeting spot-- the Naka River cliff-- doing his ritualistic warm-ups. There were approximately about thirty minutes left before your friendly sparring sessions begin, however, you arrived earlier than usual, which struck your friend weird. He immediately knew something was up.

"I'm practicing my kata, like I always do an hour before you usually appear. With how you greeted me, I know you're buttering me up for something; what is it?" Smiling playfully, he dropped his form and approached you, immediately noticing that you're carrying the slingbag of your fuuinjutsu set and a bottle of unknown liquid.

"Okay, so Kushina-shishou assigned me a project to create my first original seal," You set down your materials on the ground, before holding up a narrow piece of paper decorated with seemingly unintelligible sigils that only seal masters can understand. "Shisui, do you trust me?"

The Uchiha boy was caught off-guard with how serious you looked before asking him that question. Still, he instantly replied with the same amount of seriousness you showed him.

"With my life,"

"Great!" With your mood turning a 180, Shisui was unprepared for you to push him to sit down. He ungracefully stumbled down, but regained his balance. "I'm already at the hopefully final prototype stage, and I just need one last experiment test to know if it actually works. I hope it does though; I'm getting tired of debugging and improving the seal. I have too much reiterations of it," You explained, before pulling out a notebook.

"How many prototypes did you make?"


"That doesn't sound so bad,"

"Yeah, but Kushina-shishou did her first original seal with only eleven prototypes! And Minato-sensei did his with only nineteen!" You complained, as Shisui only looked at you with amusement.

"It's not a contest, y'know? I mean, if I were in your place, it would take me hundreds,"

"You know me Shisui; I take everything as a competition-- even being the biggest idiot, but I can't seem to beat you on that,"

"Oh, but you're getting close,"

"Oi!" Laughing, you drew a grid for your experiment checklist: before and after the implementation of seal, effectiveness, duration, etc.

"So, what does the seal do, exactly?" He asked, eyeing the way you diligently write in your research notebook.

"It's a secret!" You chirped. "It's really not that bad. I'll tell you after the experiment is done," Well, doesn't that sound ominous?

"You sure it won't explode?" He joked, but later regretted it.

"Nope! This is an even-numbered seal, as opposed to odd-numbered seals that tend to be unstable, hence explosions. At first, it started out as odd, but that ended up being a failure until my sixth prototype. So, I added another matrix to convert it into even, and it made it possible for me to add in a clause that allows the user to use their own chakra as fuel for the seal which lengthens the duration of it, unlike my first few prototypes that depended on battery-infused chakra of the creator. Although, that required me to add another layer to add in a siphoning seal to make that feature work, without having the main seal overload and potentially explode. I even re-checked the last of my prototypes to make sure this doesn't occur, because it would be unfortunate otherwise, y'know?" You finished both your explanation and your note-taking, before looking at him with a smile and an expectant gaze.

"..." The well-known blabbering Uchiha Shisui-- speechless. Who would have thought the day would come? "... Okay, so how do we start?"

For the third time today, Shisui was caught off-guard when you suddenly closed your proximity with him, and leaned near his neck to take a whiff of his scent. His whole body immediately stiffened, already feeling his face flushing from the bold action.

"Other than sweat, you smell like river water, ash, and pine," You wrote down your observations within your notebook. "Kakashi said that our natural scents sometimes mix with the scents of our chakra natures, and only an Inuzuka, Hatake or a ninken can differentiate the two,"

At the mention of Kakashi's name, Shisui snapped out of his daze and was about to ask something, before you suddenly slapped the seal on his arm.

"Alright, if this seal works, I shouldn't be able to smell even the most miniscule scent from you,"

Shisui steeled himself to not react when you took a whiff of his scent again; he still wasn't able to recover from earlier, and could still feel his ears burning.

"Yes! It worked! Okay, final test!" You cheered, before showcasing the bottle of unknown liquid. "Shisui, cup your hands together, like this," Guiding his hands to a cupping position, you steadied them before uncapping the bottle and quickly pouring all of the substance on his palms.

This time, you neared your face to his hands to smell them. He's guessing that whatever the stuff was, you were testing to see if outside scent factors would still be affected by the seal.

"Oh my Kami, it works!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms, which accidentally bumped onto his hands and had some of the fluid land on his face.

Curious, he tried smelling the remaining liquid on his palms, but smelled nothing.

That's... honestly impressive.

"What is this stuff anyway?" He finally asked, before you casually replied with:

"Skunk piss," Eyes widening, Shisui leaped up and dumped the remaining liquid on the ground, careful not to have it spill anywhere near his feet.

"Yuck! Gross! It landed on my face! Ew, ew, ew!" He jumped around, comically waving his arms around to futilely rid of the animal's residue. "(Y/n), I trusted you!" The boy whined, as you only laughed.

"Relax, you can't smell it, right?" You tried placating him.

"It's the principle of it! I can't smell it but it's still piss!" He tried wiping the substance stuck on his face away with his shoulders, but only ended up smearing it both on his cheek and his neck collar. "Why can't you just use a strong perfume like a normal person?!"

"Because the scent needs to be natural,"

It's baffling how he's disgusted by skunk piss, but wouldn't bat an eye when his clothes would be stained with human blood. It really puts things into perspective of what kind of life a shinobi lives by. So human, but when duty calls for it, so cold-blooded.

You frowned at the direction of your thoughts. Choosing to distract yourself from them, you rummaged through your bag before pulling out a storage seal and the same seal you plastered on Shisui. You then stuck the Anti-Odor Seal to your arm.

"Come here, I didn't come unprepared," You snickered while walking towards him; he only pouted at you for the predicament you put him in. Wrapping your arm around his neck, you pulled him down and smooshed his cheek to yours, which now had you infected with the same piss he was whining about. "There! Now, we're even," It took a while, but he immediately recovered from your intimate move.

"Congratulations, you now usurped me from my place of being the biggest idiot," Shisui laughed, as you only rolled your eyes. "Why would you even do something gross like that?"

"Be thankful; I was actually planning on having you suffer alone, and--" You single-handedly opened your storage seal with practiced ease, and dropped nine water balloons on the ground, with your free hand holding one. "Pelt you with these,"

"Let me guess, more skunk piss?" He inquired, making a move to inch away, but you only held him tighter.

"What? Ew, Shisui no. Where do I even get that amount-- GOTCHA!" The water balloon on your hand met his face, which splattered red.

"Kami, are these skunk guts?!" He pulled away from you, immediately trying to wipe his face with his arms.

"No, it's tomato paste. What is it with you and skunk--" You didn't even get to finish your question when your own tomato paste balloon made its way to your face.

"Gotcha~" Shisui teased with a smirk, as you now looked at him with a red face and a competitive grin.

"Oh, it is on."


When Itachi arrived, both of his friends were coated from head to toe with red tomato paste. He doesn't know how or why, but he chose not to ask, and instead watched as you and Shisui roughly albeit playfully wrestled each other on the ground.

"I should've had saved some leftover skunk piss to pour over your smug face right now!"

"Hah! Like, I would actually fall for that twice!"

Now you see, Itachi had no time to unpack any of that.


Note: Kawauso means River Otter in Japanese; Inu, on the other hand, means Dog.

Asfghjlkl I'm so sorry for the delayed update, but hey it's here! I may not have updated for a while, but that doesn't mean I've been slacking! Once again, don't count my updates to be constant. Online classes suck.

Also oop, so sorry for many time-skips, but i wanna get it on with the plot action yknow? lol

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