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A/N: Here's how I envision Ashi-chiha to look like. Also black actually looks good on Mina lmao. Anyway, thanks for your patience <3


The plaza was swamped with villains, with their large group dividing into three when five new contenders entered the fight; one batch already busy supporting their boss to take down Eraserhead. Luckily for them (and unluckily for you), some of the others were starting to catch on that the warp-user failed to separate the students, hence some of the villains from the joint's other sectors took the initiative to check the center of the fight to which they didn't hesitate to join into.

Their already great numbers tripled. And now, the villains evenly divided themselves to fight each of the five students and their teacher.

When a masked UA student approached one of the villains' six divisions, they knew that they should be prepared for whatever quirk the boy would throw at them. They were naturally on-guard, as they only have information regarding the setting of their invasion, but not their victims. When the blond student reached within his black jacket, they thought he was about to pull out a weapon, but their anxiety fleeted and was replaced with confusion when he pulled out a red book instead. It was not just a red book, however...

"Is that kid really reading... what I think that is? Here?"

"Being threatened by villains is a turn-on..? Weird kink, but not judging. I've heard worse."

"That's illegal! I'm pretty sure you're under twenty!"

"Damn, you like that book too?"

'Ruin my reputation to villains too, of course, why don't you?' Kaminari sarcastically grumbled, before wordlessly cursing the jounin to all gods he can name in his head (which is not much, really).

'Well, if you insist,' Kakashi resumed to read his R-rated book, unbothered of the villains who continuously gawked at him and his reading material.

'I hate you.'

'We've already established that.'

"Idiots! Can't you see he's trying to distract us?! Attack!" Someone finally exclaimed.

The lot snapped out of their gaping reactions and charged at Kakashi, rather reluctantly if he may add; some even hesitated to touch him, as if they were disgusted by the thought that they were participating in some kind of 'fantasy kink' of his. If this didn't often happen with bandits back in his old world, he would've snickered at their reactions. However, like his experience with bandits, this experience was one of too many, so his expression remained nonchalant as he effortlessly evaded each tackle, punch, kick, and projectile, while sneaking powerful shocks with each subtle contact with the enemy. Kaminari took notice how, not once, did Kakashi's unoccupied hand lift from his pants' pocket, unless he was turning a page.

Kakashi's contact were through kicks. However, some villains thought he can send electric shocks through eye contact alone, which a few made the idiotic decision to close their eyes while attacking. Of course, he took their given opening by knocking them down without the use of his quirk to save energy.

Yup, definitely like your typical C-Rank bandits.

'How the hell do you look cool and uncool at the same time?'

'Easy. I'm cool and your body isn't.'

'Okay, listen—'


The only difficulty you had with the enemy were their ridiculous numbers, it would seem. The sad part was that their difficulty level was nothing more but an annoyance. None of the villains proved that they had any battle experience nor training prior to this invasion, and heavily relied on their numbers and quirks. Low chuunin level was already an overboard of a skill level for them. You'd even wager that average genins could outmatch them.

Unless they were posing as a distraction (which you doubt), their attempt to 'end the life of All Might' was doomed to fail. Besides, All Might wasn't even here, despite being part of the activity today. Their plan was ruined from the start due to unforeseen circumstances.

If this is what heroes in this world would call as 'major threats', this might as well be every shinobi's dream job. Easy battles; big pay; low mortality rate; no child soldiers as cannon fodder— what a life.

You honestly envy the people of this world.

What you'd give to be born here instead...


You won't give up anything, even if you were given the chance. First and foremost, you are a loyal shinobi of Konoha.

You endured your hard life because you're a good shinobi. You would bleed for your country, as you swore on the day of your graduation. A lot of your friends sacrificed their lives for the village and it will be an insult to disregard their efforts.


Life here would've been nice.

Dodging a tackle, you hit the vagus nerve of your assailant's neck, rendering him unconscious, before using his torso to block a non-lethal blow, then throwing him at the pair who were attempting to sneak behind you.

Then, you heard explosions.


"Woah! Watch where you're aiming, Bakugou!"

Feeling the sudden drop of temperature, you felt the ground slightly rumble as ice encompassed it to which you didn't hesitate to jump on time to avoid your feet getting encased within the cold crystals.

And like that, a good portion of the villains were frozen on the ground... along with your supposed allies, sans the caster, Kakashi and Aizawa.

"Gah! Watch where you're aiming too, Todoroki!"


Kirishima and Bakugou were trapped in the ice. The two were rather fortunate that their quirks can combat the ice trapping them, to which they didn't waste time to free themselves.

"I simply minimized the villains we needed to fight. The plan wasn't perfect, but it was successful," Todoroki explained himself dispassionately. "If you didn't want to be trapped in my ice, you should've dodged like Ashido-san." In a way, he reminded you of a younger Kakashi, and just by looking at your partner, you can tell that gears were turning in his head regarding how the heterochromatic boy was willing to jeopardize his allies to apprehend the enemy. No doubt Kakashi was self-reflecting.


"Guys, there are still some villains who are free! We can't let them free the others!" Kirishima warned, before engaging on a new opponent, followed by Todoroki and Bakugou, whilst you and Kakashi fought your way towards your adviser's position.

"What are you doing here?! Go back to Thirteen!" Your teacher exclaimed. You and Kakashi saw Aizawa hold off his own fair share of villains whose numbers have drastically been reduced, but still fairly plenty.

"You've heard what happened the last time we stayed still," You stated, before fighting your own group of enemies. "We will not do nothing." The sternness of your voice was not overlooked by Aizawa. He was about to reprimand you further, but something must have made him think otherwise, as he did not force you nor Kakashi to retreat the second time. Even with his eyes covered with the yellow goggles, you knew his eyes held some thought behind them; a trip to a memory lane, perhaps?

And then finally, you felt it-- the source of the Killing Intent. Weak, but it's there.

"So, it's only the villains that ended up scattered. Kurogiri failed. Where even is he? This is not part of the plan," There was a pale man in black with muted blue hair, staring at your distracted teacher in such distress, as he aggressively scratched his neck. The most off-putting feature about him was how he's covered in well-preserved hands, wearing them like grotesque accessories. You've yet to figure out if that aspect of his appearance has something to do with his quirk. "This ended up as an RPG instead. Too many bad endings. Not good."

So that's him. The leader of the entire operation, and their portal, Kurogiri, was planning on dispersing all of you to be ambushed in different zones. To which he failed.

Soon enough, the unnamed man seemed to have calmed before engaging with Aizawa, joining the rest of his army. He looked too lax for your liking despite his plan not going his way, yet his hasty and desperate movements did not miss your sight.

Ah, well, you'll aid Eraserhead after you deal with your share of villains. You trust that he wasn't called a Pro Hero for nothing.

Though, whilst evading a roundhouse kick from one of your many assaulters, you noticed how their leader grabbed a fistful of Aizawa's scarf which made parts of it deteriorate into dust-- the same kind of dust that formed a pile on the school's security gates. Disintegration quirk by touch, huh? Dangerous.

You kept a watchful eye on the leader, afterwards, making sure that he wouldn't land any lethal touches on Aizawa. Their battle was a long and draining one, unlike yours and Kakashi's which was swift and effective.

While both of their speeds were considered beyond average in this world, your (Mina's untrained) eyes can still follow their movements-- with the bluenet's hands outstretched for contact, whilst Aizawa focused on evading and attempting to incapacitate his opponent.

After exactly twenty seconds passed, the man made an attempt to touch Aizawa's face, but only managed to land all his fingers on the noiret's goggles, which disintegrated on his touch, leaving Eraserhead's red eyes exposed.

Of course, his lackeys took advantage of this, now that Aizawa can no longer hide where, or rather who, he was looking at. Nevertheless, he still maneuvered to effectively incapacitate them, though with a bit more of difficulty compared to before. It was really only their leader who was a threat in their group.

"Don't overdo it now, Eraserhead!"

However, after the next seventeen seconds, the decay quirk-user managed to grab Aizawa's elbow mid-strike, causing his outer skin to crumble, to which the noiret retaliated by punching him.

Okay, that was too much of a close call. You can tell that fatigue was starting to catch up on your adviser; either his stamina was at its limit or it was his quirk's. You and Kakashi need to aid him now, if you wish to not have future casualties; you're sure three of your other classmates can hold their own from here.

"Kaminari!" Catching the blond's attention, you then performed Konoha's sign language for further instructions.


The Konoha Sign Language was designed to be subtle—you can either make it look like actual hand signals to allies, or make it look like mannerisms that can easily be overlooked if you're an outsider. Hence, you don't really worry for anyone, other than your receiver, to notice.

Just as you were about to approach Aizawa's and the leader's brawl, a muscular monstrosity suddenly intercepted and grabbed the hero's head and arm, before slamming him down on the ground. The creature crushed your teacher's arm like it was a toothpick, whilst creating a crater on the pavement he was lying motionlessly on.

What the hell is that? Is that some kind of quirk?

"Meet the Anti-Symbol of Peace. The bio-engineered Noumu."

Ah, you should've expected this. This world is a world basically filled with unique kekkei genkais that Orochimaru would love to harvest like fresh produces. Quirks that are not unique by clan, but by individual. It's absolute paradise for megalomaniac psychopaths like the Snake Sannin.

In this world, there ought to be an Orochimaru equivalent, and you're either looking at the actual equivalent or the benefactor of that said equivalent.

"I suggest you yield," You warned, before engaging in a hand-to-hand combat with the masked man; his amused red eyes being the only thing you can see behind the disembodied hand covering his face.

Meanwhile, Kakashi distracted the noumu away from Aizawa.

At first, the man was amused with your 'foolish' bravery in the naïve thinking you can take him on. However, he was quick to realize that you were gradually getting faster and harder to keep track off, the more he entertained the obvious one-sided fight.

The point of the fight was to intimidate him through the huge skill gap; easily tapping on his weak points as a wordless warning of what you can do.

To think he was already having difficulty with low-chuunin level.

But of course, it sounds a lot difficult executing just low-chuunin level than it sounds. Specifically, the difficulty in masking your actual skill sets; opposing to what your elite jounin instincts want you to do.

You were already starting taking precautions by removing all make-shift senbon needles from those three thieves back in the shopping incident; left with only barely visible puncture wounds, cauterized by electricity, courtesy by Kakashi. You were just lucky that the authorities didn't look into the criminals' injuries further, and accepted it in face-value. If you start throwing your supplied needles with deadly accuracy now, Aizawa would start asking questions you'd rather not answer.

Having had enough (and perhaps alarmed of the losing battle), your 'sparring' partner created distance between you, before calling out for his abomination.

"Get rid of her!"


Kakashi, who was busy using the noumu's misdirected strikes on villains, was then alerted at how quickly the creature moved to its master's aid. Realizing it can't be injured during his earlier attempts was one thing, but learning the fact that the noumu only produces terrifying performance if his master orders it to is another. He wonders why that is to be so.

And he figured: the noumu is entirely dependent on its master's orders to function properly. The only reason why it wasn't taking his death seriously was because the man didn't say anything to remove him from the picture.

This thing has no thoughts of its own. It may be made out of human remains, but Kakashi already knows that it's no longer human.

And perhaps, it's best if they don't treat it as a human.

Now acknowledging the actual danger level of the noumu, Kakashi hastily pocketed his book and signed to you in alarm, the moment you dodged the creature's heavy punch:

Jounin level--Chakra--Permitted

Eyeing your passed out teacher and your busy classmates, you did not hesitate to move as ordered.


Midoriya Izuku eyed the battle below with morbid curiosity and fascination, next to Thirteen, his indistinct mumbling distracting him from what he should logically do and told to do: retreat. But can you blame him, really?

He wanted to be a hero. All Might believed in him to be capable, and it took ten months of training to see improvement. Then, there's his classmates, Kaminari and Ashido, who witnessed a gruesome crime a few days ago, and suddenly became the fighters who equaled Kacchan in more ways than one. Perhaps, dare Izuku even say it, better than Kacchan. To think they started as deadlasts.

Needless to say, it was disheartening.

He guessed that some people are born talented, with some having to need a driving purpose to awaken that talent. Midoriya got to where he is through grueling hard work, whilst Kaminari and Ashido got to where they are through talent and hard work, because there is no way they can improve that much through hard work nor talent, alone. Then again, was their kind of improvement realistic? Two days and they suddenly become Class 1-A's top fighters? It doesn't make sense, but...

Is it right to think like that? Should he undermine his classmates' efforts just because he doesn't believe they can achieve much in such a short amount of time?

It doesn't feel right...

It's like he's justifying that he isn't as good as them, because they may have cheated through their training. He shouldn't be envious. In fact, he shouldn't be comparing himself to them at all. Who knows? Maybe they have always been able to fight like that, but simply never took their classes seriously. After all, it's possible they're only physically inclined, but still lacking on the academic department.

The freckled boy watched as you swiftly evaded another blow from the creature, before seeing you retrieve something from your uniform's sleeve that glinted in the light, then throwing it at the huge mass of muscle. He didn't know what you threw as he was too far to see it properly, however, like he observed earlier with Kaminari's attempts to hurt it, he's sure that the creature had no problems recovering.

You and the noumu were too fast for his eyes to follow, and the next thing he knows, Kaminari appeared beside him and Thirteen, with Aizawa-sensei's body in his arms. How the blond can carry a grown man was beyond him.

"Yo, I'm pretty sure you're instructed to retreat. But since you're here, get Aizawa-san out of here, hm?" Kaminari laid his teacher's body on the ground, with Thirteen only gawking at the state of their fellow co-worker.

"K-Kaminari-san, you should--" Thirteen didn't even finish, when the masked blond only saluted, before diving back to the mess downstairs, leaving the two individuals to handle Aizawa's well-being.

Wordlessly, Thirteen carried Eraserhead's torso in resignation from the blond's antics, with Midoriya complying on carrying the noiret's legs, before heading outside to where his classmates are anxiously waiting at.

Midoriya wanted to do something in the fight, but with his quirk's uncontrollable power, he's nothing but a liability if he were to be involved.

He can only do nothing but watch from the sidelines.

Only for now, Izuku promised to himself.


Preparing the next batch of make-shift senbon needles on the gaps of your fingers, you ducked under the noumu's hand, before throwing your projectiles; landing successfully on its offensive arm. Predict; not aim-- that's how you deal with opponents faster than you.

With its thick muscles, you had to make the extra effort to push the needles in after throwing to be effective; to render it useless. Despite the harsher approach in your attacks than your usual, the noumu does not express pain; only beastly roars that emphasizes its inhumanity.

The creature was fast; faster than this body; faster than your current eyes. The only thing that's keeping you from being torn apart by its brute strength was your evasion speed through chakra. Though consequentially, this body's muscles weren't conditioned to endure heavy doses of the chakra you give to enhance it. You can already feel mild sprains erupting from your body's over-performance. If this were to last longer, you may rip a muscle or two.

Once throwing the final sets of senbon and embedding it on the creature's neck, you expected its body to slack uncoordinated, or perhaps fall unconscious. You didn't expect it to remain in fighting condition.

You horrifically learned that the noumu's arm, you threw needles at earlier, was empty of the said weapons. Instead, the projectiles were lying on the ground uselessly; not a puncture wound visible on the abomination's limb. Soon enough, the same could be said for its neck.

It can regenerate.

This thing has an entirely new anatomy altogether.

You realized this too late, when your body was not prepared to maneuver away from the creature's killing blow. Building up chakra within your arms, you crossed your appendages to absorb the blow, and hope that you would only suffer mild bone fractures.

However, you only felt your weight shift and the air whisk around you, as you were carried off a distance away from the experimental horror. You did not need to look at your rescuer to know it was your partner.

You also did not need to look at Kakashi to know he's furious; his golden eyes glaring at the head of the entire operation.

Letting you land on your feet, Kakashi was about to lunge towards the masked man's direction, but his line of sight was blocked by the noumu who stood in front of its master protectively.

"It just comes to show, no matter how skilled you are, you're no match for brute strength that overrides your every attempt to harm it," The pale man stated, walking towards the creature's side, before patting it.

Grasping for Kakashi's sleeve, you spoke lowly for your next move.

"Kakashi, hold on, I can quickly think of a plan, just let me--"

"There's no time." He interrupted, his dominant hand now coated with a humming yellow. There were no chirps of a thousand birds; instead, there was only the mellow sound of buzzing electricity. Its power was not as sporadic as the typical lightning affinity; it was tamed. Less powerful, but more precise. Lethal, nonetheless.

Before you could even stop him, Kakashi already bolted towards the man; his bastardized version of the chidori readied for his intent to kill.

And immediately, you followed.

"I thought you kids were smart." The man sneered, before telling his noumu to neutralize the both of you. The abomination lunged.

It all went in slow motion.

Kakashi expertly dodged the noumu's advance by sliding under it, as you went over it, using its back as a platform to step on to amplify your speed. The man's crimson eyes widened when he realized that the boy was not aiming for the experiment, but rather for him.

His minute Killing Intent was easily overlapped by a vengeful jounin's.

By the time the noumu managed to set its footing, it was already too late, as Kakashi's hand would've already reached its master's heart...

If only you didn't tackle your partner away from his target.

Wide heterochromatic eyes did not miss the entire spectacle.


Kakashi Hatake is normally cool, calm, and level-headed. He usually deals with situations logically, and wouldn't let himself act impulsively. He's sharp, efficient, and plans his next moves-- contingency plans after contingency plans. The only bad contingency plan is one you need but never thought of, a mantra he tells himself whenever on-field.

However, there's one exemption where this behavior falters; the priority of his comrades.

The Copy Cat Nin would risk anything for his allies; especially for the lives entrusted to him. The last Hatake hates losing people, but if there's anything he hates more than losing fellow shinobi, it's promises. Why? Because it's more personal. And it's universal knowledge that Kakashi is not well-inclined with his emotions.

Kakashi Hatake hates, hates promises; he broke more than he kept. Even still, he kept making them; kept promising for his loved ones when they ask of him.

Because he loves his precious people more than he hates the promises he makes for them.

Kakashi... Look out for Rin and (Y/n) with my sharingan for me, yeah?

Kakashi... Take care of (Y/n) for me and Obito.

Kakashi, you're one of (Y/n)-chan's few precious people, so be there for her, 'ttebane!

So imagine his reaction when your safety and his promises were threatened by the unnamed man-- the man whose name Kakashi wishes to know from a carved grave.

Using Kaminari's quirk with his chakra sticking it on his hand, he made a dash for the leader's torso.

However, the assassination was interrupted when you suddenly appeared right in front him, and all at once, he wasn't there anymore.

He's in a forest in the outskirts of Konoha. He was-- no, they were running from Kirigakure nin. And then, they stopped. Kakashi fought off the Kiri shinobi to protect.

Protect Rin.

But, it was too late.

When he performed chidori mid-strike, Rin suddenly jumped in front of him. He felt her rib cage cave on his arm; the blood gush from the wound he caused. She died in front him. He killed her.

Her wide eyes were looking at him.

(Stop looking at me!)

Then red, red, redredred--

(She's bleeding!)

Get off, get off, getoffgetoffgetoff--

(The blood won't come off!)

"Ka... kashi..."

Kakashi was still. He didn't feel his wrist being grabbed; the back of his jacket being yanked away.


Someone is calling for him. Why is it suddenly cold?


The blond slowly blinked, and then he wasn't in Konoha's forest anymore. Rin wasn't in front of him; you are. But... you look different. You're pink... with sunglasses.

Ah... He's not anywhere in the Elemental Nations. He's in somewhere called Japan, within UA-- the USJ.

He's Kakashi Hatake in Kaminari Denki's body and you're (Y/n) Uchiha in Ashido Mina's body. He was about to kill someone and you stopped him. And now, you're kneeling in front of him, unharmed; safe.


"Yo." He finally replied back, his eyes creasing and mask tilting from his forced smile.

"Are you okay?" You lamely asked, before standing up and offering him a hand.

"Why wouldn't I be?" The jounin flippantly dodged your question, before accepting your hand. Observing his surroundings, he suddenly has a lot of questions.

There's a giant iceberg in the middle of the field and there's a blond, muscular man fighting the noumu. Looking at you, he was wordlessly inquiring you what happened during his... episode.


You told Kakashi how as soon as you forced him away from the masked man, Todoroki shielded the both of you with his ice, with All Might's arrival following right after.

During your explanation, you can't help but observe your partner's facial expressions for anything off, but with years of his ANBU training, it was proven to be difficult.

Stupid. You felt so stupid. You knew how Kakashi felt about a comrade appearing in front of him with his signature move; you made him relive one of his greatest trauma. While it was necessary to prevent Kakashi killing anyone and fall into legal trouble, you couldn't help but think that you may have approached your resolve better.

Kakashi may act nonchalant now, but if there's one thing he fears, it's confrontation. Kakashi was, is, and unfortunately, always will be a coward. Emotions were never his strong suit; he always keeps it all in because he doesn't know how to express himself. Instead, he numbs himself through bloodshed and hopes that he perfects his mask once he returns from his suicidal missions during his ANBU years.

While Team 7 and the closure from the Fourth Shinobi War bettered that habit, it still doesn't erase the years of guilt he piled on his shoulders. The ghosts may have passed but their touch still lingered.

It may be subtle, but you knew your partner best.

There are times you catch him in a hurry to die.

And you don't know how to help him.

A strong shockwave snapped you out of your thoughts, and by the time you looked at All Might's direction, the noumu was nowhere in sight. The cracked dome was your only clue on where it could've ended up in.

But the Symbol of Peace looked worn out. In fact, you can tell he was bluffing when he was riling the masked man to attack him and hope for him to surrender instead. Intimidation was all All Might had left.

If you didn't know how to read facial expressions or call out bluffs from your infiltration and spy training, you wouldn't bat an eye. However, you knew enough. And it looks like your classmates didn't know any better to do anything. Looks like it was up to you.

Besides, you have a bone to pick with the man in charge, after what your partner had been through.

Charging your legs with chakra, you lunged towards the masked man, catching everyone off guard. The man reacted accordingly and reached out with his hands. You happened to have a theory regarding his quirk after watching his fight with Aizawa.

The scarf. The goggles. Aizawa's elbow.

All three required him to use all fingers.

First is a coincidence. Second is a pattern. Third is a confirmation.

Expertly dodging his hands, you willed your hands to excrete Mina's acid quirk and then--


You burnt both his hands' pinky fingers, before hitting his vagus nerve, knocking him unconscious.

Then the rest of the heroes arrived.

And like that, the USJ incident was over.


"Looks like they're all unharmed." The detective announced regarding the students, before your classmates chattered among themselves. Naturally, you and Kakashi excluded yourselves from their conversations.

It turns out it was only Aizawa and All Might who had critical injuries, with the rest being fine.

"Huh, you guys were smart to rid of the teleportation-user," Sansa, one of the detectives, stated seriously. "Otherwise, you guys would've ended up in quite a pickle."

(Holy shit, he's a guy with the head of a cat).

"Yeah! Mina and Kaminari knocked him out before he even got the chance to finish his speech!" Kirishima exclaimed, whilst you and Kakashi tried not to react much to the follow-up reactions of your classmates.

"It was so badass!" Sero.

"It was kinda sexy, not gonna lie." Mineta.

"And I looked fabulous!" ... The Sparkly Guy what's-his-name.

"Really now?" Tsukauchi glanced at where the students were darting their praises, and his line of sight landed on the pinkette and the blond.

"We couldn't stand still after what we experienced." You confidently uttered out, as Tsukauchi analyzed the two of you with careful eyes.

"And according to witnesses, you also knocked out the leader."


"It appears that they became more prepared after that incident in the convenient store incident," Nezu (the principal, you were surprised to learn) subverted the detective's attention, which had you exhale a sigh.

In the end, you acknowledged that the League of Villains, along with their leader, Shigaraki Tomura, and his subordinate, Kurogiri, were captured. The last two will be imprisoned in Tartarus.

Meanwhile, you chose to ignore Bakugou's glare, whilst Kakashi ignored Todoroki's stare.


You guys returned to the main campus to retrieve your things. You're all ready to go home after what transpired today, and no doubt, you felt drained-- both physically and emotionally.

None of your classmates were willing to talk much due to the shock, and some were probably considerate about talking to you about it, but you're sure they'll address the incident actively the next day. For now, you'll relish their somewhat silence.

Right now, you were waiting for Kakashi to exit the men's restroom, thinking of answers for any questions the teachers may throw at you (if they ever will, that is). Plus, you still haven't addressed what you wanted to talk about with Aizawa to clear his suspicions. You'll just have to wait for his recovery before you can move to phase two of this whole 'Trauma Plot'; whenever that is.

"Yo, I'm done." Kakashi exited the school CR, both his hands in his pockets. Pushing yourself off the wall, you glanced at the edge of his wrists, noting how red his hands' skin was, despite doing his best in hiding them.

You chose not to say anything.

Later that day, the escorts of Shigaraki and Kurogiri were sabotaged. The prisoners never made it to Tartarus; neither did the police officers guarding them.


Also now you're starting to see the fruits of brainwashing and ingrained patriotism propaganda in Konoha, especially that you were born during war period. Im not saying konoha is bad but its not innocent either, along with the rest of the villages. No one is addressing theyre sending kids to war im sobbing for their mental health

Obviously, its not healthy, and Kakashi is not the love interest to solve that flaw of yours. Can you guess who tho? Btw, you benefit from each love interest-- each of them has traits that can either balance or solve your flaw, as you do to them. That way, each of your love interests have something different to offer than the other and you have different reasons to be attracted to them.

Hey, it's okay to criticize my work. If you have any concerns regarding any plot holes that I missed or perhaps a detail I forgot, feel free to point it out. I won't mind. Unless, I actually have an explanation behind whatever you point out. Also this may not be a crack fic anymore because i took it too seriously

Question: what are your opinions on Shisui Uchiha?

In case you don't know/forgot who he is, he's the one who ripped his own fucking eye out and gave it to Itachi before committing suicide by jumping off on Naka river. He's also Itachi's best friend.

He's honestly my favorite Uchiha—the only Uchiha who didn't laugh like a psycho after acquiring the mangekyo sharingan. Plus, he has a sense of humor. Like what a feat for an Uchiha, right? He's the true MVP. I get that people sleep in different ways, like some sleep on their backs, some sleep on their sides, but I don't appreciate people sleeping on Shisui Uchiha. Yall missing out on his underrated ass. I made that mistake once; dont be past!me.

He's definitely a love interest in konoha; your past in the other book. I honestly cant wait to write your past with him. Its sad, but definitely as wholesome as shinobi romance can get.


Thirteen: Kaminari, what you're doing is dangerous, you can get killed

Kaminari/Kakashi: Ok but what if i want to get killed?

Thirteen: Okay, hey listen...


Kakashi: (Y/n) is the anchor of my life. She grounds me and tells me when and when not to kill necessarily, she is the embodiment of my self-control and

Shigaraki: Haha noumu go grrr

Kakashi: you're fucking dead to me wrinkle man


(Y/n): I care for my teammate. Kakashi is dependable and I wouldn't want him to be hurt whether physically or mentally because he has already suffered enough and

Also (Y/n): Haha chidori go tweet tweet

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