Part 10

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Hey guys am back , so updates hell yes am going to be regular from today and am damn happy lying on the bed is the last stupid thing I would ever do lying simply .

Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Happy reading.

Parth pov – today it was amazing I don't know what happened to me , the new girl ignored parth malhotra come on , no one dared to ignore my looks , but this new girl umm she is something , I need to deal with her , but later now my aim is diary and sits beside the tree in his college .


Manik pov – this soha , I never knew she would fall so low , and my nandini what was her fault being innocent and truthful is that a sin , that she is like this the no I wont let people take advantage of it, for my sake she didn't tell truth and I will not let her get punished for my stupidity .

Manik glares angrily at soha – soha if you don't want your dirty works to be out then go and take your complain back and ask nandini sorry ?

Soha folds her arms – and what made you think I would do that manik ??

Manik towers over her and holds her cheeks angrily – you and me know how stupid is our principal right ??

Soha glares at him

Manik holds her cheeks more tightly – say yes / no

Soha hisses in pain – yes

Manik – then what will happen , if I tell him that you copied all these years from me?

Soah widens her eyes , manik was smirking

Soah – you would not dare to that ?

Manik – trust me i wont back out from destroying you .

Soha – I will not leave you manik

Manik angrily – you are under my mercy right now ?

Soha – if I tell him , you will also get suspended

Manik laughs at her – let it , I have my family buissness I don't think if I get suspended it would create much difference ,and trust me you don't know who I am ?

Soha – who are you ? a bloody commoner

Manik – tch tch tch ask your dad , does he knows anyone by name malhotra

Soha then widens her eyes , her father's words strike her that malhotra's are famous for their buissness over all india and they are thinking of expanison over abroad and his father is trying his luck to become partners with them.

Soha pov – no I cant let dad's buissness ruin down , I will take care of nandini later, that means dad was asking me to impress this manik so that dad can expand his buissness, oh shit I should have trapped him in my love when I had chance , but it does not mean am gonna leave him I will first try to improve my iamge infront of him , then I will wipe this nandini away from him .

Soha mutters – ok I will take my complaint back

Manik – cant hear

Soha roars – I will take my complaint back , cant you hear?

Manik – who is in charge right now ?and raises his eye brows to her

Soha – am sorry

Manik – you better be

Manik then holds her hand and drags her to the principal office

Manik – now listen soha , I want nandini out of principal's cabin with in 5 minutes , if she wont come out I promise you that I will be inside and what will happen over there I wont be responsible you will later regret your words and actions.

Soha nods

Manik – understood

Soha – yes

Manik – ok go now , your five minutes start now

Soha then enters principal's room , five minutes passed away and here manik was raging in anger

Manik – no I cant wait anymore

Manik was gonna enter the principal's office , then he saw nandini coming out of the room , behind her was soha who was coming out glaring at nandini

Manik immedieatly hugs her

Manik – are you ok ?

Nandini does not reciprocate his hug , ignores his question .

Soha - we should love and give attention to people those who are worth of it , no to usless scoundrels .

Manik – you don't want me to open your deeds chit right ?

Soha walks away from there

Manik – nandini and cups her face

Nandini does not looks at him , but her tears were visible to him

Manik joins their forehead – nandini please am sorry , next time onwards am not gonna do anything like that , please don't give me the silent treatment I cant bear it .

Nandini walks away

Manik sighs , but the a hand appears on his shoulder , manik turns back to find cabir

Manik – cabir

Cabir – so we have to cool her anger , I have a way

Manik eagerly – what ?

Cabir whispers something in his ear

Hearing that manik widens his eyes – no I cant do

Cabir – for nandini

Manik – I will do it

Cabir pats manik's cheeks – good boy

Manik swats cabir's hand away

Cabir – ok then see you in the evening and remember my plan

Manik – its not possible for me

Cabir glares at him – you donkey when am telling listen to my words you will be benifited at the end .ignore nandini don't meet her .

Manik mutters- ok , god help me


Nandini pov – where is manik , I thought manik will later visit me in lunch , but he didn't did I behave with him very badly ? I didn't mean like that where is he ?did he have his lunch and his room lights are also off, is he at home atleast ?

Nandini widens her eyes the next moment when she sees manik's room curtain slowly being opened , there she saw both manik and cabir , and manik was sitting on paino , and cabir was holding a mouth organ


Manik – cabir , what if I

Cabir pissed – then I think some other guy will win her , marry her and their children will ca;ll you uncle then don't get your crying ass over to me

Manik – no

Manik takes a deep breathe – ok I can do it for nandini

Cabir – 3,2,1

Manik – nandini I am sorry

Then manik starts playing the piano and starts singing , nandini was lost in his voice , it was smooth like velvet yet his emotions were shown and those lines she felt those were directed to her .


Nandini was shocked by this , seeing no reaction from her manik was now heart broken

Cabir palms his face – oh god , I don't want my child's in-laws to be sloth like them , I dont know if am gonna have girl , but if have a girl them am sure I will have grandchildren when my daughter will be 35-40 , oh shit!!!!!!!!!! I will be 75 by then

Manik – am sorry with tears in his eyes

Nandini gasped when she saw tears in his eyes .

Nandini shouts – manik I forgive you

Hearing this manik shots his head towards her – really

Nandini nods- but at one condition

Manik – am ready to do anything

Nandini – not now, but tomorrow morning come soon I will tell you

Manik with gleam in his eyes – yes

Cabir – finally sorted

Manik – good night nandini

Nandini – good night manik

Cabir shouts – guys , my name is cabir and am 23 years hi and waves but shuts up , when he saw nandini looking at him like he is an alien and manik was glaring at him

Cabir – am sleepy good night bye and walks away from the room

Manik – nandini its late , you had dinner

Nandini – yes you

Manik (lies)- yes

Nandini – sure

Manik – 100./. and shows her a thumbs up .

Nandini – thanks

Manik – for ?

Nandini then plays with her hair – you know , from getting suspended

Manik – nandini I will never leave you

Nandini with tears –am sorry

Manik – nandini what happen ? why are you crying?

Nandini- I hurt you

Manik – when ?

Nandini – prinicpal's office

Manik – no you don't need to

Nandini – no manik please let me speak , I was scared that if sir will suspend you then you would leave me I would become alone like I was before , am sorry I was delusional with my thoughts , I had fear that I will loose you and sobs.

Manik pov – oh my god nandini I would never leave you and you will never loose me.

Manik – nandini you know , what I want to do now , I wana hug you and push those tears back , even am sorry

Nandini – why ?

Manik – because of me you were

Nandini – manik you know

Manik – hmm

Nandini – soha

Manik sighs – I know I did wrong with her

Nandini- no ,I understood that if you don't stand up for yourself then the world will crush you beneath its feet ,and I promise that from today onwards I would fight for myself , its nandini's promise to you .

Manik smiles at her

Nandini- and last but not least I liked her hair cut and laughingly closes her window door and sleeps with a contented smile on her lips

Manik rubs his nape – silly girl

Cabir – silly boy

Manik turns to find cabir smirking – what the heck , you were eavesdropping on our conversation ?

Cabir stretches his words – kinnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddd offfffff

Manik pissed – am sleepy good night

Cabir – pari ho ya pariyoon ki rani hmmmmmm

Manik pov – but thanks to cabir .


Parth – wow

Voice – hey why did you close the diary I was reading

Parth shockingly look at his back to find the new girl – you

Girl blushing – oh am sorry I am sorry that I invaded your space but I wanted to ask you about office , then I saw you but you were busy in reading and I could not help myself from peeping

Parth pov – oh freak she looks so cuete like dadi

Parth rubs his nape – oh sorry I was kind off busy

Girl playing with her bag – I saw , the diary was interesting

Parth – oh , its my dadu's he actually wrote his love story and I could not help myself from reading it .

Girl – ohhh

Parth then forwards his hand – hi , am parth

Girl shakes with parth's hand – my name is ....................


Done with the update , silent readers please respond ,a nd guys no complain that this is small one , I have just recovered from the accident and I don't want to strain my hand much because I have to even attend my college and do college works , hope you all understand

How was the chappy ?

Few words for manik ?

Few words for parth /cabir ?

Few words for nandini ?

HEALTH TIP- so I have a question to everyone and I want answer to it ? by going on diet with salads does it help you to reduce your weight ?


It never helps you why ?lets think logically our human body catches flu with change in seasons then why cant your body undergo changes with change in your eating habits , if you are so interested in loosing weight then adapt to indian food ONLY , when you move to salads its good , but what you guys do you totally become dependant on it , then how do you expect your body to have carbohydrates and proeins which are required by our body for daily need and fruits and vegetables gives you vitamins ,fibres . then you will say it would break the fat content in your body and give you energy , is it ? no it doesnot your body would use your stored fats upto some extent then you will feel weak , you become lazy then you guys check your weight there it decrease but is it , no your immune system is getting weak .and i have seen one of my friend who tried this and after 20 days she was in hospital .

So guys if you agree with me then do say yes ,and I would give you indian food style tips to maintain your body weight and reduce it .do tell me I have huge list .


Next update on completion of 170 votes and 100 comments till that time no update and am serious.



Take care ,

Love you all,

Bye .

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