Part 11

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Enjoy the chappy ignore grammatical mistakes .

Happy reading .

Girl – my name is krisann

Parth – nice meeting you

krisann– woohhh am sorry , I was just passing and then I kind of

Parth – pepped into my dadu's diary .

Krisann – yes , can you share it with me I read almost

Parth – umm sure .

Both of them sit and read the diary


Manik pov- oh am dying to see my nandini's face last night her reaction and face was priceless , I even got foreign chocolates for her , today morning if found them in kitchen I promised cabir but now nandini is my priority .

Nandini taps his shoulders – manik good morning

Manik – hey good morning nandu

Nandini – what is that in your hand ?

Manik – oh these are chocolates I bought them for you

Nandini takes them – foreign

Manik – yes I had them in my house

Nandini – so sweet of you and hugs him , making all his nerves in body shake due to current

Manik hugs her back , but both soon break due to cabir's voice

Cabir – enough of roo, I mean hugging guys , some one hug me

Manik rolls his eyes

Nandini – good morning cabir

Cabir – good morning nandini , what are these ?

Nandini – oh manik bought chocolates for me

Cabir widens his eyes – foreign one and angrily looks at manik

Nandini – yes you can have them , I need to go to class see you guys in the lunch in canteen , today I have free class so they would leave me soon

Cabir – ya sure and picks one and bye

Nandini shyly – bye manik

Manik dreamily – bye

After nandini leaves cabir was also walking away

Manik – cabir where are you going ?

Cabir angrily – to hell

Manik – what happened to you ?

Cabir – come on you forgot that you even have cabir , and last night you told me you will give those foreign chocolates for me

Manik widens his eyes in realization – oh sorry I forgot dude , but chill I will give you treat

Cabir – no need

Manik – ok I need your help

Cabir – for what ?

Manik – actually today nandini's classes are going to end soon and ours are gonna extend

Cabir folds his arms – soooooooooo

Manik – I need to escape from class to meet her

Cabir smirking – but am not helping you and runs away from there

Manik – shit this guy , now I have to sit in class till 1 to see nandini

Manik groans and walks towards his class , the whole class manik was doddling nandini's name on his book with flowers and meadows around her name .

Manik pov – oh god ,when will the bell ring , its so boring and where is this cabir , he didn't attend any classes today


Manik jumps from his place in excitement , gaining attention from everyone this was not his usual behaviour , but manik didn't care he ran towards canteen only to turn into a volcano

Yes nandini was sitting with a guy beside her ,and both of them were laughing as the guy spoke something to her and other girl was also sitting beside them

Manik pov – who is the guy ? and how dare he sit beside her and where the hell is this cabir when he didn't attend any classes he could have sat with nandini right idiot

Cabir from back pats manik's shoulders – hey bro

Manik pissed – why didn't you attend the classes ?

Cabir – you missed me , but sorry I didnt miss you

Manik – I know that , but why didn't you sit with nandini

Cabir – I was with her , but went to get some drinks for her

Manik angrily- then why is that guy sitting beside her

Cabir – ohh he is harshad , nandini's class mate and their the girls he is navya and looks at her dreamily

Manik – I need your help to kick that guy

Cabir snaps his head at him – sorry but am not helping

Manik angrily – why ?because I didn't give you chocolates chill cabir I will give you a big treat with foreign chocolates is that ok for you ?

Cabir – nooo

Manik – then what do you need ?

Cabir – nothing

Manik – ok am sorry and I need your help please

Cabir – no dude because I like that girl navya

Manik – so why cant you help me , instead we both will be benifited right

Cabir – no bro ,you will be benifited not me

Manik – how ?

Cabir – because harshad is my brother in law

Manik shouts – what

Cabir – that guy beside nandini , and the girl navya is his sister so you got it right what do I mean ?

Manik widens his eyes – so you will not help me

Cabir – sorry bro but this time you need to help yourself

Cabir pov – sorry bro but this time I want you to confess your feeling to nandini , and I know you love her

Cabir walks away from there ,and back manik was following him with a tensed face

Nandini – manik

Manik – hi nandini

Nandini – manik meet my new friends

Cabir – no nandini ,first let manik sit and I will do the introduction

Manik glares at cabir ,who was evily smirking at him

Manik pov – I wont leave you cabir , I will kill you .

Cabir – manik meet harshad and navya both are twins class mate to our dear nandu

Manik with a fake smile – hello

Harshad – hey bro and extends his hands

Manik pov – idiot

Manik shakes hand with harshad and holds it tightly , cabir saw it

Harshad pov- oww my hand

Cabir – umm manik you had lunch

Manik – no

Cabir pov – now the fun begins

Cabir – actually we all had so we planned to go and play carroms

Nandini pov – no , I thought of spending some alone time with manik , please cabir don't ruin my plans

Nandini immedieatly – no cabir I will not join you people

Manik pov- nandini does not want to leave me how cuete is it ?ah she will kill me with her cuteness

Cabir – arey no worry and drags nandini with him

Manik looks at nandini sadly

Cabir – bye manik , we will meet you later

Manik was sad , he was not having his lunch he was palying with the food , but one voice made him ahppy

Nandini – you should not play with food

Manik shocked – nandini you didnt go to play with them

Nandini – no how could I leave you alone , you supported me in tough times .

Manik happily – thanks I was getting bored

Nandini laughs at him – I knew now have your lunch .

Manik – nandini

Nandini – hmm

Manik – harshad

Nandini pov – he is insecure

Manik- he he

Nandini holds his hands – no need to be insecure , he is just my friend

Manik pov- thank god

Cabir pov – ok the fire is on both sides ,manik is jealous I will use this as weapon and take revenge and smirks at him .

Manik and nandini were happily chatting and laughing with each other .

Done with the chapter , silent readers please do respond .

For updates notification stay tuned to my ig account . the promo would be posted over there and one announcement I have completed editing this whole book , based up on yor response I would update.

Beauty tip –do you use soap in winter , but then your skin gets dry after using it ? I have a solution for it don't use soap then what to use ?

Check my ig account - @annonymous_writer_ for the tip

Promo – posted on ig account and ig readers please don't reveal it here .

Next chapter on completion of 170 votes and 70 comments

Few words for the chappy ?

Few words for manik ?

Few words for nandini?

Few words for cabir ?

Who all thought it as niti sorry guys ?


Love you all

Bye .


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