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The next day, at lunch, Syd was sitting beside her new friends, Sookie, Soul, and Yuki. They were gossiping about the boys.

"Though, I think Sam tried to kill someone." Said Sookie, as she ate her baloney sandwich, "I've always felt uncomfortable around him, Taurtis is fine though." She continued. Soul spoke next.

"He has been breaking into other people's houses." She agreed. Syd was uncertain about what Soul and Sookie were saying. Sam, killing and breaking into people's houses? That's unbelievable! She sat up.

"No! Sam would never do any of that!" She shouted at them. Sookie, Soul, and Yuki looked at each other.

"Why not go ask him yourself?" Said Yuki, pointing to the table where Sam, Taurtis, and J sat. Syd looked over and shook her head. "Maybe later." She decided and continued eating her lunch.

*Time Skip*

After school, everyone was going to the mall, Syd decided to go too. She found Sam, Taurtis, Salex, and Invader, and decided to hang out with them. She had found the courage to ask Sam about what Sookie and Soul said.

"Hey Sam?" She squeaked, he turned his head to look at her, "Did you really kill someone?" She asked. His eyes widened In shock, "No! I would never kill, why would you ask that!" He yelled. Syd never saw Sam this angry, she sighed.

"Sookie said you did, but I don't want to believe her." She told him. He calmed down and smiled at her, "My girlfriend just loves to goof around." He said. Syd frowned and continued walking to the mall. She didn't know that Sam had a girlfriend, she thought he was single. She was wrong. They came across a stand, at the front, with a cat with one eye.

"5 yen fortunes!" She shouted to us. Sam and Taurtis got this stupid idea to try it out, while Invader told Salex and Syd how she met Sam, Syd couldn't help feeling annoyed that Invader thought Sam was her Bf. She learned from Sam that he didn't even like Invader, but he never told her.

"Do you have 5 yen, Taurtis?" She heard Sam ask. Taurtis shook his head. Invader stepped up and paid the one-eyed purple cat, "I got this." She said. Sam thanked her, even if he didn't want to, and walked up to her.

"Is anyone here going to get hit by a car?" He asked.

"Yes." She answered. They all widened their eyes in horror.Someone is going to get hit by a car! She wasn't done, "The spirits say it's most likely a female." Sam and Taurtis looked at Syd, Salex, and Invader. Syd was terrified. Sam turned back to the fortune teller.

"Who specifically?" He demanded. She shook her head, "I need more yen." She said. Sam rolled his eyes and handed her more yen.

"Their fur is soft and smooth." She confirmed. "Oh no!" Syd yelped. She and Salex both have soft fur, while Invader has very patchy and rough fur. Sam and Taurtis looked at them.

"Rabbit boy." She yelled, Sam turned his head to her, "You will make the biggest mistake of your life, stay home, tonight!" They all stared at her in disbelief, Sam glared at her.

"I am not going to stand around and hear that my friends are going to get hit by a car!" He shouted and walked away, followed by his friends. They spent the rest of the day hanging out at the mall and then decided to go out and eat before they went home. It was a small restaurant, Sam told Invader to sit at a different table and told Syd to sit by him. She accepted, settling beside him, blushing. CrabManCarl came over.

"What would you four like?" He asked. Sam got a milkshake, Taurtis got their 'finest' crab, Salex got some ramen, Syd also got ramen, while Invader got some breadsticks. Syd noticed that there was someone standing behind the bush beside their table, it was Dom, the school bully. She tried to ignore him. While they were waiting, Sam got up and, for some reason, sniffed Sookie's hair, who was sitting behind them with Yuki and PowerDragon. Syd was confused by this, so was Taurtis and Salex, she thought it was weird and unnecessary, but she didn't say anything. CrabManCarl came back.

"I got your food." He said. None of them got what they asked for, though. Sam got Tauritos and Mt. Dew, Taurtis got fish, and Salex and Syd got Doritos. Not what they expected but they ate it anyway. Invader went crazy because she was allergic to garlic on her breadsticks. Sam and Taurtis tried to give her Tauritos, but she's also allergic to nacho cheese. Sam just ignored her.

"Hey, you should go confront Dom." Said Taurtis. Syd wasn't sure about that.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." She said. Taurtis looked at her and reassured her.

"It's going to be fine." Syd believed him and nodded. Sam walked to the other side of our table. He went to punch Dom.

"You just punched the wrong person, dude." Said Taurtis. Syd noticed that Sam had punched PrimeGamer, not Dom.

"What the?" Yelped Prime. Dom jumped to the other side.

"I heard you went to jail, nerd, I bet you cried like a baby." Syd widened her eyes, Sam went to jail? She stared at Sam, waiting for his protest.

"Yeah! What a loser!" Shouted Prime. Syd glared at him, "Shut up, Prime!" She hissed, "If you don't I'll claw your eyes out!" She showed him her sharpened claws and flattened her ears. Prime backed away, whimpering. Syd smiled and turned back to Sam.

"Cried like a baby? Pssh! I joined a gang, bro!" He faced Dom.

"The pansie gang!" Spat Dom. Sam glared, "Let's see who's a real pansy! You think you're so tough, huh? Then I double dog dare to stay at the school at night!"

"Well if I'm staying, you're staying, whoever stays to longest, is the true man, and deserves Invader!" Growled the white tiger. Sam turned his head to him.

"I'm down bro!" He decided. Dom left and started walking to the exit.

"Are you still going to pay for the food?" Asked FishKingFreddy. They paid for their food and left. Taurtis and Sam haven't forgotten about the fortunes so Taurtis walked across the street with Salex and Sam did the same with Syd, keeping an eye out for cars. Invader, who became blind by the nacho cheese, was, blindly, crossing the street with them. They started heading toward the school to stay the night.

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