Sample N art the clown

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So back to where I left off sort of well not really left off but my idea of what will happen more

I fixed a spelling error that made no sense

anyways he's been putting A façade on for possible years of what he truly feels and he is soon about to let it all out at once So he decided to watch her run and well after he got out everything goes as canon like how V said how she wants to practice animal shapes with her and etc. and while everything goes as canon and N goes to breaking and killed like every workers drone there and stabbed Uzi in the shoulder and said I really liked our Time together but you have to die now and well yeah

Also if you want to know what happened to the part where I like Uzi said when ever you're done with the job they'll scrap you and kill you which he knew exactly that's what the humans were doing so once he got back he was making sure they wouldn't be able to replace it by killing every human that ever tries to brutally in fact and put them in so much pain where humans would just avoid him like the plague and allow him to live his own normal life with whoever he wants at least that's his plan and perhaps this will keep two certain murder drones away from him if he's able to get them scraps you'll be more than happy to frame them

So anyways he was injected with a virus and everything else goes as Canon and even though he was going to die there and the murder drones was going to still keep his body to do the same thing they were doing with him but that was then his breaking point after that happened he got up even though he was infected with a virus but the virus went away because N destroyed it and it should be impossible because the virus that was made was supposed to stop any type of drone being able to destroy it but his mind is so destroyed and so twisted to the point where viruses are just afraid to even go into any part of his body it's that bad

So after that Uzi got up the same with our main character and she asked if he was OK and then he gave a huge smile like a even bigger one than the murder drones and she can tell he's lost his mind which whatever happened to him A long time ago affected him mentally

So our main character flied uzi to the site and he was just smiling while flying her there well he did have a frown for a little while but once he saw those two he was smiling again and shook his fingers in a slow wave motion

And after that they called him a traitor but in a few seconds he flew right at them grabbing them and sent him or slammed them right through the wall and he was strong is gotten way stronger at least like five times stronger than them they couldn't do anything their bodies was getting destroyed even whenever they both tried to attack him he fought back they were wondering why he's never fought back now they're understanding why he could easily kill them in less than five minutes

Uzi is watching in horror of what she is seeing so after they were heavily destroyed our main character grabbed a hold of J and literally started biting into her face when she started screaming in agony trying to get him off but he was too durable for any attack to hurt him then he ripped out her core and threw it to the side after that she shut down V washed in horror after he got off she saw the destroyed face and mutilated face of her friend And he pretty much did the same thing his body was covered in oil and then he did the same so then he looked at the course and put them together and he was going to step on them to destroy them until Tessa came along and went and/that our main character was he had a frown on again but then quickly smiled and put his hands in a wave motion they started fighting until Tessa asked in her mind what happened to you N she threw a smoke bomb knowing that she can't win it pretty much like does something with the brain or like the robot signal and he couldn't see anything it's kind of like an EMP actually it was but N was like just too strong for it now all it did was make him not able to see

So what Tessa did next was she grab the core's and went to her ship and well she sort of had a feeling something bad was going to happen and she had two drones there that looked exactly like V J and N so when she was starting to leave she put it inside of both of them there was also a name on it that said who the courts belong to as well so she knew so after she put them in they quickly got out and started brave looking over their body also perhaps our main character started to evolve where he started taking on farms of normal humans and learn the ability to sort of shape shift into some stuff that he considers scary

So they said I am alive and then after they saw Tessa they hugged her and said thank you so much if you weren't there who knows what would've happened then that's whenever they got a signal sort of from somewhere and they saw like the camera showing our main character and he was licking up with an evil grin and that's whenever he start a shape shifting into this one where cloud and had his fingers and waved it slowly as a goodbye

Then they heard a deep scary voice and it said your lives to me mean less than the letters in my name which obviously hurt the three of them because they've known N for years So after that happened they were still watching the camera while of the ship was being left open and then heat pulled out some sort of weird bag that suddenly showed up out of nowhere and it was like some sort of X and then he started chopping off limb after one of them and he started drinking the bodies oil which dismayed obviously two drums very uncomfortable because those were there old bodies then Tessa asked the computer what's the chances of J and V and her self taking down N then the computer said SD.N

chances of winning with all lives intact there's a 0% chance of survival even from the beginning before he lost his mind then it said powers and mortality able to survive losing his core regeneration strong enough to regenerate his court even if there's nothing left of it so telling him is the other question taking him alive you have just about a 3% which this shot them all that even from the very beginning they didn't even have a chance of defeating him they were all wondering more about our main character

So they asked personal questions about what he likes to do and his dislikes

And it said his likes are torture emulation manipulating people into doing what he wants thoughts about killing V J and Tessa for a long time blames them for what happened to him
He feels he is the superior race and thinks humans have been inferior than him for ever since he was created only ask like a normal drone for his own enjoyment and enjoys seeing them suffer

Dislikes being around J V and Tessa he's hated
V and J for a long time possibly a few years Tessa I have no idea I think he hates her with a passion either because she's human or he's just evil enough to just not even like her for no reason or just pretending to be friends just so he can destroy her and break her easier

Obviously this worked with the breaking her part because she can't believe it and J and V as well that N there was more to him than met the guy and they just couldn't see it they just couldn't see behind his façade that's whenever they realize that they don't know him like at all they've never talk to him enough to get to know him which made it easier for him to do really what ever he wants

Also it started to show up Pretty much like his whole idea sort of like if he was human because well let's just say His mind became so much human or became so much like a human to the point where even the computer considers him human which they shouldn't even be possible but he's prove to the three of them that even though he's a Drone he's now technically human the computer says it

Then says SD.N status dead/alive

Emotion type broken/pure evil

It showed his broken level and pure evil his pure evil level is 100%

Just whenever they one of them got Kirsten ask for like A specific date and time about his broken level and pure evil level I said 0 broken level 100% pure evil

This made the two drones even Tessa in shock from the very beginning when they were with him under at that planet he was already more evil than them well just pure evil at that

Then they went further back in time when they were Tessa was still a child from EP 5 and asked for his broken level and pure evil they were just hoping that most his broken level could be like a 50% or something like that and those but it said 0 broken level and 100% pure evil

Which they are just shocked that throughout the entire their entire life knowing him he's been pure evil and that's where they realize they have like almost new memories with our main character at all the only memories they have of him was just talking to him and not asking about what he likes to do or really any personal questions for him to answer all they remember was talking about him or doing terrible things to him which that's why they realize it was perfect for him to have a façade

That's whenever Jay asked how did N survive my virus the computer said it's quite simple N Is so evil and so horrible and possibly have thought of things no human Nordrum should think of to the point where the virus just did not even want to go further through his body afraid of what am I stumble across so the virus is just gone

But they question about his immortality which they asked about also they were arriving on the planet while asking questions about him wanting to know more because they have like no memories like they've learned more about him than they learned about him in like 11 years

So the computer said I'm not too sure not even I know how he is able to survive fatal blows but no matter what happens to him he will survive every time either that his hatred for V and J keeps him alive until he finally kills them or his dedication to kill everyone that's living is what keeps him alive and going or his regeneration keeps on evolving and advancing to the point where he's able to recover from any single blow

After that having Tessa asked why does it say N hates you so much wish they didn't know how to answer this so that's one of the computer decided to say it

The reason why N it's J and V They knew they were going to get caught they said or the computer said that they force themselves on him for weeks months years I don't know it's been a long time they've been doing it which can also be the reason in his insanity and why he cares about nothing living even though he was pure evil in the past he never heard anyone back then because he never saw a point in doing it and he has thought of doing it to really anyone

After that happened they were beaten up by Tessa who is yelling at them like why the fuck why do you do that they were blocking their core area out of fear she might accidentally hit it because they know how dangerous her kicks can be and punches

J said because we liked him and we didn't have the guts to tell him how he felt then she said and you thought doing that to him was the best way to do so because if so that was the dumbest thing ever that would make anyone lose their mind although it seems like he lost his mind long ago

After that after a few minutes she calm down and asked the computer one last question because they were almost to the Home planet earth she asked how did N become pure evil The computer said he always have been just never showed it like when I meant to pure evil I didn't I meant by like no emotion at all like he wouldn't cry at your death maybe shadow a small tear but he wouldn't cry at any of your yours demise because that's not who he is and sure he has a tiny bit of kindness in his heart even till this day because if so he would've killed that worker drone back there

He's just different than any murder drone because he knew the truth of what humans were planning on doing with them after they were done killing all workers And that's getting rid of them all he knew it from the very beginning because he's not that dumb so his plan was before he get scraped
Just so you know Tessa didn't know this
Before he gets scrapped he would kill many of the humans to show he meant business and would've went to slaughter them all until they finally gave him at least equal rights so he can live his own life and possibly frame J & V or he would just wash them get scratched with a smile on his face knowing he's finally free obviously this broke them even more than they already are because the person they were thought were was just a kind a soul would've just washed them get scrapped

And just act like it's a normal day for him they never thought the so-called innocent drone would've ever want to watch his friends get scrapped

So after they landed let's just say they were like traumatized pretty much after learning so many things about a certain someone Who they never knew would've had such a dark mind and sadistic one worse than a woman after that she just stop being sadistic because there's so much to do that for her

Well that's it for now sorry if this wasn't good but sometimes it's sort of hard to come up with things I might make a part two

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