Sample of Brown cameramen the scientist

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So brown he was trying his best to invent things that can work but a lot of the stuff he thinks aren't good enough because from his past he can't remember the last time Rick Fox Rick prime he was always one step ahead and always smarter but he's going to be smarter and like 20 steps ahead of Rick prime

He started to make like a shield and some sort of revival mechanic because his healing factor kind of like Rick prime but just in case if that fails he has a protective shield he can activate and he also made some sort of memory chip it was because of him being a cameraman He knows he has special things that Rick prime doesn't he can probably make it but he's never thought of that maybe you know he might've let's just say Rick prime never thought of it or thought this was the best way because otherwise can easily do it so let's just say he wanted to do something no wrecks would basically can do

His God complex in superiority made him refuse to make or be able to have some sort of memory chip stuff and may not make sense but basically he doesn't want to do things normal Rex can because of his superiority complex which he's gonna use that to his advantage

So what he put in his memory drive and the chips is him being able to have fast reflexes like dodging bullets or lasers and rockets

He's working on his defenses first his house he turned into a lab so he was very happy he made himself an infinite flask work it has infinite alcoholic oil let's just say because let's just say that's what the cameras drink or there kind can drink

So during this time when he was working his garage blew up and many toilets song or whatever you call it he was now annoyed as the toilets are now invading as they're bothering him now then he shot them in the head with his laser gun and at first that's when he thought it was going to be the end he was smiling but a few like 10 minutes later he was attacked again and this is going on all day and at this point he was now just angry and said well if they want to bring me into this war so be it

He opened up a portal and jumped into it and he was on top of a roof where he saw many toilets and the titans and the alliance emails and basically all the main characters from the alliance including some many will mostly camera speaker and TV and you the rest of the males not all of them but yea

So he opened up a portal getting annoyed of this crap and then started shooting portals behind the toilet and put his hand and lifted it up flushing them all then he had his jet pack on him and had a board looking face which is annoyed his sister thought he decided to come back to the alliance or his sisters then he quickly said and to just shut them down pretty much saying I didn't come here to join back with the alliance I I was forced into this war and I am going to be finishing it it was decided to attack my house which the first time I ignored it they kept on happening forcing my hand in this war they should address not put their noses where it didn't belong basically talking a little bit like Rick

Obviously the sisters are hurt by this mainly because he didn't come to the aid because he still loves them he did it because they forced his hand

After that he said but anyways let's get back to the alliance base with the portal gun making a big enough to send them back to the alliance base as he can change the size with the upgrades

And he is planning on making a like sort of human version or some sort of thing that can turn him human but that's only like he likes the way he looks right now though like he's not gonna keep himself human for like ever because he actually likes his cameraman form as it's grown in cash on his entire life and in his mind there's only one person he both respects and what Mason different and that's his past self he doesn't want to take that away from him although he will transform into other form though and his Rick form probably beating the crap out of Rick prime

But after he got there he quickly went back into his room and started setting up a work table or basically he did something and it was sort of some sort of tiny ball and he threw on the ground and it upgraded the entire base then he turned around and like I said before Anything you may I can make better let's just say the scientist never felt more useless in their entire life as nothing nothing can compare of what he's doing and Brown cameraman has somewhat of a God complex with him

After that he said I am going to be busy so he put a portal and went to his room and all the rooms were still signed they were bigger and better they weren't like war rooms anymore they were both equally as comfy and basically kind of like a mansions bedroom

It has a ton of weapons and a entire force field around it
Even the Titans has her own switch is very very big even though the entire HQ looks smaller it's somewhat in an infinite dimension as well when are you open up the door basically the rooms are basically infinite and big pretty much so they were wondering how the hell he does this because whenever they walked inside it's way bigger than on the outside

So anyways brown he was making some sort of watch that can do many different type of things even turn him back into his old self wreck as the sort of can't really speak very well as that's not a part of their programming they just sort of have connected minds let's just say I know what they're thinking about or talking in their mind even though they can't hear it let's just say they only hear their voice or so he did make himself a speak your box is next to his throat so he can actually talk instead of them hearing what he's thinking

So after a few seconds he was done with the watch and he also had like his room had many secret areas and he was and his area pretty much all of Rick prime stuff and his sisters Well whenever Titan cameraman well when are the Titans went to his room or their room I mean there was this weird wash and it basically changes their size to if they want to be normal size because they've never had that like in their life before although it seems like titan drill is actually controlled and not a natural titan

cell when are they trying to be transformed into their like a normal cameraman it was like saw his last good thing he's ever gonna probably do for them

Basically he sort of gave everyone A present so let's just say all the girls of the alliance even after what they did you still gave them something so they went in to kind of reconnect but what are they went to his room they didn't see anything until they saw a door which he forgot to close and they decided to walk in and they saw some weird human and they saw him doing some more like he has gone insane and been working on this his entire life which this is where he last left off they he quickly turned around and asked what the hell why are you here

Then they said your door was open all the hair store is still very small they had to like crouch down and like I said basically let's just say that The girls height are they are as tall well they are half the height of a large speaker man

The same is the Titans they can only go down to half the height of large speaker man

But yeah they could only like crawl and yeah our door height in their room is taller as well basically this is the perfect base

They were asking him some questions about like who this guy is he decided to let them in on a little bit of a story he says this is Rick prime another version of myself they were now curious and he's started to say Rick prime I've been hunting all my life well past life as well if I put my entire life together I've been hunting him down for possibly 60 years maybe less don't know them so long I forgot

I will find him but he hates me it's almost impossible anytime I get close to you is always one step ahead

But anyways He talked about his past a little bit not go into detail really with it as I want to keep a secret after that the start of them left and during this time he was just drinking a lot more and he got drunk and he was walking around and it was nighttime and then he went into his sisters room plunger camera woman who is still looking at the picture of Family and it show titan camerawoman standing there and her brother and her are sitting on her chest

Smiling remembering the good days and having tears that's whenever her brother walked in she asked him what he's doing here and she noticed him acting very different that's whenever he started to speak weird and drunk full and a drunk voice then she asked are you drunk then he says what of course not but then he started to say will I ever lie to you you are my sister which she was happy to hear him say that but this she knew he was drunk at this time because she knows this new version of him would never admit it unless if he's drunk after that he started to climb on her and he also said that I was putting notes in all of your rooms and handed her than that which she opened it and it said this

And whenever she was reading it she started getting tick marks on her head

Said this if you're reading this note you're probably at says one of the girls names But as we are reading it it says plunger camera woman or ninja camera woman whichever one you prefer and it says it with all the other girls in the alliance

I made your bed out of titanium and a indestructible resource since I know that I am in titanium can't handle your weight basically insulting her weight and basically insinuating she's fat and he also said we need to work on your diet and also said besides you having a CAL like body does not help with your weight and it's bad for battle so I'll help you out with that later obviously this was not sitting well with her as she's basically insulting her weight and calling her fat and calling her a cow

She was about to yell and curse at him until he started Putting her on the bed and he laid down on her chest and started saying on how she's a good kid basically on the episode where Rick was drunk and put a knife to his grandsons throat is that type of episode except he started to lay on her and many of the other girls from the alliance while they were reading it and they were pissed off out of anyone speaker woman and dark speaker women were the most pissed as obviously they seemed like they were to get the most easily angered

So basically they were enraged a little bit but anyways before they walked out of their room

We cut back to plunger camera woman hugging her brother into her chest pretty much not letting him go exactly what she did when his best friend pulled out a gun well not a gun but his gun and broke it after him trying to convince her to shoot him So yeah his best friend was Also pissed off at her I mean him calling her a cow which is going to be something he tells the girls many other times mainly because of their thickness
He will also call them pretty much sort of insulting their thickness by saying I'm not the one Who has enough meat to last the entire alliance for the next five days which might not sound like much but considering of how many alliance members there is that's a lot and he tells them that that's just their boob fat obviously they don't like these type of jokes much

But anyways because her anger subsided Brown was still pretty much awake just sleeping a little bit but he still wakes up every now and then so anyways she was taking him to their big sisters room and they well whenever she got in there she saw Brown and was going to scream at him in there until she her little sister told him that he is drunk and then he says hey there and basically was so much being kind as he was drunk and was saying the truth of How he felt and she thought he was a beautiful then she Grabbed the bath and then she asked her sister on what she was doing and then just put the both of them in between her breasts which was somewhat like what happened in the picture except they were standing on them

After that some of the girls was looking everywhere for him and they should've been titan camera woman's room and they asked is he an explained the note and she said she got the same one and explained on how he's drunk and yeah so they sort of laid in her bed as well and the next morning where he woke up he was confused on what happened last night I remembered oh yeah I got drunk and he realize he was there so he teleported away before anyone woke up If you're wondering on how the Titan slept there remember the watch

So yeah whenever they woke up he was gone and he went back to his laboratory working on new devices as for what else can happen I don't know really

And whenever they want to check up on him when are they opened up the door they saw him but as a toilet he said look guys I am a toilet don't you see I am a toilet now he was bouncing around I'll happily they were just asking him why then he says because I can call Llosa meet me into something you guys would hate as they hate to see if they do not like this new luck and perhaps I can be a whole chapter on its own if you want

The other thing I just thought of so perhaps in one of the adventures like perhaps after he killed G-man and the scientist after this they all thought the war was over until he grabbed the girls with like a special thing he made where he can extend his arms and he starts saying on how this is just the beginning and says perhaps the chapter or whatever because he knows he's in a story or something maybe and he was just saying what he knows that they don't

Perhaps he was also saying something similar like whenever they were young let's just say before this war brown always enjoyed his time with this thing called Mulan McNugget sauce

But anyways before they could go and celebrate he quickly grabs onto the females of the alliance and says hold on girls g-man and the scientist he's somewhat cringe that saying that because he doesn't see him as a real scientist

They said that I should've just left this whole war alone and took you guys on adventures sometimes with a random camera speaker or TV man

The only difference there is no more toilets then one of the girls says OK take it easy brownie that's dark then he says oh it gets darker TV woman first thing that's different no more toilets they threatened my laboratory so I made the two Astro toilets and
G-man and the scientist go away then Clock woman said oh fuck The Alliance wouldn't of accepted me if I came home without all of you so now you know the real reason why I rescued you and that
let's just say the alliance isn't actually watching as they went back home which is actually their main base now since it's infinite
After he said the real reason why I rescued you he says I just took over the entire alliance girls and if you say anything to the alliance I'll deny it and they'll take my side because I am a hero girls and you girls have to do whatever I say forever and I'll I'll go out and find that MULAN Teriyaki chicken sauce because that is what this is all about
and while he's saying this his sisters had a deadpan work and saying he still upset about that as they remember when they were still kids pretty much he was upset about it
That's my one armed man I am not driven by avenging the dead camera speaker or TV men that was fake I am driven by finding that McNugget sauce I want that Mulan McNugget sauce that's my series arc that's nine seasons I want that McNugget dipping sauce he was kept on talking about this while hugging them tight and they couldn't even escape from this conversation while his sister somewhat know what he's talking about about the dipping sauce part they were he was saying like nine more stories of us finding that Mulan McNugget sauce 97 warriors of finding that nugget sauce

At this point the girls are both losing their brain cells and is wondering what the hell he's talking about although they are actually not that surprised
None of the girls are because he is definitely the type of person who would definitely leave their alliance members for that and not get any consequences on it although like all of the girls like his sisters knew this is something he would do as they know how much he loved that chicken sauce as he ate it with everything in the past and it was hard for him to get over that addiction even though by now they realize he never gotten over it he just learned how to live without it

This is one more thing so what you're saying the cat from that one episode of this is what during another season you can say of it or part of the series one Brown met this cat again although he actually doesn't remember it and let's just say let's get to the ending part where he starts saying all right how does this cat even talk and whenever he was looking through the memories he was working and discussing and the sisters actually saw Hazel like and the rest of the girls from the alliance he looked absolutely disgusted he almost vomited if he wasn't stronger than that that's one of her some of them didn't actually even wanna look into it although his sisters chose to including dark speaker woman because that's her Whole stick

So when are he was saying what the and was looking at it in both whore and discussed and one of the girls looked at it they instantly started to spit out like oil and that after that they were clawing at where their eyes were supposed to be and screaming wow brown sad for the cat to get out screaming at it pointing a gun at it even the three girls told it to get out After that they started to say he was in our home where I keep private photos of brown cameraman some of the girls the ones who are mentally traumatize were wondering wait what the heck how can I get some of those those they were thinking

Then everything went as cancer from that episode and whenever he raced their memories he looked at the girls and said it was just a cat from space an alien cat he looked at the girls and said right then they also not as not wanting to tell anything even though they don't know the truth themselves they know that's not right

Ok so if you're wondering why this is in black let's just say this might be explaining some parts I think would be good for Rick prime and meeting him not in person but in other ways

So whenever he was fighting toilets easily his sisters and the others were having a decently hard time he's making it look like it was just laying on the beach on a vacation

Shooting and flushing toilets head back into their toilet killing by either breaking their neck in the process or so

Then a TV thing that was broken or perhaps all the TV men and tighten basically every TV around them started to turn on because Rick prime transformed into well term had the TVs channel or whatever

Ethan says hello there see you C137 I think that's his name he says been long time no see then he grabbed a rock and threw up the TV and said where are you hiding you fuck

Then he says aww do you really miss me that much because I missed you besides why are you even working for the alliance did you not remember what they did to you leaving you behind and all that kind of like what your family did although the alliance somewhat look down as the sister is looking more regretful but they were wondering by other family he tells them to shut his mouth about them

Then out of pure anger as well he grabbed his laser gun I was gonna shoot let's just say TV woman but that's whenever his sister quickly tackled him as like she has no idea what this random guy did to him like she knows a little bit about him but not everything he said just a few things not like what happened to his family let's just say

Then he says killing The person you Simp for wow you really gone downhill actually simping after someone never seen you do that before

Then he says well bye inferior wreck flipping him off with both of his fingers walking away from the screen turning it back to normal and all TV people had this on their screen they had they like they can actually see what was well they could see what was happening but they couldn't move so TV woman saw him how he was gonna shoot her

So after that they asked him what happened then he had a side work on his face and said it's a long story then he transformed his or did something with his clock and transformed him into a human they were shocked to see him and he says this was my past and original form me and Rick prime in the past who show me portal travel able to go through different dimensions although I don't do that anymore it seems like he came back to finish what we started or finish me off I should say

Like he finished off my family basically insinuating in his past life Rick prime killed his family
He's my nemesis and I want to take him down
Then they all agreed to help and perhaps this is like let's just say the start of their adventure or they can start after they defeat the scientists your choice

But there will be a lot and I mean a lot more chapters before this one but I just wanted to point it out

So this is when they finally meet Rick prime in person he was running well the main person was running and his sisters and well obviously they're probably his well not his girlfriends yet although perhaps they have had one night stands every now and then but he is too stubborn or petty to admit it

So anyways brown finally met his nemesis he quickly shot at him
And basically the entire fight like in the shell happens as far as who gets trapped in the whole thing and basically the universal destroyer type person thing I do not know what to call it

As with the whole Diane thing that the girls are very much jealous of the day and getting to have a child and married this handsome camera

But yeah after the person was dropped into the multi-verse or thing obviously perhaps during this fight scene Brown wanted to use his old past form to at least be him to beat Rick prime

He was like basically at some point he had to revert back to his old form and he got seriously injured almost getting killed by Rick prime

Like his intestines were out his camera was almost off of his head but if it wasn't for one of the sisters let's just say all of the girls these type of what you say he did something or she did something to Rick prime that came in handy and she revived her brother or at least maybe all the girls did something with electricity I don't know but they had him up against the wall or in a chair although something is saying in their mind that they don't want to see what's gonna happen next although while He was trying to be revived or whatever he was unconscious let's just say that the girls were going to start talking to him and to see what he knows and their relationship

Whenever he woke up from being unconscious he said well look at the little cows as because this is not their cameraman they had no problem with torturing him sort of for just saying that so basically all the girls at once blew up his ears brought him alive TV woman and etc. while clock woman just turned back time

Also just so you know this story also includes Fem iso toilet I think that's the name and elite clock man/woman

He at all wasn't broken even after torture which this just proves that it's another version of brown as he's acting the same but more sadistic and cruel

Then he started to spit his mouth he says I have known C137 for years i know what he thinks Of his family after I killed them right in front of him I'm sure he cared about all of you at the same like you cared about his other family yet you all still left him behind under all that ruffled she asks how He knows about that then he says oh I know everything about him he also decided to try and mess with his or her mind are you sure you're not a clown considering he has cloned people before considering he's just as smart as I am a you think your original self has died and you're just a common with the memories he smiles and they started denying it and etc.

Besides do you truly think you're Rick is worth it to you or are you just saying that to help with your guilt of leaving him there to rot then he said something that made him mad which was did you even think C137 was worse than when you left him for saving that's whenever browns sisters punched him right in the face

Then he laughs again and said I was the one who made him the way he is I made him if it wasn't for you girls come into his life then he would've became me he was punched again

Very soon after he woke up from shock then he was walking in through the door holding his stomach that was in his hands or his intestines and he asked are you guys having the fun without me again as this wouldn't be the first time this has happened then after that they just decided to Leave

Then Brown was looking at his nemesis and he started to punch him while he was talking back where and he started to say that you would've became me I made you who you are I showed you infinity The girls were listening from the outside because they were curious and everything he was saying happens as canon like when he says when you were raising the remnants of my daughter you lived in my house he kept on punching him and blood actually started to come through the like door the girls looked in horror and shock as he did this out of anger and very soon he was done and walked out from there

He was drenched in blood completely looking a little bit traumatized and not happy because he finally got his revenge all the way so the girls looked in the door they sort of saw his cloths but it was not like he couldn't tell who he was anymore girls were looking in horror because the entire room is drenched in blood with blood coming out of there I was wondering how much blood does a human had and they asked if he was OK which he said yes I just need a moment after a little bit of a breather he says fine now let's go hunt down that chicken sauce and the sisters actually smiled as big for actually got him back on track as he knows they know that he's not going to give up on the chicken sauce so they just made as a mission I guess as a side mission although he considers it the new main mission

The girls were wondering what are we gonna do with him and they got into this special ship like saucer and was flying it

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