Sample of hudson the one eyed demon

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So Hudson was just waiting and that's it for the limo to get there because he can't he's not gonna break in because that's against his standards well he has more standards than any team in early and he sometimes has morals but at the same time not really he can also become an overlord if you tried hard enough easily but he doesn't wanna be in a situation of power where he has a role over hell with Lucifer sort of like help him out pretty much or help her out

So once the limo got there they just saw a demon they're setting and whenever angel saw him the reminded her a lot of Hudson which she has spoke to him sometimes and try to flirt with him a lot which she never had gotten him to blush at all it's sort of hard to get them to blush because he's not that much into women like most demons would do it to satisfy their lust

But he's really only into general relationships which is why he doesn't really try and sleep with any of the demon girls at the studio like in his other four no women will probably want to sleep with him but in his like real form a lot of women would you would probably get more women than Val can in like five minutes

So yeah Vaggie put a spear up to his neck and said what do you want here to laugh at us into our faces she said aggressively and he said no I think this might work and I want to test out for myself then Charlie was really excited and happy that someone wants to try it out I was also blushing at his appearance even though like some people would get disgusted with the eyeball it's just something about him just draws people in it doesn't matter if he has like a giant eyeball for a head pretty much

So Vaggie also blush the same with angel because they just notice his appearance because he let's just say he was wearing the hoodie but he made it look like pretty much he showed more of his head because he wasn't looking down at his phone
But right at their face and then he can also talk with his mouth but because of them will it being nice people and one of them being stone he's known for many years like at least over five because Val also introduced her to him

He decided to show his mouth and he had two tongues which you probably can already tell what female Angel is thinking of 2 tons the one thing she can think of involves something inappropriate

Charlie and vaggie was thinking the samething but they quickly then asked in their mind what are they thinking they cover their face that's whenever our main character saw them and asked anything wrong then they said nothing at all

So then he walked inside and said well this place isn't really tidy for guests no offense Charlie said none taken we were going to get started after the news but it seems like it won't there won't be really any point then he went and hugged her which made her blush he said it's fine I'm sure once I get redeemed many sinners will know that Ademption is real

So now he is pretty much going to sit down on a chair with a smile then everything goes as canon where Charlie goes out to talk to her mom and yeah so that's whenever everything goes as canon like the radio demon she says like hello in that and her face gets slammed and everything happens where Charlie says Vaggie The radio demon is on the other side of the door and she says what

Angel dust says who and our main character says I'd smash which they both said that at the same time and just said who and army character said I'd smash which they all looked at him and he said what

So she asks what should I do well don't let him in so we all know what happened she lets her in and like always our main character has no shame because he decided to be his real self which is someone who has more ego than God which I'm not saying that he has ego but I'm just saying like his ego is as tall as him which is the entire universe

But yeah anyways so he was just smiling at her without any sweat or fear at all everything goes as Canaan where Angel says The weird line and while it's obviously different and she says no
Then looks at our main character in the ass what can you do my define fellow I can smash you hard he said with a smile but she blush because look at his face and she didn't really know what to say so she stop talking

Other stuff happens where Vaggie talks about how the radio demon is one of the strongest demons in all of hell

And she starts saying the story about it and our main character said that's it she looks like a strawberry pimp which that's exactly what Angel is thinking

Vaggie Said we already have One pervert 2 is too much our main character said what's the problem with that me being a pervert everyone is secretly perverted or at least have a some sort either would be a lot or a little bit and if you really wanna see you something horrifying and scary you should go look at my Internet history I promise you you won't be able to sleep for two weeks

Angel is curious now and wants to check it out later little does she know I will be her biggest mistake she did not know someone could be so kinky and put either others through pain or himself through pain for his own pleasure

so everything goes as canon where miss pentious ship gets destroyed by Allison and one of the only few people that wasn't scared or concerned was our main character mainly because well he has so many king size hard for him to get scared the only thing that scares him is cock and ball torture I'm pretty sure every man is afraid of that

So anyways after that Allison was talking about jambalaya I want on making dumb jokes and we see a certain to woman getting out of crater and an egg boi

So after that happened we see our main character walking down the street with both hands in his pocket which he is supposed to be at work right now but he sort of chose to quit without telling his boss so our main character also sort of has a pistol with him in his pocket for self-defense

So yeah he was just walking his way to the cannibal area and our main character is a little bit of a sadist well he's more of a sadist than his old boss by a little bit because there's like two or one thing his boss would never do that he would I don't know what that is but let's just say I don't know really

But anyway so whenever he was walking there he got glances of hatred that's whenever one of the camels jumped Adam and if you don't know why is because that place is like all about where you're in like the 1800s or 1900s where there was no TV invented

And where everyone wear old fashion clothing whenever there's someone who's not wearing the clothing that supposed to be in that area usually they all attack them at once but whenever a demon try to attack him our main character just need him it's so hard in the gut he exploded pretty much or at least his spine broke in half and he cleared them in half that's how hard he need him as he was smiling like a crazy maniac who just got done murdering someone without guilt

Many others started to trying to attack him but he started to shoot at them and later on he only brought two pistols and he ran out of bullets but he got every shot off so he threw his guns on the ground and started to like punch and attack him they didn't really land A hit on him at all that's whenever Allison came by and saw what happened and she was still smiling and asked what happened here I just walked into here and they attacked me for no reason so I did what a normal person would do they would defend themselves

But after that Allison decided to walk around and tell him exactly why and then after that he finally understood because he never actually knew why everyone wore old fashion stuff and that then our main character as well go tell Rosie I apologize for killing many other cannibals here without really a good reason which Allison sir will do kind sir or something like that something Alistair would say

After that he put his hands in his pockets and start walking out because he's not wanted there right now
So after that he decided to walk around of hell although he did come into annoying encounters Like women always wanting him to like him get into a happy hotel with them which he was not really like in his eyes they would have to earn it noches expect it on a silver platter

Because he has morals and he has standards well he has like 100 times more standards than Katie killjoy but that's besides the point even Katie killjoy would have to somehow work out to his level even in his other form he wouldn't consider any of them worthy of doing anything with him let's just say that

That whenever he heard about the plan to destroy one of their bosses like him like small porn studio type thing

He decides to well help them out so everything started goes as in the addict thing and she is well our main character is shown to be well not really forced like angel in the doing things but getting threatened slapped and other stuff like that because of something that's not his fault

Siya our main character brought a ton of grenades and some grenade launchers which they asked how did he acquired that he told them you don't wanna know

But yeah they started to light up her one of her studios or clubs I should say and well our main character was like right behind Angel and cherry and cherry and Angel made it to the exit our main character was like right behind him a ton explosion sort of happened and he was then launched against the other side Of the building hitting a wall body and face first which smoke sort of appeared around him and he transformed in to his other form Hudson not his original form for his other form which he looked at him self and the two other girls like them and then he quickly transformed and had a scared/embarrass expression and then he just ran away as fast as he can and the girls try to catch up but he was just faster angels just couldn't believe that this is Hudson he's so much different

And Terry sort of said didn't Angel say that Hudson or the one eyed demon that's a very small little weak and fragile and can be easily killed by any demon even on the same size that has like four arms and you probably know it's Stephen I'm talking about from the pilot

But angels just wondering since when could you be so badass Hudson and since when were you so hot is this your original or demon form but a demon can only handle being in his demon form for a few minutes at most end with overlords a few hours so what or who are you because there's no way you should've been able to handle being in your demon form for more than like possibly eight seconds

So after that happened he ran back inside of the hotel and went to his room and hid underneath the covers heavily embarrassed After that angel and cherry asked where is Hudson which they never told him his name they asked who because our main character never gave them his name and she said that's the name of the one eyed demon which they realize they've been sort of terrible like managers are so because they don't even know the name of their first guest name and said he ran upstairs into his room

Charlie and Vaggie was curious on what's happening so they were sort of eavesdropping and they heard Angel say come on buddy we did it there's nothing to be ashamed about of your real form or your demon form I can't tell which ones which and he just needed a little while and then he came back out still not very happy then he sat down and ate and yeah

And since it was almost night he went to sleep and during the next day he saw angel dust in the corner traumatized and he saw his computer and then he thought angel you you didn't do I think you did then he looked at his computer and said Oh Lucifer I warned you not to look at my search history and what did you do I told you you wouldn't be able to handle it she was just sitting there in a corner with a blanket scared

Then he walked downstairs give me Angel a while but she was walking downstairs as well with a very scared to look on her face they asked aunt Angel what's going on and then she said I saw his search history I've seen things no demon or human or angel shit ever seen I what are the path of no return and I came back scarred for life I'll never be able to sleep again

After that they looked at our main character in horde wondering what's on his laptop that they will never look on

So yeah we go back to like a few days after Hudson just left without telling anyone wild mustiness didn't care Val was just concerned and confused on why he hasn't been showing up he doesn't answer his calls and that's because he actually broke his phone and got a new one even though he could've changed his number but he rather just cut all contact with his boss well ask boss because like who knows our main character knows that she is smart I will probably track down his phone if he kept it so he did the only sensible thing and just bought a new one

So yeah she also then try to have vox hack into it or into the phone but she couldn't of like it he just disappeared and vox knows that Hudson is very smart because she has followed him or starting multiple times on occasions although he knows that which is why he doesn't go into his other form pretty much yeah

Although The one thing he never covered up was his intelligence so yeah Wachsen only she knew that if he doesn't want to be found it's going to be almost impossible to find him

Also he is not actually afraid of getting caught by Lucifer from going into the other rings of hell which let's just be honest that'll be a huge turn on for Lucifer meeting a demon that doesn't fear her like that's one of her kinks it is probably the only reason why she is going to allow him to live thinking that he is like one of a kind

So yeah vox said there is no signal or she just can't find his phone anywhere out of anger she started breaking things and yeah double does she knows that he is very much healthy and alive and it is just at Lulu world was like some friends he got in for free because of Charlie because they're just there to hang out and he's just hooked on cotton candy at this point and he doesn't want to do anything to destroy like lulu world because he knows what happened last time he ever drank a lot he destroyed a bar in less than two minutes which is why he is in hell actually because he caused the death of over like 20 people

So he doesn't drink that much and he enjoys the cotton candy a lot although he still pays for it himself even though Charlie doesn't mind doing it but he wants to be a good person and not act like he's using her for his own benefit because that's not on Hudson's motives

Which made her sad but also happy because she knows that he's doing this because he doesn't wanna act like he's using her at all

So yeah let's just say they want to the 18+ part and vaggie was not happy about it but yeah the 18+ part is like obviously not for kids there and then let's just say this is where they actually found out the true size of our main characters manliness let's just say no One really looked towards our main character because well he didn't look like the strongest demons like he looked very handsome in that but he didn't look like very big like I'm pretty much saying that Charlie is a little bit taller than him which means Angel and Allison beats him in height

While the other demons he is the shortest demon there and well there's multiple prizes you can get there but most demons there are actually only doing it till lunch and say I have a fun time with women and well Charlie really wanted that adorable perhaps maybe stuffed unicorn or something I don't know maybe it's an apple I don't know The apple was all like I'm wicked alive pretty much what I mean by that it's like was a stuff animal type thing so our main character already knew he won after seeing them some people thought he was embarrassed by his size but once he pulled out let's just say the males were looking at him in defeat and jealousy

Well many of the women there was look at him with just pure lust because like he beat them by a long shot so now Charlie and everyone else there like there's only three people that went along Charley vaggie and angle so The three of them mines were blown because I've never seen someone that big before in their life especially Angel so our main character pulled up his pants and that also a female demon was recording this and will whenever he put his pants back on the women were very upset

Charlie and the rest are still blushing The three of them yelled in their mind how the heck is he that big Angel is now just thinking what have he been hiding from me and the other 2 dia and summer

After that Vox a few minutes after the video got public she saw this one video with like over 1 million views and just five minutes and whatever she was just shocked and blushing and Val saw this and asked what's up why are you making that face and explained on what's happening and she was just blushing and then she said it's in one eyed demon and after she heard that she quickly went over to check it out but whenever she saw the demon it didn't look anything like Hudson so it couldn't be

So I don't know really what else I could've done so let's just say you went down to the other rings and have found like let's just say each queen or king of hell maybe actually has like a daughter and is from hell taker and each of them did have a boyfriend but let's just say they found out that they care about themselves a lot more which is not surprising than 32 of their girlfriends which caused them to break up and with the amount of king salmon character has he's able to probably handle them because there's not one single one that can really bother him

So yeah I'll Beyonce I don't know what else I can put but I guess this is it for now hope you guys enjoyed this

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