Sample of izuku yagi the Cloaker from P.D 2

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OK so his parents were planning on trying to capture him while his sister was sitting on the couch with a notebook wanting to understand what his quirk is but she's never been able to find out she is starting to think his quirk is like something that involves martial arts

Also there has been cases where in public heroes got shot down by a firing squad because they were fake heroes and caused villainous acts

So yeah many heroes are afraid of them especially the ones that cause the villainess act which regret doing it

So anyways our main character also has a voice changer mainly because he doesn't want anyone to recognize his voice so yeah one day when he was out during a mission or so like whenever the heroes heard about him or like heard about a bank robbery they knew that it was this time to catch him

So after he got there and started to attack them brutally pretty much and just calling them names A wall just broke down and heard a voice I am here which he cringed at that because well he's like he just doesn't like the number one here in general so he dodged the first punch and hit the number one hero and his bad area which made him cough out some blood

That's whenever his wife showed up and set him flying but he quickly does some martial arts moves in the air to catch himself and made him stand perfectly fine after that the number one here went for a punch which landed in his face but once again he landed perfectly and that's whenever many police officers well notices and one of them shot a newborn hero in the arm and told the number here to stand down or we'll eliminate you which state he couldn't believe this that they were threatening him the number one hero for defending them then he said I'm defending you and you shoot me he said in anger tone a little bit

Who you're attacking is part of the government a higher ranking person that that if you do try and take him to jail the police will let him go he was allowed to do all of this himself

It was not allowing this at all so he was walking closer until the hero commissioner showed up and she said that's quite enough all might If you must know he's not in the heater rankings nor is he a non-vigilante people are just making up stories about him maybe becoming a vigilante in reality he's just works for the government

So if you try to take him to jail you'll lose your spot as number one and her wife will suffer the consequences of your actions

His side and angrily walked away in defeat also there were some other officers there like his future harem members then he said now go back home and cry like the little bitch you are I mean some of the people there laugh especially the government police officers which now the number one here was embarrassed to get this was on actual film not film but this was on live television and well our main character sister saw this and was mad at the Cloaker for embarrassing her father

Also just so you know he actually has a ton of bullet wounds all over his body and arms and legs as well from the jobs he's done but the man's pretty much definition of a immortal

So after Deku got back home he heard his father mumbling to himself about being angry at Cloaker
Also just so you know because of our main character being there some children that was around there actually asked for his autograph which he happily did and yeah although some of the others are jealous that kids Astro autographs from him but not them but that's mainly because who wouldn't want an autograph from a menace to society

He also has dropped kicked multiple heroes also maybe only the top 10 heroes actually know who exactly captain winters is also maybe our main character actually does have a home that is worth more than the number ones heroes house that our main character and his sister lives in

Also maybe one day during our school he had enough with one of his bullies so he picked up some wooden stick and started beating him with it which it felt like a very painful experience although the teachers and principals has started to be very scared of him

Because well he sort of reveal the truth on who he is to the teachers and principal and yeah no only that but he has threatened them that if they like any of this out or if anything bad happens to him and if they call there his parents about it I'm pretty sure Captain Winters will be more than happy to show you your place in prison

Also if you're wondering about our main character knows that his tormentors won't do anything if they got beaten up because well it would ruin their pride

So after that many years gone by and also maybe our main character lost an eye during one of the battles which he got shot right through the head which leisure say the number one hero and magnetic was happy about but was very upset that he didn't die

So anyways even with a lost type them if the medic to heal him he would've at least gotten brain damage mathematic is one of his future hair remembers healed him because that's her quirk is AOE heal

So yeah anyways many years gone by and while he sort of has his eyes shut and he's getting a new one or he got a new one anyways so it doesn't look weird and it looks exactly like his other I am because of how advance Society ism the his new wife works very good and even better because well he is able to see what weapons and how many hostages are in the building so he can pre-plan things

So anyways it's the last day of school and Cloaker is there and now he's just annoyed at the ignorance of his tormentors and everything else goes as canon like Deku wanting to go to UA everyone started laughing at him that's where Bakugo got up and said his stuff in Canada hell he should just quit because he'll never become a hero and then he said I am not going there to be a hero I'm just going there to see on how all of you miserably fail he said with a smile on his face that's a backugo off and he's an explosion riot his chest which did land but it did not even scratch him and he said boring your explosions have became weaker back ago have you been not training them because I remember them hurting a lot worse that's whenever the twins started using quirks

Like explosions ice and fire and telekinesis hitting him with rocks and pencils and that it did nothing to him he just called them pathetic and weak while he was about to leave Papa Hugo punched him in the face which fat ticked him off so after that he did a flying kick in the head exactly like how Johnny cage did his fight pretty much or x-ray in
Mortal Kombat X but he wasn't done he then start punching him and kick him with multiple combos until at some point he kicked him in the balls then not hard enough to make him lose his chances of having kids at least not yet

After that he said there's your payment for what you've done to me for all those years after that he then left but the teacher didn't stop him because well afraid of being dropped kicked in the jaw like that one time he did and that's the only time he did so because the teacher was too afraid to do anything else

So our main character Decided to go to his own home and started while reading more martial arts books because he's very close of learning every single martial arts there's he's like a martial art in every single one and whenever he completes every single martial arts in the world he actually gifted like a rainbow martial arts thing and his future wife is also well reading books with him which it's not that hard to sneak into the house whenever you're cloaker

If you're able to sneak into banks very easily without enemies seeing you I think you can easily sneak into a house without anyone seeing you

End it did smell very bad in there but she got used to it and she understood that it wasn't his fault so she wasn't disgusted by his well room at all because it wasn't his choice he's never been given anything to clean it up

And today was his birthday and well many of the people there was ready to celebrate Deku's fifth year of being part of the Government

So Bakugo obviously didn't say anything because his ego would be destroyed if he said anything because he doesn't want his mother to help him because that would be embarrassing

So today is the day where he gets out of that place and moves into his new home which is like five times the size of his old house

And his squad which is his part of his harem or his harem which is his squad is also him living there with him because his entire squad is made up of rejects from actual society and whenever their parents find out they've became better than heroes and yeah they'll want them back but won't be that easy if they unless if they want to get shot which I think their children would be more than happy to do it

So anyways it's their birthday deku came downstairs and had a backpack on him ready for one hour he's leaving then he sat down on the couch a while back ago and is looking at him and the girls the female twins are looking at him with sort of concerned because why would he fight back now of all times and he has a bigger smile and yea well the biggest smile it wasn't really that big but it was the biggest smile they've seen in many years because he's always taking something seriously

so after that happened there was a knock on the door and that's whenever his future Hera members and friends came in also just so you know Captain Winters doesn't move into the house in a while mainly because she didn't gain feelings for yet but sooner or later

So she came in and she had a party hat on and she said where is the party be at

Then the number one hero got very mad because this was one of the same people that was there that humiliated him and said you were not invited and then she said that's not what this invitation says like also deck is very good at copping things so he made a perfect invitation that says invite thing to many people pretty much and sad we didn't send you these yeah you didn't your son Dad then he looked at his son and said why are you know who these people are yeah I work for them so obviously I know who they are awesome they're wearing their parts of their armor not their helmets though

What's this confused on what do you mean then he decided to change his voice as and said maybe this will be a reminder now go home and cry like a little bitch you are then some of the other people that's there started to giggle and laugh a little bit because it never gets old and funny well it gets funnier every time

So anyways The number here and his wife looked pretty much so heartbroken because their son became pretty much a governments pet pretty much and asked why Deku asked why was still in his cloaker voice why with you become part of the government when you could've became a hero Deku saw a little bit and said well what I heard was no I don't think he can be a hero he doesn't show the hero spirit so I became something better get paid better and everything is better

But we've treated you right after that he got mad the same as everyone else pretty much there that knows about it and start treating me right when was the last time you spend time with me any of you and well you know what happened they couldn't think of anything that's why they realized he was right

The number one hero's wife asked for a second chance so what happens next is our main character if I remember correctly a few years ago when I got shot through my eye you were very upset when I didn't die I wouldn't be surprised if you were celebrating or saying yes he's finally dead I remember you saying that very clearly which does hurt her more as she remembered that she did celebrate at her own sons dying from a much or on deaths bed which hurt her even more because she didn't even know

and well that's where we will end it off I guess I hope you guys enjoyed this one

Oh boy the league of villains will be having a annoyance with Cloaker around

Also during the time they were there Deku draft kicked his tormentors in the face out of anger

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