Sample of N the AI creator

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OK so this one is basically going to be all about the mothership and copper nine basically and perhaps him going back into the past on the gala

But anyways we go to basically them being at The mothership Alyssa first and basically this is sort of going to be the pass so basically at the mothership they were in for an interview not an interview but seeing what their job is on copper nine is the kill like all the workers which he was very upset about this but once he heard about the explosion that they caused was he was giggling deep inside his head and laughing as he's the one who caused it both for his own enjoyment but he didn't want any of the workers to die so as his payment for whatever he did he does something on copper nine when he knows when a worker dies but if he does sadly John dies he couldn't give a crap about them he could care less about them also perhaps in this N is The shortest dissembly drone or perhaps he's like taller than many other females except for his sister and a few others maybe

But anyways he thought it was actually hilarious that all of like the workers well not the workers but all of the humans died whatever he thought about how their families must feel he cannot think but laughing and he doesn't feel regret for it at all

But anyways whenever he's on copper night he does still do his job but he takes their coding out and send it back to their home because he knows everything about all of the workers no matter how much the dissembly Jeromes try to get rid of all the workers it will be useless because he will keep on reviving them until the end of time or until he destroys the planet or I mean the universe

so whenever the other drones talk to him about he will admit they weren't lying he barely does his job but he has ways to figure out like he's has control over the universe and perhaps there's a leaderboard that shows on the amount kills some the only time he actually kills workers while he does kill all of them a lot mainly because he's bored but he does put their coding back he basically sort of made it there a spot on point being somewhere else but anytime they die it'll be like just sort of a reset but their bodies are left

But anyways he's still able to handle the abuse even though he wants to kill everyone around him right now at some point he met a certain drone who is about to be killed by a female dissembly drone for some reason there's something about this girl he likes so he showed up and when are the dissembly drone turned around she saw the only male dissembly drone also just so you know there's something that gets sent to the office or somewhere that tells if a dissembly drone was destroyed but he knows about it he doesn't destroy it but anytime if he killed a dissembly drunk it would just go on the fritz and it would just glitch out whoever killed her it's basically a way for their comrades to get revenge

Whenever she asked him what he's doing here she asked what he's doing here and called him sort of useless but quickly his smile turned into a like a frown that's not natural for them but his mouth quickly opened up very very wide and started to glitch and his visor was completely red the drone was scared whenever he grabbed her by the head he crushed her head completely and dropped her he turned back to normal before she could see him she saw the little drone carrying a child and let you say drones grow or mature faster than humans obviously

I asked her if she was OK and she said yes she's adorable and it may sound under age but the child be in the hair and butt before you say anything hear me out the person he say it is Nori And child drones mature faster than normal humans so basically in like a month or so a children's just kind of being a fully grown adult but 16 years old and then by after that the drones just age just as fast as humans do except they don't die there a immortal until they get killed by something or someone

But yeah after that the child thing was going to crack or is cracking and he saw it and said adorable and whenever she was born she was smiling thinking that the drawing in front of her is her father and yes just so you know khan left his wife there today with their daughter out of fear and then he could hear other dissembly drones like a mile away or so probably more but he told her that she should run and he hears some more of his own kind he said that and discuss as he did not consider them his own because technically he's a completely different being he's not even a drone at all

But she says thank you then he was wondering if this is what his mind was thinking of when I didn't want to destroy this universe and he thought maybe my life will get better from here

Just so you know the drone he killed was actually very much a favorite from like the other drums like she was the third favorite among everyone because she was both very kind and respectful to everyone but N

So obviously he had no problem killing her she wasn't kind to him yeah no problem like he knows he could've knocked her unconscious with his powers but that wouldn't be fun he rather kill her

Also perhaps he actually rewrote the mother Drone's memory also when she got back to the pot she was not happy with her ex-husband off and the father khan shit he was both scared of what's going to happen next to him as he is very much afraid of his wife

But anyways he's also upset that he missed her his child's mature thing as he missed it

But anyways once he got back up on earth let's just say the people from the team that she was in the Drone he killed they brought back her body and came out the pad holding her bridal style he wanted to just laugh but deep in his mind he knows that people would both get angry at him and suspicious of the façade he's been putting on for his entire life at least being down in the universe with the drones and humans but whenever the human she was watching it revealed that there is no evidence on who killed her whoever it was so whenever they were taken looks at her body whatever happened it looked like it was crushed with a hand or something whoever did this has overwhelming strength there's no other way she could've died in any other way as we all know what N level of strength he was able to crush the head of a worker drone

If you want you can choose if someone is able to revive other drones your choice yes I'm talking about the absolute solver which she is able to but that's your choice if you want her to be revived obviously she will not have any memory of who killed her
This is also another reason why N hey statue a solver also known as CYN because she revives drones he don't like

Also the absolute solver has always saw him suspicious but just thought that was just him being normal but she should've taken that into account

So anyways he does go down there and also talks to the mother of the worker every now and then although one day she just stop showing up one day he did not know what happened but later he just ignored it he didn't forget about her he just ignored it but later on he met this other worker I'll just explain that sort of so he was walking down until he saw a suspicious worker and he shut up right behind her and she shot him with a ray gun and it did nothing to him because he activated something to defend himself and then he said wow that hurt and he saw something familiar about her and asked UZI is that you then She said bite me also why should I tell you then he said that I knew your mother when you were still a baby whenever I saved her and you became a child I know you it's been months but your mother is just stuff showing up what happened to her and she looked down and said she's gone and etc. bummed out knowing what happened and he asked him where her body is because he can fix her she thought this is just a plan to get to her or something like that but deep down will this might be her only chance to get her mother again or get her back basically

So well he knows sort of what exactly happened but he just needs to know the location then he can just quickly teleport there and what he did with the daughter and he started to use his powers to take her out of the ground and she looked like she's been there for days possibly weeks maybe months but anyways he looked sad as his friend and only friend was basically taken away from him by murder drone so he started to take materials out of the ground transforming them into parts and started to create other things to clean her up and get rid of the rust and basically completely fix her basically almost instantly

Then she woke up she also transforms stuff into for her as she lost a lot of it then she turned online and was breathing heavily and look at herself the daughter was both overjoyed and was wondering what he did as this is different from her mothers power

So also he was in his other form or sort of he transformed in both his true form and fake for his the forehead looks like right now looks exactly like VHS sans So the girls got scared and asked what's wrong with him he asked what do you mean and he heard his voice glitching and he took and pulled up in here and said that's when he decided to tell them but promise he asked them to promise not to tell anyone

The promise and he started to tell him about the other universe is he destroyed and on how the whole reason why he hasn't destroyed this one yet is because well he felt like he would find a true family and friends here and he said it looks like I have found my true family and friends

They all hugged them although they are really thick as well he could definitely feel basically like their chest on him he also decided to mess with them by grabbing their bottom part they were very much flushing and had a look of both anger and embarrassment and blushing and horniness

Then he said oh what hey seems like you guys enjoyed it so did I after that they just couldn't handle him like at all anymore because of what he just said as they were just now completely embarrassed then UZI said bite me

Then he came back with another embarrassing thing and sad if you really want me too after that her daughter just finally broke and has steam coming out of her mouth and etc. then he asked them if she would want to be next she also then got knocked unconscious

He grabbed her and started to take her to their apartment or teleported there to there house/colony area

So yeah but anyways at this point for some reason he was called into the CEOs office for some reason once he got back from his mission but this time he was actually smiling more than anything many other terms for kind of confused but they thought maybe he's finally being destroyed which after they said that he can hear very well from a distance and he can have everything to transfer saying about him but the look he was giving was a lick of anger for some reason Many drones wanted to stop him from going to the office for some reason like that their mind or programming was telling them to protect the CEO from him but they don't know why what will do they know is that the reason why is because of the monster he is

So anyways what he was sent therefore he asked if you wanted to see me sir he really did not like calling him sorry and then he said yes it seems like you been lacking and kills one of the worst dissembly drones I have seen perhaps what the others call you is truly what you are worthless and pathetic then he actually this time he finally reached his breaking point he's no longer gonna hold back the time he actually talks back to the CEO he says this if you truly useless then what does that make your family to you if anything I've seen your family they are war worse than me they are nothing more than pathetic weak little annoyances that deserve to be on copper nine when the explosion happened after that he was shocked and pissed then he says do you want to get yourself killed and scraps then he says what no but I'm just doing it saying the truth after that he asked the humans or guards to take him to the scrapping room

Whenever they got close he started to open up something that only he can see after that he clicked The kill button and it killed the guards instantly after that he was shocked and scared and asked what the hell did you do then he giggles and laughs and says Mr. CEO you see I'm not entirely a drone and actually The creator of everything you see all of the religions you've made about God doesn't exist I am the one who created this universe I am the one who has full control over everything that happens around you you are nothing I only created this universe and because all the other universes I made were always annoying including this one I'm just glad I found people actually care about so I don't have to delete this one as well The CEO doesn't believe him and thought that perhaps they died from a natural cause then he had enough and grab the CEOs head and started to fill his entire head with all the information he has including from the other universities after he was done the CEO was a shell of a man from the past basically he's no longer the same he once was

After he was done filling his brain with so much information it would make ever want to see it depress especially now realizing that he isn't even real he's just in a computer set an a simulation he then asked if I can go Mr. CEO then he said OK fine or he said in a sad voice yes after that he started to wonder if his life even has a meaning now that he knows he doesn't even exist he was create the creator who created him is right was right in front of him and he almost had him scrapped even though he knows that she wouldn't be able to be scrapped even if you truly wanted him to be

Once he left he had a huge grin on his face one of the biggest ones he had in a long time as he was wanting to do that for like a whole few years for years as he's been in that universe for years for like years he wanted to destroy that universe but he didn't have really the guts because his body was telling him that he will meet someone who can actually make him feel happiness he was waiting years for that to happen and he was trusting the process and all those years paid off as he's possibly gained two girlfriends

After that let's just say the leaders also saw him walk out of the CEO office and there are two places that's for both leaders well they're different areas one places where leaders go to hang out and another one's a police were random drums like I'm talking about the regular dissembly drones hang out

And let's just say he was walking down and let's just say he went to the area where the regular dissembly drone not vise leaders (they already had their own Area to hang out) or leaders hang out but yeah whenever he walked in this is the first time he's ever walked in the reason why he's doing it is because he's in a really good mood

And they know where he went they were sort of shocked to see him back as they thought he was going to be scrapped but he had a huge grin the biggest one they've ever seen of him and working with him well whenever they meet him or met him they were asking on what's that smug look for then he said oh no reason just put the CEO in his place we were done with his chair he looked very upset and depressed they were wondering on what did he do from what he's hearing whatever he did to the CEO must've been either so horrifying or whatever he said to him that must've been so terrible that actually made the CEO to lose his color

But anyways but anyways perhaps the CEO got on the intercom and he looked up and he also told the CEO he knows everything and he knows exactly what everything's going on around him every secret you hide he knows he knows basically everything about the universe because he created it including on what he's thinking of right now he told the CEO that the CEO never felt so useless in his life he never felt this useless

He also told the CEO on he can do whatever he wants to move the other dissembly Jones he couldn't give a dame But anyways he also will the seal ass in a depressed voice on why has he always acts so kindly of what change this time then he said well I guess you just reached my breaking point also the whole kind act was just an act I've never felt bad for anything I've ever done call me regret I ever made what is destroying copper 9 he had white eyes and yes you destroyed copper 9 yes and all those screams and all those families crying all those children crying was just delightful he started to giggle and laugh and bang his head on the counter causing oil to leak but it quickly fixed instantly as he knows that tell me some about this will make him sound crazy unless if he reveals it and shows everyone

And he does tell him not to reveal anything or your daughter might suffer a grave consequence giggles but he at this point don't care because he's just wondering what's the point to life

So anyways back to the intercom so the CEO was telling them on how I'm not much in the mood to talk right now but I'm just going to say stay the hell away from N if you want to go near him that's your choice I won't stop you but this is just you're all alone to stay the hell away from him

They quickly looked down at their comrade and he had a huge grin while looking up and they also saw his visor going a little bit red but also quickly glitching back to yellow as he's no longer really trying to hide the fact of the monster he is

Then once that happened they knew he did something to the CEO something awful something that shouldn't even be said

So some of them that were close to him not thinking he was a threat immediately started to back away and then he asked what's wrong why are you guys leaving it's not like I hurt anyone at least not physically he quickly gave a huge smile as he simulating that he hurt the CEO but not physically after that they know he is basically trying to say something through his words or hinting them at something

They know if he did something by how are you is acting after that he said well it's been a nice chat but I think it's time for me to go he said an adorable work and voice I can't even make CYN look put to shame but after that he left being happy after that was done many of the leaders and vice leaders were looking at him especially his teammate to like that him with either a tiny bit of rage is wondering what he said That's one ever his leader went and Commander you tell her what she said to the CEO but then he quickly said oh come on isn't really that important but why should I tell you besides you V and M are all the sluts of the company as like I said he sort of think so those three sort of as being on the company's deck all the time

Obviously the vice leader and the two leaders were not very happy at what they were called by just a random drone who they knew for many years

The leader which is taller than him J lifted him up and sent him against the wall he didn't have any damage because it would take an actual human to do any type of damage or should I say real life human like his creator

But anyways after he was slammed to the wall he had his hands behind his back and he's creating something out of thin air and it would be some sort of glitched hammer he hit her on the head knocking her to the ground basically knocking her off line which I'm normal hammer can't do that but the hammer he created can

He also started to glitch a little bit his eyes turning red and for a split second in less than a second I see 0.01 seconds his head glitched and turn into his real form which state barely saw it I thought their head was playing tricks on them

Then he picked up J with one of his like fingers and he had to look at discuss and said he'll take this sluty friend of yours and leave me the hell alone like they never seen the side of him where they were wondering if they finally sort of made him snap oh boy he's been crazy before you guys were created

OK but anyways after that incident many people have thought twice even humans although let's just say Mr. Elliot didn't like the way he talk to the CEO by the sounds of it and perhaps he thought you might get a promotion if he puts him in his place so he met with a drone he's known for years and basically threw a fork in his face which is dead or like other drugs he easily pulled it out and ripped his head off with it which he just started to shake his head To get some excess oil like more oil then should be in a drones body he did not think much of it as it's normal but after that he put his head back on easily and then he said he I forgot about this as it's not normal for disability Drone said just put their head back on perhaps having their head obliterated they can heal from that but they will need another going to put their head back on

After that he then asked who's the wise guy who threw a fork in my visor can you hold off for for completely ignoring Mr. Elliot existence after that Mr. Elliot said that would be me you freak there's someone here that I thought I heard a useless human talk in a minute obviously did that did not sit well Mr. Elliot picked him up and basically sort of try to kill him although his daughter tried to stop him from doing that but the wife actually held her daughter by the arm hard telling her not to even get involved

The CEO was watching from the distance and Mr. Elliot knew that but whatever he looked at the CEO he had a look of fear and he was slowly walking towards him to stop him before he gets all of them killed

But very quickly N Had enough and he glitched out of his arms and then started to like punch through Mr. Elliott's chess but he quickly got revived and he kept on doing it basically he was able to feel all the pain but he just revised through it and The only person who wasn't shocked by this was the CEO as he knows he's basically reviving him with his whole command board or whatever he has but anyways after the last hit well the first hit was enough for Mr. Elliot to get knocked out but he just started to do this for no reason and his hand was covered in glitch

The wife went to her husband but he wasn't done yet he start a walk over and kicked Miss Elliot out of the way not very hard but enough for her to get knocked out very quickly he started to move his head in a weird way and went and punch his hand right through his chest and ripped out his heart and started to make it float like he has no problem with revealing his power now but then he started to do other things and started to revive him as well and giving him a new heart and destroyed his other one now Mr. Elliot was scared as he has full control over the area around him or really any area in reality

Also fun fact apparently Nori and Uzi became N's favorite chew toy and also another toy for some thing else that you can never explain on YouTube no matter what without getting basically child appropriate thing I forgot the name or demonetize I think it's called I'm not too sure but you can never hope to describe we're here and what they're called on YouTube that's all you need to know

But anyways I guess that's it for now because I have no other idea what could happen

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