Sample of scp 096 the worker drone

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So they were on their way to the massive piles of dead bodies and wild right now 096 is a pacifist right now or docile

He was caring Uzi was on his back and everything goes as Canan where N sees them and she goes and attacks which she was about to try and kill 096 even though she can't it's literally impossible at least with their weapons The best chance they actually had of killing him was whenever the court blew up that's like the closest thing they had to be able to kill him or him as a baby even then that would be a task on its own

So after that she got knocked unconscious with an arm and got her head exploded before she was able to try and do what she thought would be the final blow to 096

And yeah so after that and she was rebooting N did exactly what she did and canon and said I help her name is serial designation N and she explains on how she everyone says she is worthless and terrible and she says that how she wasn't supposed to say that part biscuits although this route kind of made 096 remember on how people treat him sort of so he was conflicted a little bit I think that's what it means

So anyways N was talking to them and she said on how he is too tall to be a murder drone or a new drone the company sent and on how she's too short or something like that pretty much she also just talked about how skinny he was and how he's not like the others

Then they said Orwell his friend said and how their new designs

And while everything goes as canon from them talking in the pod where serial designation N talks about how they need their sweet oil just so they don't blow up and etc.

And during the conversation they heard another drone it was her teammates J & V and our main character he was a little bit scared not because he will die but he was more concerned about his friend also perhaps the doors actually close but that's just in case if like murder drones come by and see the colony open so they have to use a key card and it will slowly open

So after that happened he grabbed Uzi and he was running faster than a cheetah like I'd say three times faster maybe two times

And they saw his speed and they were impressed and shocked but just so you know everything goes as canan they said idiot get out here and on how V said there's a worker drone out there I want to try out balloon animals with

So we go back to the colony and the door was shut which she says damit we won't make it in time and the door will open in time that's whenever he decided to grab the bottom of the vault door and forcefully start opening it when she was doing it very easily and after a few seconds he pulled it all the way up after that they were saying on how to shut the door of the colony

And after that N showed up while the doors were closing it before it could shut though she got in sort of and started to attack everyone the remaining drums try to run but 096 and Uzi got stabbed he screamed out in pain a little bit although now that she gets a more clear look at his face he had oil like dry oil coming down of his face which she thought this was weird because she's never seen a drone with oil like that but for some reason she actually felt like whenever she stabbed him it felt like cutting through a normal human like it felt like she like stabbed a human that's what it felt like

After that she said and how she enjoyed their time together but you guys must die now So after that he laid down but this time like 096 now reaches breaking point of always being beaten and not able to protect his friends sort of so I don't know what else can happen right now but what happens next is that they showed up everything goes as canon also her mother left them there

So after N was implanted with the virus 096 best friend woke up and she was sad to see him gone but she hast to move forward to safe everyone else and she can mourn later

And she apologizes for her friend which she said it was all right

But after they left a few seconds later he got up and started to make weird sounds like after he was stared at

So after they got in there and the whole sing with the fem Thad getting stabbed and thrown across the room sort of that's whenever the murder drone and worker showed up and had smiles and etc. and N was being called a traitor

But a few seconds later before the fight happens where they asked who they would wanna fight their face go as canon of who they would want to fight

But during this time they heard loud screaming which didn't even sound like any drone it sounded like a drunk who's been in planter with something that's not normal but a few seconds later something just broke through the wall and what would you know it's 096 The people who thought he was weak or was shocked I was able to break through the wall but after that he screamed again and then just ran right at J and just tossed her into a wall which made it crack an impact and then he started to go for another attack with his claws which he did his claws did make contact and what it did was actually horrifying there was so much strength behind it were if it wasn't for her being made out of metal like there was dents in her metal head but if it was a human head that would be a concussion but anyways so it was absolutely dominating J sadly for J it's not in the fun way yet

But anyways soon afterwards he started to rip out the entrails of J and all of them watched in horror as he did so he started to also eat parts of the body even some of the limbs as well to the point where there's like almost nothing left pretty much she let's just say she's losing every body part that she was in Canaan and what's left of it is what he didn't eat

Everyone was shocked by his physical strain I never seen someone so strong in their life but looks so fragile and the weak

So after he ate like a good portion like half of the murder drones body including the head he had a ton of oil dripping from his mouth and hands he lets back at everyone to flinched after that he put his hands into holding possession also he lost all his clothing from rockets the only thing that stayed intact was his underwear even then you can see some sort of bump around his underwear area and you probably know what it was it made like all the women blush

But anyways he was sort of holding his knees and silently crying a little bit or being emotional after that just so you know he's actually still very weak sort of like what I mean is that he weighs very little possibly he weighs less than a murder drone

So anyways after that they started to carry him and brought him outside in the snow and he's a completely white worker drone everything happens as canon where Uzi mother khan her Second mother was going to like talk about everything and then she had her coffee mug or something like that and drink it and The mug said number one mother

And while everyone started to say on house number one mother of the year

So everything happens as canon after that with her laughing like a psychopath

So after that happened we come across episode two and everything from episode two happens like Canaan I'm not too sure about it but we go through a time skip where the teacher starts asking for her to give back back Brandon Sentence

So she said bite me and etc. and after that she says on the hell the both of you 096 and you have to work with some people or in a group of three let's just say Everyone wanted to for the record Lizzie says no we didn't the both of you freak us Out 096 I understand but with her have no idea why

So then we come across the absolute Solver and everything starts happening like Canon 096 starts fighting the creature and he starts losing limbs even being pleased and to but he regenerates and he starts fighting back and he wins and once the creature was like destroy and his I guess you can say future girlfriend or one of them one of well they helped but whenever there was like only one creature left 096 grabbed it and ate it they told him that was disgusting but then again they shouldn't be surprised

Also during episode to receive doll with like picture of V having a psychotic look in her face

So onto episode three it was the prom and Uzi saw multiple missing people and she was just lacking like she got first place and something else getting a prize or she finally completed something almost impossible and yeah 096 is technically the purple haired drones adopted brother after being adopted by Khan

So zero96 saw his sister pretty much happy and he asked her why she's so happy and she was just still laughing and other stuff which sort of freaked him out but also not really because he seen things even worse

Also 096 is actually so skinny you can see the outline of his endoskeleton pretty much that all drones have you can literally see his endoskeleton where his ribs is it's really bad If he was on earth and the worker drum not like every single human bit of scrapped him on site it's that bad although they would've never gotten a chance to do so

So now what's happening is his sister was sent to dolls room and Lizzie says he's a freak ready to get popular and his sister was just now screaming not only because she is going to be in this room with them but also because her mother is shop roaming

So SCP 096 also did hear this but was hiding even though for his size he's actually very good at hiding which many people have found or question how does he do this So he decided to go into a vent and started climb through too dolls room

So he started to hear doll saying like or pretty much people talking about on to do this and they won't miss her

That's whenever her brother just showed up and put his hand down and grabbed her and took her what she was shot he was able to fit in a flat considering of how tall he is

Although it was awkward because he can't turn around so he was moving his body backwards

Although she was sort of blushing because of that state there and sort of because they were like very close to face to face

So this time after they got out doll came into the room and said so she escape through the fence and etc.

Sensor that everything else goes as canon where we visit N and she's talking to V and how she wants to be dapper and well guess what she does become dapper like in Canaan

So what happens next is We see the prom going on and our main character was in a tuxedo which has a very which was well hand crafted by Uzi mainly because there's no one out there that knows how to make well there's no clothing that's made for that stuff

So he was in a tuxedo and a suit him very well

But because of him being told he is able to see everyone and everything and after that the murder Trump showed up and was like acting all sinister and etc. and Lizzie started talking about on how calm down she's my friend and other stuff and she talks about how she's so easy to manipulate and he was almost ready to rush at V she noticed this and quickly stopped mainly because she knows that he can kill her in less than five seconds that's all he needs

But soon after he saw Doll with the sinister face and her absence solver Soto activated and he actually knows what that is because he's thought someone before when he did leave The colony by himself for the first time he met Cyn and he was victorious out of the fight but he knows on how dangerous that can be After that he screamed and started Russia Donna Texas and just her powers and started to like making his leg bones endoskeleton break and turn in on natural directions and threw him but he screamed and he broke through some walls his sister was mad at her for doing that to her a little brother she is a little bit older

so after that doll sent you some things towards the V everything happens in Canaan where she starts saying on how she lost family because of them and other stuff

After that 096 broke through the wall completely regenerated and screaming so after that she knew that if she kept on telling him and breaking his body or even destroying vital areas he's going to just regenerate nothing she does matters so she decided to this time just whole time with her actually saw her which she was very far away because if she messes up once she'll get go down on the ground and slaughter her possibly leaving nothing behind

This entire time he was trying to grab her by the hair at most and rip it to get closer to her so after that happened she started to ask Uzi you would really side with a murder drone I am not the only one who lost family to them

Uzi says bite me decide if my brother was a worker I would've lost my brother to you and besides I am done doing things alone that made N smile and be with a sort of I don't know expression because I actually don't know

After that she said but I don't need your help so she threw both side boys and her brother at N which saw blades collided with him leaving him in three pieces this time because remember his body is as far as she has a human and it's as easy to cut in half as you know

But he quickly regenerated again so once again she picked him up once he tried to attack because yeah so after that everything goes as kind of where doll finally died and etc.

After that all of them went into her room and after that well they started to see things and 096 was getting annoyed with her not respecting the dead until they came across her parents and she said they didn't even taste that good after that 096 had enough of her and bit her head cleaned off she quickly regenerate it though and she was now in fear her face what was actual had a face purifier instead of a smile

So anyways they continued and everything else happens as canan you can choose what else happens

Onto episode four I won't say too much but 096 everything else sort of happened and perhaps this is pretty much the EP we're Lizzie Rebecca and most of the people decided to say on how much they love him or admit it

So everything goes as canon and I don't know much of what could happen but what happens is Lizzie thought this would be the best time to and how she felt and why she was bawling I'm sort of but she didn't realize how much it was hurting him because from the very beginning from the day he saw her she he sort of had a tiny bit of a crush not like A massive one just a little one like it's small enough to wear until you meet Fem N and you completely forget about that crash or feeling that type

And while he did except and she didn't really mind sharing him or you can really choose and who asks him first but either way they don't really mind sharing knowing that considering on how they've seen him run and do impossible stuff without running out of stamina she will need it that's all I can just say that they know they will need it especially for the bed time

So afterwords he was going over to where his sister said she was going to after that he saw a drone who's dead which was Brandon and sauce sister over Rebecca and he went as fast as he can grab her and well that's how she fell in love with him saving her

He has no idea on what's happening but everything goes as canon where V shot a rocket and it landed right by Lizzie and she did what she did in Canaan and like How to annoy the expression because this is what she was thinking in her head great the moment I admit my feelings soon the day I get exploded or something like that then the rock exploded and she was launched

After that before she could finish the job that's whenever N And 096 showed up and he grabbed her 096 did grab his sister and put her in a bear hug and she was holding onto his arms and then that's whenever she stabbed her little brother in the neck and he pulled it out and the acid or whatever it is was eating away at his body but quickly regenerated

And she had A look of like fear of what she did after that N said well if we go and she threw the both of them up in the air and remember SCP 096 is actually the same Weight as a worker drone but that's because in his body there's not as much oil in his body and he's skinnier to the point where he can see his endoskeleton

So N said what did I say about enticing her I think that's what he said in Canan then V said The both of you always choose her side then that's whenever she flew up and she saw the both of them sort of falling down and everything happens as canon where she sort of pushed her brother away from her and she says I like how she's a monster and that and well during this time 096 was playing with her tail as the tail for some reason wrapped around him as if it's finding her mate after that Uzi giggled a little bit and said don't touch it and other stuff and let's just say this is a time where two more drunk sort of confessed how they feel even though I'm pretty sure the snake type thing did it for Uzi

Now onto episode five N wants her memories back but V she doesn't care about her memories at all so that's whenever episode five starts where they are trying to get back their memories and while 096 found His Way into the programming as well sort of like I don't know how but his physical body actually got into the memory

after it was he was watching through the window and just so you know he's like almost triple the size of a worker each hand or arm is 2m long

So during this time he was watching N and She said oh look J Drew herself after that A long hand just grabbed the paper and ripped it not liking her at all

She was glad that she killed her because well she will they don't have the best relationship considering he devoured like half of her body and he wants to do it again

But then that's whenever N looked behind her and saw him she was actually scared because she just saw White eyes and was just scared because of it after that he walked from the library and she just stood there afraid that whenever the drum showed up and she was actually shocked and horrified by the look now because it looked ugly but because it looks like you should've been alive or is it not physically strong because it looks like that she knows that once a human finds him or looks at him they're going to scrap him she's afraid for the drone and yeah but he's stronger than he looks

So he grabbed her hand although let's just say like in many other stories he gained a little bit of a pervert and nature although let's just say Uzi beat the actual crap out of Lizzie and Rebecca for showing her brother inappropriate things as she still considered him the innocent drone so as he saw those well let's just say magazines he decided to sort of test them out and so he grabbed N well one of her breast

What she was blushing and she just gas that maybe he doesn't know just want to cut because no normal drum sort of acts like this because like many of them aren't as since he has them really because whenever she saw him she just thought maybe this drone is just a broken and very very old model drone as she's never seen a drawing that's an older model

But after they walked through the door he was wearing clothing though that fits him like a tuxedo perhaps it doesn't really fit very well actually as well

So once they walked through the door 096 saw the absolute solver/Cyn and he saw her like turn from her absolute Solver into her other form which he just shook his head not believing it really and thinking that maybe he's losing his mind as he knows he already has in the past

So she asked big sis N Who is that you got there and she explains on who he is and it's 096 that's his name and she asked OK Little bro 096 well there's actually a theory where like because of him being the newest drone that was possibly fixed by Tessa he's now considered the youngest amongst them

So she's also looking at his like physical body and his shot that she's never seen a week or drown or something that looks so weak like from how weak he looks it's really bad like it looks like he's only strong enough to lift up a box full of laundry pretty much that's how weak he is which worker drones are supposed to work on the more dangerous stuff as well like heavy lifting boulders and other stuff like that

And is a little bit afraid she doesn't understand why she's attached to this drone already so much but she is afraid that he's going to die or get killed by Tessa mother and father I just say in the future Tessa's father sort of cheated

So after that everything goes as canon and after that 096 hugged the both of them with his hand on each of their breast making them blush but they just think maybe he doesn't know better because he can tell he's sort of innocent as well lol but like he doesn't really know what's happening really I'm just guessing that he found Tessa's fathers magazines

So anyways he was sort of no walking with them and he was holding their hand sort of he did notice the size in comparison he's a giant in compared to them

So once he got out there everything goes as kennel with Tessa and J that's whenever she noticed N and freaked out happily and said her name

After that she has on who she brought to the gala that's whenever she saw Cyn Antin drone she never fixed or built before and she was actually amazed by his height like he's taller than any human she's ever seen which this like is this a new model or an old model because she's never seen old models before because there either were scrapped and there's no truth about them or this is a new one

Which she's also scared for the drone because it looks very weak and her pet she knows her parents would easily scrap The person or the drone if it's not useful to them or to the mansion in general

Because it looks like she compared to him and pretty much makes Tessa looks physically stronger that's how we Weak he looks also she did blush at his likes it as well sort of but mainly because of his innocent appearance even more innocent then N

So after that Cyn started to say on how J forgot to lock my cage again

Although J Didn't notice the luck 096 was giving her and it was a look at that could kill and it's not friendly once she knows that the drone wants her dad but she doesn't know why

So anyways after that Tessa's mother showed up and now she was even more afraid for the drone so after that happened James left to the side and Her mother showed up she said Tessa James Elliot and talked about how we are not here to entertain your dumpster pets which he already did not like this lady already

She didn't notice the tall drone yet mainly because she was too busy scolding her daughter so after that Tessa said yes mother sorry mother then she looked over and saw Cyn but then she Saul legs of someone else and then she started to look up and saw a drone that's like taller than her by like a lot she was sort of scared but for some reason she was blushing like she was attractive but she quickly talk to her self I'm like what the hell is this drama there's no way he can be this tall and he looks so weak he looks like nothing more than scrap but then she said he does look kind of cute then she quickly snapped her self out of it and said what am I thinking in her mind

After that everything goes as canon and she was getting annoyed and after that let's just say during this time whenever Tessa's mom was going to walk away SCP 096 sort of grabbed her arm a little bit but with like a confused smile or not a smile but like a confused look and Tessa's mom was actually impressed by his strength he looks weak but she can tell that he's not trying to break her arm but if feels like it she can tell he's not using any force it was and knew that he could kill everyone around him in less than five seconds if you wanted to so she decided not to make him mad

But she still did pull her arm away to get him off her arm and everything goes as canon where Tessa's mom starts leaving and ask for them to throw the drones into the dump whatever

everything else happens as canon where she is just shocked I have a drone just talked back to her also whenever the lightning happened he sort of switched into his true form a little bit or will not his TruForm because he isn't it but you can see oil that's on his mouth area like and his hands like he's been eating a drone

And I don't really know what else can happen here but let's just say N was being taken like pretty much outside SCP 096 has no idea where she's being taken to and after that they were sort of sent to Tessa's room Tessa was sort of shocked that she didn't do anything with 096 that's what she's shots because I need to have that has ever like gotten close or touched her was usually sent where N was being sent to

So once they got to Tessa's room she was chained up SCP 096 was looking out curious on what's happening because he's oblivious of what's happening right now

So that's when Tessa said if that's drone dies I swear or something like that after SCP 096 heard that he jumped out the window and Tessa was concerned and confused on where he's going but she thinks he has a plan so we go back to N Who is still being injured sort of by crows that's when Uzi showed up or took over a bird and many other stuff goes as canon that but before N Who is able to be free there was this creature walking towards her and she was still chained up by perhaps her hands and she saw this and what wide-eyed because she did some research on this creature and explain somehow it has a pocket dimension I can send anyone to if he's so desired and she was now just trying to get out Uzi had no idea about what this creature was

So before it could touch her 096 went and punched in the face knocking it against the tree breaking the tree and a Claude at the chains and released her and now it's trying to just kill it or they're still well they're fighting now and 096 told her to go and how he got this

So before she left she saw them again and she saw him throwing punches at SCP 106 yeah that's who it is

So after that she ran back to the mansion Little did she know while she was running 096 slammed SCP 106 to the ground and he went to his dimension and grabbed him by the legs and pulled him in as well that was the last scream she heard of him at least until later on

You can also choose SCP 106 is actually a worker drone or a drone in general but an experiment gone wrong sort of like SCP 096 you can call him Y/N or whatever you want that's his real name

So anyways everything goes as canon where like pretty much during this time time hat is going slower it felt like 096 was in there for hours except it's only been a few minutes

And he's been being tortured although one of sex is not having really any fun because he only screams and it's not in pain or anything like that which doesn't give them like any pleasure pretty much because that's exactly why he can ask people in the actual SCP wiki for his own enjoyment and pleasure

So he sooner about to release him but before he does we go back to Cyn Tessa and Jay mass many of the humans there does know about SCP 106 especially Tessa because she also read a book when she was younger about who won the Sixers and knows exactly what he looks like she's never met him in person but knows he's dangerous Tessa's mother and father doesn't really know anything about him mainly because he is dangerous and that that's all they really know about him because when they were reading about him they just couldn't handle what he does to his victims or drone victims

So everything goes as canon where Tessa and Jay walk south and says this is a stick up or a citizens murder or something like that and everything goes as can and from there but before like Tessa's parents were thrown they did say what they did say but there was some sort of black substance on the ceiling which they all noticed and something was thrown out of it and it was a endoskeleton figure of that drone you could see everything that was inside of him his core his you can literally see everything everything looks like it's been destroyed but he's still moving he has no oil on him anymore no organs or internal anything the humans and the drones there was looking in shock including Cyn Who had shocked eyes while she was sitting on the planet

Then 106 dropped from the ceiling and it was over him and the drum was just crying as well and after that it looked at the humans and many of them knows who that is but after that he decided to walk through a wall the drone was just there crying also clawing at his head or is Endo had like he shouldn't even be functioning right now because not only does he need oil to function but he also needs the organs I was put inside of him but he's able to move like a normal human sort of except a human wouldn't be alive right now

You can choose what else happens because I don't really know only if you would choose these as ideas

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