Sample of The multiverse of blitzo

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OK so first of all I decided to make a sample and secondly our main well one of them moxxie his harem for now I do not know who else you could add but anyways it would be basically Millie's whole family besides the ones that she younger I'm talking about like her husband but her husband is female I'm talking about Lin I think that's her name

But anyways I sort of want to show you a new what they look like in their angel form

Moxxie his human form is the intruder


I know they look very similar but they look fairly different I know they look like their father but that would make sense since they're related to him and then again

Remember their father looks like the angel in Mandela catalogue I like overthrown the first one

OK so now for Alastair he still looks the same just with a halo and wings

Also here's the thing Moxie is the most dangerous out of the siblings mean alleys he can make people get hurt worse sort of mentally mainly because he's very kind and never loses his temper very much

blitz is in between of like getting angrier and losing his cool

Alaster the oldest of the brothers they are well he is well more aggressive and doesn't really use manipulation that much he does do it sometimes only when he wants to although the brothers would definitely come to each other aid if they need help on taking down a human although they never use their bare hands

All right but anyways let's get on with it so perhaps in this part the author like after them reacting to certain some alternate versions of blitz or different things in general

You bring the brothers mothers and father to the reaction room which is God from the HH universe and his heaven well where he's been at he made a whole new heaven that's even higher up then his old heaven and God from HH universe knows that his heaven is corrupt or his old one and he knows his ex wife like has no idea about it he also hates on how she's doing the rules

Basically you need to be perfect to get in heaven like if you do the smallest amount of sin basically you get sent to hell which he hates it like it he hates on how she made it she basically made it impossible for humans to get into heaven unless if they were children or babies basically who didn't really have much time to sin

Either way he hates it but every extermination he does go down to save sinners he's also using his wife's or his ex wife extermination thing to get demons who don't deserve to be in hell up to heaven which he's met a lot of them he met a lot he can tell by their soul if they belong in hell or don't like Miss Mayberry sure she killed her husband out of anger but she was a really good person and thing she had deserves a second chance and whenever she was about to get killed by an exterminator who shows up out of nowhere God he punched his head right through the exterminaters heart and just so you know this exterminator was actually a angel born in heaven basically and she was around whenever God was around so she knew who killed is basically killing her it's her Lord and Savior he didn't have like any emotion on killing her mainly because she's one of the people who rebelled against him

After that obviously he would start saying I have his their true savior and that his wife doesn't care about who lives and who dies in hell and says that you deserve a second chance after what that little rat did to you
Besides my son likes you/Blitzo

But anyways like it on with sora what happens as a reaction because no one actually knows what God has become they don't know about him becoming a heartless ass manipulative creature or alternate you should say and doesn't know he's already had multiple children who's hybrids also remember the story about what happens when an angel and a human get children they turn into giants or whatever that's not it for the story because God is a different person let's just say he's able to change rules

also he could've helped the cherubs get back into heaven if you wanted to he just didn't like them because he's corrupt like or they're corrupt like the rest of heaven

God just never went back to the old heaven or the earth because he just didn't want to not because he couldn't look at his creations mainly because there's no point on wasting his precious time on a pathetic species in his opinion he starting to think of creating him this was a good idea even though he was the one who created them it was his wife

But anyways let's get back to it so the author says this on how he's bringing in for people who might seem similar to many of you so after that four people were in the room which is the mother of Alastair Moxie and blitz Who are step siblings

Although a goddess or perhaps her name could be Alice I don't know a good name for her but anyways when she saw him she was both excited but a little bit afraid as she's afraid of what he might do to her as she hasn't seen him in like 1 billion years although even though he looked at her he kept a smile going it's really fake but he's learned to be very manipulative over the years and is able to put on a fake smile easily although it's not very creepy it's a normal smile

Although Alastair Moxie and blitz feels a sort of connection to the man although they did hug their mothers mainly because they haven't seen them in so many years like over 100 years it's been since the last saw their mother if I'm correct though Moxie is over 100 years old I'm pretty sure because on episode three I think it was Ex's & Oh's whenever he was captured by the police he started saying that was like 80 years

But anyways so Alice let's just call her Alice for now if you guys think of a better name then you can call her whatever but anyways Alice wanted to basically pounce on him for two reasons one reason she missed him a lot heaven was not the same without him and because she's feeling horny

Although she is afraid of what would happen if she tried to even do that mainly just afraid of him in general because she knows she can beat them in physical combat basically but whenever it comes to like fighting he wins 100%

But anyways like God hasn't talked yet his voice sounds distorted but that's because one of the angels damage his vocal cords he allowed it to happen mainly because he was still saying at the time if he was in his state right now he would've killed the angel who did that without any remorse even if it was Michael or Gabriel so yeah he was still saying at the time but he's no longer the same God they used to know

Although he can actually fix his vocal box anytime he wants but later on he'll realize on how much he loves this voice like he can heal his wounds anytime he wants to like he can change his vocal box to its original form or not but he just enjoys being distorted

He also enjoys acting sort of like Gabriel not because that's his favorite angel he actually hates Gabriel now he actually hates all the angels up in his other heaven he couldn't care less about them except a few like Lucifer war and etc. they weren't the ones who betrayed him

Also if you can't tell lucifers female I change that

But anyways perhaps their first reaction video is basically them reacting to sort of their true forms I'm talking about book blitz Alistair Moxie well they're reacting to their forms in general all of their forms

So the first one we start off with is Alastair which it shows his demon form than angel form which sounds or looks better he is one of the many few angels that don't actually have long hair but his halo he has two halos around his head and he still taste form of a deer and Alastair's hair thinks he looks so good as an angel

But then a weird text shows up and it says can you fight the demon in disguise then switch to black basically it also showed their human form

Now onto moxie is showed his human form which looks like the intruder which he looked very handsome as well he had his coat on and he was smiling there's something uneasy about him though everyone in the room can feel it his mother thought he looked so handsome and God being a proud father is happy for him although he feels like a deadbeat father because he was never around for his children's birth or his children but he's here now and after the reactions he's going to be the father or the best father he can be and then it shows his angel form which looked similar to gods a little bit which this sort of made Alice sort of questioning things like why does he look like her husband and after that she looked at her husband and looked and heard his direction and saw three women that belong to the people they're reacting to she was thinking wait did he then she thought about it and then she still in her head there's no way he would sleep with three lower ranking people right

But anyways it also showed a word they also made his face sort of turned into some sort of black square or something covering it and it says this do you know you're not the child you replaced

Because God can read minds he read his exes mind and said have you forgotten I don't care about ranking I can sleep with whoever I want and there is no way you would be able to beat them in bed I'm still traumatized till this day if you're wondering what I mean by that let's just say baby what he slept with his wife's before and let's just say their kinks were too much for him even for God

Also as a disclaimer moxie harem was blushing as well the reason why Millies mothers and sister never really accepted Moxie is because they were jealous of Millie getting with him

On to blitz he is Cesar and he wears a tuxedo which let's just say whenever blitz harem saw how you looked as a human they were blushing even the ones that hated him they couldn't help it he also had a cane pretty much as well

So what happens next is that they saw his angel farm which looked very handsome as well and he was smiling in a gentle innocent way

Then it quickly turned black and then words popped up and it said we know what you love we know what you dread then it quickly shows Alice it wasn't worth the risk and they said it in all in all capital letters with like red bloody like type thing showing and that was basically talking that was basically in gods showing basically if you go I mean like the red letters were gods whenever he said Alice nothing was worth the risk

Now Alice was a little bit scared and was wondering how did this and know her name after that video they get to watch another video that's sort of showing HH God

So they start going back to Overthrown or they start reacting to and they see an angel that looks exactly like the angel from there after that if you haven't watched overthrown then the angel start saying like I am your true savior I know what you love I know what your dread then the angels face starts transforming although HH God put a black box or so over his face for some reason and then after I finish his face transformed into something

But his face turned all distorted and smiling creepily and it sounded like it was saying something like it's all your fault or something like that I don't know it was just a distorted voice note Alice was just freaked out and saw her having a panic attack not understanding what has happened

Although her ex-husband doesn't know what those creatures were which are basically technically his creation considering those are his children

Also I am sort of in a tight space with this I'm thinking of having female Vox in moxxie Harem Mainly because well they both use television powers

So I don't really know how to continue from here either

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