Clarice Quiz Answers

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1) She is mentioned by name in the 4th Book (Adventures Are Meant To Be Shared), 10th Chapter (Act 8: Reunions).

2) Clarice's enemy is Neolia, but Neolia's friend Max was not much of her friend either.

3) Just some chest on a pedestal in the multiverse core... same place in which she imprisoned her enemy.

4) Well, she was about willing to try anything. But her plan of action would be to tap into the energy frequencies of whoever she could, whoever was in range, and find people of a similar frequency to her own, allowing her to search their minds, find a piece of their lives that they are missing (doesn't matter what it is), talk to them (in their minds) about said thing and how they can truly get what they need (or at least, that's what they think). When they SOMEHOW find a way to the multiverse core, she would have more access to their minds and would be able to get the rest of the job of releasing her done. The reason why she needed similar frequencies to her own is because that is the only way for her to tap into their minds and actually possess them (since she no longer has a vessel of her own) once she is free.

5) Well, as said in the story, If one has a split soul, they can never return from the dead. This is true, but if a certain ritual is performed to return the deceased before they are officially dead (maximum of three days because history), then their soul can be restored and returned to the vessel unless the body is too damaged to do so. Very conditional, I know. But Clarice's soul naturally split since she was bent on revenge so much and that is why she stayed after her death in the first place. Claire split her own soul willingly, having realized what Clarice was doing (latching her soul to Claire's and making her harm those close to her) and not wanting the suffering of everyone to continue. It was an easy fix, since her soul was only split once. Clarice's soul was shattered, securing her disability to return.

After this crazy arc and death of a key villain, you all are probably wondering how there is still evil and stuff in Book 5.

Well, with the existence of light, darkness must co-exist.

"When there is no light, there cannot be darkness..."

~Soldier of the Star Kingdom Forces (SAMTBK Volume 3, Chapter 70)

If you got the gist of the answers right, then you pass. If not, better luck next quiz.


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