Ambassadors of the Chancellor

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"I have a bad feeling about this," a silver-haired Padawan said to his master as their ship landed on the Trade Federation blockade.

"I don't sense anything. It must be anxieties, Maxwell," his master, a pink-haired woman said as they prepared to disembark.

"You sure it's nothing to worry about, Master?"

"Maxwell, you mustn't be mindful of the future at the cost of the present. We can meditate on this feeling of yours AFTER the mission."

"Yes Master... do you think the negotiations will go well?"

"I know it'll be short. These types of things are always short."

The two disembarked their ship and were guided to another room for negotiations.

Meanwhile, the members of the federation were gathered in another room.

"Sir," a droid reported. "The ambassadors of the supreme chancellor have arrived."

"Who are they?"

"They have not stated names, but they seem to be Jedi."

"I must contact Lady Sinistra immediately. You! Take care of these Jedi for me!"

"Yes sir."

Yes. I did that.

Max is basically in the position of Obi-Wan.

Neolia (I am using the name Nebula in this story because reasons) is in the position of Qui-Gon.

Who will the other characters be?

Who is Lady Sinistra?

Find out... I think in Episode 3... which is more than two books away... sorries.


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