The Naboo

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"The viceroy won't end this blockade anytime soon. I must do something to end it."

"My queen, the supreme chancellor has sent ambassadors to negotiate with the federation."

"So the blockade will be lifted?"

Just then, the ground shook violently as droid ships were landing.

"Are you sure the federation will listen to the negotiations?!" the queen asked her adviser.

Just then, two people appeared in the form of the hologram.

"Your highness," the girl began. "We are the ambassadors sent by the supreme chancellor of the galactic senate, and I regret to inform you that the negotiations did not go well."

"We can see that."

"In fact," the boy continued. "They never took place at all. The federation is siding with the separatists and seems to have interest in starting a war."

"I see. Serenity, pack my things. We might have a journey ahead of us."

"Yes, my queen."

"You should be prepared for such a thing," the girl continued. "I do believe that the droid army... will be coming for you."

The holograms of the two vanished and the queen and her company instantly began to prepare for the worst.

War was approaching...

And it was approaching fast.

Don't worry.

Jar Jar is still coming.

I won't forget about him.

But I will also put someone else there too...

Because, as usual, I must have SAMTBK characters.

But Jar Jar will have to stay.



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