Prologue: Heath & Cammilea Spicer

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  "If someone had told me a year ago that I would end up marrying someone I met on I would've told them they were crazy," Heath said with tears in his eyes as he looked at his wife-to-be, "but here we are a year later, standing in front of our friends, and family, and all these lovely people that just happened to be at the park today, getting married. Cammilea, I love you so much and I can't wait to be your proud husband."

  Cammilea looked down at the remote in her hand and hit stop on the tape. She had watched these wedding videos a million times over, each time in utter shock that a man as good looking and as smart as Heath decided to settle down and tie the knot with her. She would usually cry at this part or feel reminiscent and look through their old emails or text messages from their beginning, but this time as she watched it, all she could wonder was 'what the hell was I thinking?'

  She flipped off the TV, adjusting the lace of her undies to lay flat against her skin, and headed to bed. Cammilea could never bring herself to finish watching that video in fear of the wave of impending guilt that would always wash over her when she did formidably forget to stop it after Heath's vows. 

Heath's vows were so beautiful, and then in comes terrible Cammilea who completely forgot to write vows of her own. No. That's a lie. She didn't forget to write her vows. She just had no idea what to say.

  When Heath had asked to date her, she figured it was just because she was hot like every other guy that sent her message after swiping right or hitting a like button. She thought he came in vain, so she didn't feel bad when she said yes solely because he came from money and bought her expensive gifts.

  How was she supposed to know that he would actually fall in love with her?

  How was she supposed to know he would stop accepting his family's money once they got married?

  Heath made a decent living off his business job: enough money that they could live in a nice apartment in one of the expensive parts of the city-- all that without her having to work at all. But it was barely a sizable fraction of what his parents used to give him on a monthly basis. Getting married, she had decided, very well could have been the worst decision of her life.

  When she entered the bedroom, Heath was in bed with his nonprescription glasses perched atop his nose with his laptop open. His eyes lit up when she walked in the room. He became an excited puppy any time she was around. Another wave of guilt washed over her for not reciprocating the love of her good man.

  "Hey beautiful," Heath said, leaning over to kiss her cheek once she made it to the bed. "What were you up to out there?"

  "Just watching the wedding videos." She tried not to grimace at the thought of them while Heath could do nothing but beam at the thought of them.

  "Again? I didn't think anyone could love that wedding as much as I do." She used to think that too, but as always, Heath was right. And he would stay right because these days she absolutely loathed them. She kept her mouth shut, and instead, offered an ambiguous hum. She was desperate for a change of subject, when her eyes locked on his computer screen.

  "What are you working on?" she asked pointing to the open screen- the side of it littered with lots of dollar signs followed by lots of high digit numbers. Heath looked over at the computer screen as if seeing it for the first time- as if seeing Cammilea made him completely forget the thing he has been in bed working on for hours.

  "Whu- oh! You probably don't remember, but back when we first started dating I used to talk a lot about owning my own business."

  "Of course, I remember!" of course, she did not.

  "Yeah well, I've been putting away money since then, just a few hundred after every paycheck, and all the financials are looking good enough that I can finally do it. I think I'm going to start my own bar.

  Cammilea reconsidered. Getting married had been the worst decision of her life

so far.

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