Light - 2

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The ladies that worked around the villa were wuiet as mouse as they made sure that no cups were empty of the flawerful tea and no plate was empty around the table that the group sat at, while Cale sat on the comfortable sofa in front of leader and his daughter.

Neferi closely looked at the interaction between her mother and the group that she was talking to in distance. She had other task beign by her father side now.

"Ruh Armal huh?" Amun said crossing his arms around his chest thinking. Truly wierd thing to pick from the desert. "You know already what this gem does." he said looking at the noble son in front of him.

"I do." Cale agreed as he sipped on the tasty tea, thanking Gods that he didn't recive lemonade for once in his life. "But it does not change the fact that its useful for certian people." he added.

"The power you need comes strickly from the Sand Wraith, Ruh Armal isn't bad at daylight." Neferi interviened, she was the expert among the people in tribe about this dangerous gem that Cale was looking for. "It's gem that protects the desert at day and night if you think about it."

Amun looked at his daughter.


He sighed when he heared those words again from the future head of the tribe. 

"It is." Cale agreed. Amun looked at both of them with wide open eyes not believeing what he was hearing. "I don't know what it does at daylight, but at night it protects the intruders from crossing the desert." he explained exacly how Neferi explained before.

"Exactly, at day it luinates the power that protects, its like a shield." Neferi started to explain the power of the gem at day. "This villa's roof is made out of this gem stones, it reflects directly the moonlight that gains its light from the sun." she said and sipped on the tea calmly. "That's why the Sand Wreith can't cross the boundry." 


A loud bang was heared by everyone amking them look at Amun who slammed his fist onto the table in front of him. He looked angrely at his daughter before speaking.

"It is not protecting us, its a duble egded sword." He spit those words with venom. His eyes darted towards Cathreen that looked at him with sadness in her blue eyes. "It's a curse." he added.

Neferi avoided the gazes that shot towards her with questioning looks. She bit on her lower lip trying to calm down her emotions. Her father was right it was protecting them as long as the moon light shone towards the roof. But sometimes even the moon wanishes from the sky...

"Ah! Look at the time!" the soft voice of the beautfiul woman cut the awkard atmsphere in the room as she classped her hands and walked towards her husband. "Khal must be waiting on you honey." her soft hands grabbed the board shoulders of the man as she gave her daughter the signal with her eyes. "He still has to give you report form Dead Land."

The married couple left the room leaving only working ladies and Neferi alone with the group. She hasn't looked up even once, she clanched her fists as she looked at her scarred hands.

"Leave." she ordered and the staff left as if on cue closing the courtains on doors for complete privecy before telling everyone around the room to leave the place. 

"What is he talking about Neferi?" Cale became suspicious of the tribe. What happend for this kind yet scary looking man to get so angry at simple mention of the gem on the roof? 

"This happend years ago." she started never looking up. "The moon vanished from the sky, and the barrier that kept Sand Wraith away from our city vanished." Neferi once again bit her lower lip.

"Your tribe is filled with strong individuals, didn't they protected themselfs?" Ron asked as he looked at the girl who looked ashemed. 

"We are..." she agreed. "But my mother isn't from our tribe." That was important, she was the most loved person in tribe.

"That night I killed my first Sand Wraith." Neferi started to explain clenching her fists even harder.

Cale looked at the girl seeing all of her emotions clean as day. He didn't want to hear it, he really didn't want to.

"She was attacked and it almost killed her. Her scars are from that day." The wife of the leader had many deep and light scars on her body, and she didn't cover them up.

She wore them with pride of survival, she faced something that killed many, many humans and she survived. There was no shame in those scars.

But others upon seeing them felt weak, they forgot about the woman from outside of the tribe and let her get hurt.

It was even harder for her family, they blamed themselves for it. For not beign strong enough, smart enough.

"It wasn't your fault." Cale sighed at the girl relaxing at his seat. He was trash so he will act like one. "I mean, it was natural for the barrier to lift someday and let's be honest, it was an accident from what I hear." Ah yes indeed he will bribe this future head of the tribe on his side and make her work under him.

Neferi looked at the noble in front of her. She never heard those words before. She wasn't blamed but, no one said that she was too young to protect, that she couldn't predict that it would happend.

"Yes... you're right young master Cale." She addressed him formally with the soft smile on her lips that quickly changed to the sly one.

"Then shall I lead you into the dead land?" Cale smiled like her and reached out his hand towards her, which she grabbed and shook sealing the deal between both parties.

"I trust we won't be disappointed miss Neferi." He said.

Truly amazing deal.

"You all should rest before we will go." Neferi got up from her seat taking the Spear that laid next to her adjusting it on its place which is on her back. "I'll show you the rooms." She politely opened the curtain of the archway leading the way.

The interior of the villa didn't disappoint to please the eyes of others. The amazing architecture that seemed sometimes out of the natural, was just breathtaking and servants didn't even look like they've been working.

They all sat randomly around the place looking relaxed, women were eating the fruits while laughing and men were casually walking and fooling around.

"They all are workers here?" Cale asked taken by suprise, it was wierd seeing such relaxed people that were supposed to be working in this world- hell even in his world it was rare to see such place.

"Yes, there's not much to do and we prefer for our woman to relax rather then work." She smiled as she answered the question. "Partners of all warriors are provided with the place in our villa and the best treatment." Neferi added as she was walking through open corridors.

Cale squinted his eyes as he looked at the girl in front of him.

Human what are thinking about with this expression?

Raon asked still beign invisible.

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