Animal Farm

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All sides transform into an animal when they are overwhelmed...

Anxiety = Kitten

Patton = Puppy

Roman = Small Baby Dragon

Logic = Baby Owl

Virgil's P.O.V

'Your useless' 'you do nothing but make problems' 'just GO AWAY ALREADY'

Romans voice floats through my head as I run to my room. When I get there, I slam the door and slump against it, I feel a familiar tingle spread through my body

"Uh oh" I mutter as the pain gets worse, I feel my body changing, morphing into a different state.

~time skip cause IDK wut to write~

Hiding under my bed, shaking, trying to calm down was me as a fluff ball. Once I'm calmed down enough, I drag myself out from under my dark bed over to the door, I catch a glimpse of my self in the floor mirror.

'huh, I have my eye shadow' I think as I notice the fur under my eyes were purple, along with the tip of my tail and right front paw. My eyes always been purple.

I shake my little head and run over to the door, tripping over a few times. I stare up to the handle, I get ready to pounce aaaand ... JUMP as I reach the handle the door swings open and hits me in the face, I let out a startled meow as I dart under my desk.

"Virgil? Are you in here?" Romans voice fills the room

'wait, why is he here?' I look around the 'wall' of the desk and look up at him, his eyes were wide and he looked panicked.

"V, Virgil? P, please I'm s, sorry" he was ... crying, he turns and quickly runs out of my room, I scamper over to the door way and see him disappear into his room.

'well, the doors open now' I think and step out, I look around to see if any of the others are around. Nope, so I go over to Roman's door, its open a bit so I nudge it open with my nose and go inside. Roman wasn't there but ... A LITTLE DRAGON WAS!

"reEAAOOW!" my fur stands on end as I arch my back, staring at the little red dragon.

"r,r,r,r,r" it seems to ... purr? (You know, like Toothless from how to train your dragon, no? ok ;u; )

The baby dragon stars at the black and purple kitten, its scaly tail swishes behind it.

'Roman has a baby dragon!?!' I scream to myself, it slowly inches towards me, I back up and hit the door, closing it


Is it going to eat me? Will it kill me? Why does RomAn EvEn haVe ThIS THING!

I start panicking again, shaking, I curl up in a little ball, waiting for the red beast to slay me.

I feel its tail wrap around my, pulling me to its jaws, its going to eat me. Then ... then ... its hugs me!?!?!?!?!?!

I look up, its curled up around me, its wing over me, WHAT!?!?! I'm still shaking, but its watching me, looking ... worried? Huh, maybe Roman taught it how to have emotions, or ... something.

It does its weird purr thing again and nudges me with its snout.

Maybe it wont eat me.

I hear Patton call out for me and Roman, instantly I jump out of the dragons hold and start for the door, I jump and grip onto the handle, thanking that it wasn't round like Patton's. Its opens and I drop down, the baby red dragon was hiding under the bed (I could see its tail) as I darted to my room, just as Patton made his way around the corner from the lounge room to the hallway, where our rooms were, and many many MANY more doors.

"Virgil!? Roman!? LUNCH! Virgil? Are you ok" Patton yells as he makes his way down to my room, I hide under my bed as he enters.

"Virgil? Kiddo? You here?" he hums t himself as he leaves.

I sigh to myself, and focus on changing back, after a few minutes of failing I finally feel the tingling again.

Once I'm back to human form I quickly dash out to the hall and bump into Roman,

"Ow, oh, h,hey Roman, sorry" I stutter, blushing under my foundation.

"Oh, uh it's alright Virgil" he smiles and helps my up, he quickly turns and walks to the dining room, I swear I saw something red on his neck, but it was gone as soon as I noticed, I shrugged

"I must be seeing things" I mutter and follow.

~ =p ~

Its been a few days since I have discovered that red dragon, as I sit in the kitchen, updating my 'Myspace' page (it'll bounce back) I hear a flutter of wings, and a baby spotted owl flew in, when it saw me, it stopped dead in its tracks, well, flight. I stared at it, it hooted and dove for the table, on it were Logan's glasses

"HEY!" I say, grabbing them before it does.

"Those are Logan's!" I say, it hoots and dives for my hand clutching the glasses

"NO!" I swat it away, it lands on the couch and squawks out in pain.

"Shit" I mutter, going over to it, I scoop it up

'its so small'

It sits up and glares at me


It ruffles it's feathers and shoots at the glasses, grabs them, then shoots off down the hall

"Well, Logan's gonna need some new glasses"

~hello again, tip skippererererrr ... I do good Engrish~

"MOVIE TIME!!" I hear Patton call out

'SHIT!' I scream to myself, I'm back in my cat form, still stressing out, I pace back and forth on my four black, fluffy paws,

'shit shit shiiit'

I hear Patton entering, I duck under my bed again, all the way to the wall

"Virgil? Buddy? You here?" he looks around a bit then sighs and leaves.

~only a few minutes this time~

Once I'm back to my human self, I walk down the hall to the lounge room. Logan and Roman are there, when I enter, they stand up

"Where were you?"

"What happened?"

Roman and Logan says at the same time, standing up

"What" I look at them confused

"Patton came out panicked, said you weren't in your room" Roman said

"I, sorry, I wasn't there, I was ... in the bathroom"

"We checked there" Logan said

"I, uhh, I didn't hear you" I they found out they'd never let me hear the end of it

"Well, Patton's freaking out" Roman said, I nod and leave, I go to Patton's room first

"Pat, uhh, it's me, Anxi ... Virgil" I say, knocking, I hear a small 'woof' intrigued I open and I see a small brown and white puppy.

"What the-"

"Arf" I jumps all over me, its tail wagging a million times a second, it spun in circles and fell over, dizzy.

"Wow, Patton's got a puppy?" I say, picking it up, its got a little sweater around its neck like patton, I set it down,

"Do you know where Patton is?" I ask it, I feel stupid, it seems everyone has a pet, except me, wait.

"Your Patton" I stare at the puppy, it barks happily and nods its head.

"Holy shi-"

"ARF!" it barks, oops, still doesn't like swearing, I chuckle,

"Can you calm down, and, turn back?" I ask, the puppy, Patton looks around, then leaves

"PATTON!" I yell out, he's already sprinting for the lounge.

"OH MY GOSH A PUPPY!" I hear Roman yell

"That is unexpected" Logan said, I walk in and Roman is cuddling up to Patton

"Shit, uhh, guys, that's not a puppy, I, its P,Patton" I stutter, Patton barks happily

"What!?" they both say

"Its Patton" I say, it looks like he's got the same thing as me, Patton jumps down on to the ground and sits, watching us

"I thought I was the only one" Logan says

"What" Roman and I question him

"Well, uhh, that owl, you saw previously, was m,me" he stuttered

"What? Seriously? You guys get cute baby animals and I'm the one with the dragon baby!" Roman said, throwing his hands in the air

"That was you!?!" I say, staring at Roman,

'OMG OMG OMG OMG that was Roman!' I scream at myself

"What do you mean?" he questions

"I, uhh, I turn into, ablackkitten" I rush the last bit, they star at me

"A black kitten" I say louder, Roman blushes, Logan looks at me confused, then suddenly human Patton jumps up

"HEY!" he shouts, throwing confetti

"Where'd you get that?" Logan asks, brushing it off his shoulder,

"Don't question Patton, you should know that" I say

~a few days latur~

"ANIMAL DAY!" Patton screams out suddenly, we were watching Mary Poppins for the umpteenth time, peacefully, when Patton jumped up, and he's a Puppy

"What the f-" I start, being interrupted by Puppy-Patton

"As he said, animal day" Roman smiles, soon he's a baby red dragon, and he shoots up circling around the roof.

"I presume we should join" Logan says

"I guess, b,but how'd they control it?" I ask, looking at Logan

"Focus on what your emotions are when you do transform" he says, usually he's not one for 'emotions'. I close my eyes and focus

'what if this goes wrong'

The voice in my head wispers

'no, shut UP'

'you could be stuck as a kitten, forever'

'shUT UP'

'this could go terribly wro-'


I open my eyes, and meow in frustration, wait

"Meow" I look down, I did it! I'm a kitten,

"Hoot" a little baby owl lands next to me, a red, scaly tail wraps itself around my stomach, soon I'm in the air

"reEAOW!" I look down and see Puppy-Patton playing with the baby owl, Logan, I look up and see Dragon-Roman looking at me

'he'll pay for this' I think, scowling.

Roman does the Dragon purr thing, I look down,

'Flying is fun' I think, my chest starts rumbling,

'shit, I'm purring, I don't know how to stop!' Roman 'laughs' at me, the he shoots out flams, it forms a circle and he shoots for it

'SHIT!' I squirm, trying to get out of his tails grasp, soon were through, we're not burnt. Huh.

The rest of the day was AMAZING, and every Wednesday was Animal Day, and they spent the day as their animal.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry I haven't updated in a while, school assignments piling up

(listening to Hamilton rn "HERE COMES THE GENERAL!")

XD XD XD XD ok bye



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