Cake shop #2

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"Have a nice day" I call out in a false happy voice and my jaw hurt from plastering a smile on my face, finally the woman walked out after spending 2 HOURS choosing a cake! Several times I nearly yelled at her to hurry up.

The bell rang again telling me another customer has arrived, I groan and turn around, then stop, its Roman

"Oh! It's you!" I say, startled

"Yes, expecting someone else?" he smiles, god his teeth were even perfect

"N,no I, that lady" I point to the woman I just served that was getting into her car

"Took 2. HOURS to choose her cake, 2!!!" I groan and flop into a chair at a table, I fiddle with the decoration on top absent minded.

"Soooooo, how you been, well, apart from that lady incident" Roman chuckles, I push myself up from the chair and walk over to the register.

"Well, ok, I, uhh, right the cake" I quickly dart to the kitchen, Logan helps me pick it up and carry it out, its already boxed up.

"Here it is" Logan says, I open the top so Roman can see it and so I can check its still in one piece

"Uhh, be careful with the horn, it has a skewer in it holding it up, aaaand the neck had some sticks in it, also holding it up" I warn him, Logan leaves to get back to his book

"Thank you so much, Virgil" he smiles,

"You should come, to the party I mean, it starts in 15 minutes" he offers, what!

"N,no I cant, I cant possibly, I, I don't even know you, or anyone else!" which is true, WHY DO I LIKE HIM THEN!

"Oh come one please!?! You can bring your friend too" he looks over at the kitchen, Logan, he's talking about Logan.

"I, I don't know" I look towards the kitchen, then back at him

"Pleeeease, so everyone knows who to thank?!" he pleads, oh jeez, he's got puppy eyes! Oh man, I cant say no to those! THEY ARE MY WEEAKNEEEESSS!!!!

"I, I, ugh FINE" I sigh

"YAY" he practically jumps up and down like a giddy school girl

"LOGAN!" I call out, he pops his head out of the kitchen, I tell him what's going on.

"Oh, ok, I shall come, I will lock up first" he goes off to lock up, I take of my apron and look down at what I'm wearing,

"Uhh, can I, can I go home and clean up a bit?" I ask gesturing to the flour and icing everywhere. He laughs and nods. Logan comes out and asks for a hand with the cake, we all help him and put it in the back of his car, Logan asked for the address and got in and took off.

"WAIT LO ... gan" I sigh and look at Roman,

"Sorry" I walk over to my purple motorbike

"Woah, nice ride, uhh, what is it?" Roman asks, I smile, I hop on and put my full head helmet

"it's a Harley-Davidson Street 750, got it in custom purple" I answer, tossing him a spare helmet. He nods as f he understands, which clearly, he didn't.

(just cause imma girl doesnt mean i dont know anything about bikes and cars, i know lots, my dad's a car detailer, so i learn from him ^W^)

"Uhh, hop on" I say, blushing behind the full head helmet. He slides on awkwardly and holds on to the seat.

"Y,you'll have t,to hold onto m,me" I stutter

"Oh" he snakes his arms around my waist, all my blood went to my face, I take off and speed down the street to Logan and my house. The sudden speed surprises Roman, causing his grip to tighten and cling onto me for dear life, I laugh. A few minutes I pull up at my/Logan's house

"Here we are" I say

"Nice place you got" Roman said, detaching himself from me and sliding off, I turn the engine off and get off. We go inside, Roman waits in the lounge as I change into cleaner clothes, I walk over to my wardrobe once I'm in my room. I reach for my usual stuff but stop, I should dress brighter, I guess. I grab my purple torn shirt with a black undershirt attached to it and put it on I change from my flour covered pants to my ripped black ones, I put on my dark purple converses, then I grab my black hoodie that had purple patches sewn on. I look in the mirror, I see some of my eye shadow has rubbed off, I consider fixing it.

"No, I'm going to a little girl's birthday party, okay, that sounds weirder out loud" I rub of the rest of the eyeshadow off and go downstairs to the lounge.

Roman's P.O.V

I hear Virgil coming down the stairs, gosh he's more stunning than before! He didn't have eyeshadow on and he now was wearing black and purple clothes, it suited him.

"Well?" he spins once he's down the steps.

Amazing, stunning, beautiful, perfect. All these words and more floated through my head, only I said

"You look nice" UGH! Why can't I just say something I want to say for ONCE to him!?! He. Is. GEORGOUS! They way his purple bangs fall over his eyes, his chocolate eyes, that were specked with gold, his voice, so soft and hypnotising, he's a great driver, even though I thought we would crash and die a few times, but, I don't know if he would like me, or he's even gay for that matter!

"Soooooo, where's the party thing at" he asks, I tell him the address. He gets a map up on his phone and walks to the door, he memorizes it in seconds, puts it away and walks out the door.

"Let's go" he hops onto his bike and past the seat behind him, he puts his helmet on and passes the spare again. I slide on behind him and wrap my arms around his waists (tighter than before, considering I nearly fell off before) as he starts up his Harley. A few minutes later, I'm laughing head off with my arms up in the air, earning strange glances from passer-by's, I didn't care, I felt so FREE!

"Why are you so happy?" Virgil asks/yells over the top of me and the motorbike.

"I FEEL SO FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I yell, laughing again, he does to

"That's half the reason I bought it" he said, muffled by the helmet.

"What? To make me happy and free?" I say, smiling, although he cant see it, he just laughs

"We're close" he says, I take in the surroundings, I recognise what street were on.

"Turn right here, then the left at the round-a-bout" I point to the street to the right. He does as I say.

"STOP!" he passed the house, he jumps on the break, which I slam into his back

"OhmygoshimsosorryIdidn'ttmeantoareyouokimsosososososossorryRomanimsorry!" he gushed, getting off and helping me off, seeing if I'm alright

(Translation = Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I dint mean to are you ok I'm so so so so so so so sorry Roman I'm sorry!)

"Its fine, really Virgil" my face heats up, he wanks his helmet off, revealing a pale scared face, and carefully pulls mine off, I feel warm liquid run down from my nose.


"Stop, calm down, I'm fine, it's just a little blood" I didn't quite understand what he rushed but I got he was apologising for my bleeding nose.


I cup my nose and go to the house we passed, Virgil holding my shoulders as if I'm an in the army and my leg has been blown off (AKA very protective) we got to the door and Patton answered

"Roman! What happened are you ok? Oh, Hello, who are you?" Patton asks Virgil.

"H,hi I, uhh, I baked the, Roman, motorbike, broken his nose, I braked, he scared me" he stutters, its cute when he does that

"We were riding his motorbike, I scared him and he braked fast, I hit my head on the inside of the helmet, and now it's bleeding, he baked the cake we got" I explained for the confused man in front of us.

"Oh, ok, you Virgil, nice to meet ya!" he holds out a hand for him to shake, he flinches, but takes it slowly

"I'm sorry Ro-"

"Virgil, stop, its O K, understand, it's my fault" I say,

"I,I'll go and, uhh, park the bike" Virgil says, backing out the door. Patton takes me upstairs to the bathroom to fix up my nose.

"Soooooo, that's Virgil" he smiles

"Aaaaand your point is?" I question, he giggles

"Oh, YOU know what" he wiggles his eyebrows as he dabs away the blood.

"I, I don't" I'm blushing, Patton laughs, once we're finished we walk back down to the lounge, Virgil is there, fidgeting and looking at our family pictures.

"Admiring my beautiful face" I say, making him jump, Patton elbow's me.

"N,no, I w,was just, uhh, LOOK Logan's here" he changes the subject, pointing to the man sitting down on the lounge with the cake next to him.

"You didn't tell me Logan was cute!" Patton whispers in my ear, then bounds down the stairs to meet him. Virgil shuffles over to me.

"So, where do you want the cake?" he points to the boxed-up cake.

"On the table outside" I answer walking over to it. Virgil helps he with carrying it outside, Logan and Patton were chatting on the couch, Logan was blushing a bit, I smile as I set down the box on the table covered in pink decorations.

Virgil's P.O.V is next up in the next chapter, i was expecting this to be a 1 or 2 part, NOT THREE! should i continue, im going to be focusing more of my other Fan fic,

Sander Sides get Cats

yup ... 1648 words! (including this sentence) =\  ok BYEE!!!

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