Highschool Mess #3

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Sorry this took so long, school, life ... the stupid stuff like that got in the way ... OK ON WITH IT!

these 'typing styles' cause songs, singing and shit is about to happen XP

Me being the annoying narrator




Virgil's eyes widen, its my musical, after 17 years of dodging them, I found myself in the middle of one, MY MUSICAL! I tried to run, scream, cry ANYTHING, but I just stood there.

Third P.O.V

Virgil slowly turn to Roman, face red

Do you feel the same when I'm away from you?
Do you know the line that I'd walk for you?

Virgil took Romans hand in his own

We could turn around, or we could give it up

They ran outside and threw their jackets off and spread their wings. They took off into the moonlight night.

But we'll take what comes, take what comes

Oh, the storm is raging against us now
If you're afraid of falling, then don't look down
But we took the step, and we took the leap
And we'll take what comes, take what comes

Feel the wind in your hair
Feel the rush way up here

Virgil looped the moon and Roman followed, they hovered above a power line, both 'waltzed' on it, their tip-toes just touching the wires (Silhouette view, if ya imagining them dancing through the night [naaaaaw how romantic ....... Ok back to the story])

We're walking the wire, love
We're walking the wire, love
We're gonna be higher, up
We're walking the wire, wire, wire

There's nights we had that just walk away
And there's tears we'll cry, but those tears will fade
It's the price we pay when it comes to love
And we'll take what comes, take what comes

Feel the wind in your hair
Feel the rush way up here

We're walking the wire, love
We're walking the wire, love
We're gonna be higher, up
We're walking the wire, wire, wire

So look out down below

They dive-bombed towards the ground and opened their wings just before they hit the ground (and go SPLAT!) they dodged houses as they weaved between them

Look out down below

They looped the moon again and flew higher, up above the clouds

Look out down below
Walking the wire, wire, wire
So look out down below

They landed on top of the school roof, Roman took Virgil's hands and looked into his eyes.

Oh, I'll take your hand when thunder roars
And I'll hold you close, I'll stay the course

Roman pulled Virgil into a hug

I promise you from up above
That we'll take what comes, take what comes, love

We're walking the wire, love
We're walking the wire, love
We're gonna be higher, up
We're walking the wire, wire, wire

They 'fell' over the edge and flew back up into the night sky and dive-bombed towards the dance (in the school hall) doors.

So look out down below
Look out down below
Look out down below
Walking the wire, wire, wire
So look out down below

They landed outside of the doors, no-one was outside, so it was their own personally musical. They leant in, leaning their foreheads against the others, hands clasping the others.

We're walking the wire
We're walking the wire
We're walking the wire, wire, wire

Puffing, Virgil slowly pulled away from Roman,

"Holy ... Shit" He muttered, Roman smiled

"That was fun" Roman smirked

"C ... Can I tell you something?" Virgil asked, looking at their hands, still intertwined. Roman nodded

"This, uhh, this musical, was the ... first musical I've ever been in" Virgil murmured

"Really?" Roman asked, eyes widening, Virgil shoved his hands into his pockets on his purple suit.

"Y,yeah, and I understand i,if you don't like me anymore ... o,or don't want to ha,hang out-" Virgil took a step back.

"What? No!" Roman step forward and took his hands "If anything, this make me feel ... special, if its your first musical, a,and I'm in it, I-" Roman took Virgil's face between his hands and kissed him, it was soft then more passionate.

They broke apart as the double doors slammed open

"VIRGIL!!! THERE YOU ARE!!! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWERE!" Patton burst through, screeching, dragging his date, Logan

Roman and Virgil, blushing like mad, apologized, Logan caught on quickly

"Lets go back to the ... paaarteeee" Logan said, awkwardly trying to look 'hip-with-the-kids' Patton agreed and dragged Virgil and Roman in with them

"Not with th- *sigh* ok then" Logan muttered, they entered the loud colourful room again.

~Time skip IDK how many hours because the only thing about prom's I know is from movies~

"Aaaaaaaaaand the winners of the prom King and Queen are ... actually King and King" Said the principle on stage in front of eager awaiting, semi-drunk teenagers

"Roman Silvar and Virgil Sanders" She smiled and applauded as the room clapped too. Virgil's jaw dropped.

"You and ... m,me" Virgil stuttered, Patton pushed him as Roman took his hand, heading to the stage. They stood there as they had crowns placed on their heads, ribbons over their shoulders with 'Prom King' on it. Once they were fitted with the new accessories, the crowd slowly applauded, then it grew louder. Virgil liked it, he turned to Roman, and they shared a quick kiss, the crowed rippled with 'aaaaawws' and 'cuuuute'

As you can imagine, that night was the best night of Virgil's night, the rest of Virgil's school life was nice, no-one harassed him, in fact he became popular, and Roman had to come and save his boyfriend from mobs of people. They graduated and all four (Logan, Roman, Patton and Virgil) moved into an apartment together, sharing the rent, after a few years, they be-friended their neighbour, Thomas. Then a few years later Roman and Patton proposed to their boyfriends, at the same time, after having a fun fun FUN FUN FUUUUUUN time at Timezone (it's an arcade game thing as far as I know, in Australia ... ok its also in India, New Zealand, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia, but it STARTED in Australia) They got married a few months later aaaaaaaaand THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!!!!!



I have hit 2.5K reads

Me: *burst through doors* HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS! 2.5K READS!!!

Patton: LANGUAGE! And CONGRATS! *throws confetti*

Logan: 2.5K reads on ... What?

Me: Wattpad!

Virgil: Ugh, that thing

Thomas: What all the *sees door on the floor* OHMEGAWD!!! REALLY!?! I ONLY FIXED THAT LAST WEEK!!!





Logan: *get off lounge and picks up Patton bridal-style running to his room at the speed of light*

Roman: *kills spider*

Me: naaaaaaaaw, Logan is sooo cute and thoughtful of Patton cake

Virgil: . . . yeaaaaaaaaaaaah

Roman: *gives Virgil purple and black flowers*

Virgil: EEEEEEEK!!!! *takes them and runs*

Roman: *chases Virgil laughing*

Me: ok bye *jumps out of window canon-ball style*



Ok, I'm gone

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