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FYI Soulmates doesnt mean it HAS to be romatically, it can be platonically and you are really good friends ... doesnt have to be love

Soulmate AU      High school AU

when your born you have a tattoo

(like a birthmark, but, you know, black, and a tattoo style)

and when you meet you soulmate in glows a colour (the same as your soulmate)

This is where I got the idea      v     @mainly_a_fander is amazing CHECK OUT DA STORIES!

Virgil P.O.V

"VIRGIL! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs. I groan and roll over in bed. I look at the wall, debating if I should or shouldn't get out of bed.

"VIRGIL!!!!!" I hear dad yell again. I get up and ready for school, I change from my PJ's to a purple torn t-shirt and black undershirt, my torn black jeans, I look in the mirror and add my eyeshadow. I see my 'tattoo' on my forearm...

...and grab my long sleeve jacket that had purple patches on them, to cover it up. I go down stairs and see my dad sprawled on the lounge watching footy (not soccer for you Brittan's and Americans/Canadians) on the screen.

"There's toast on the counter" he said without looking away from the screen. I sigh and grab my back pack, I see a plate of toast on the counter, I grab them and head out the door. I wait at the bus stop for the school but to come and take me to hell.

At school I walk past people, some showing off there tattoos, some hiding there's, others are holding hands with their soulmates, their tattoo lighting up with the same colour. I sigh and walk to class as the bell goes off, sending a stamped of teenagers for the buildings.

~ RECCESS (my fav subject! And lunch!!! MY TOP FAV IS HOMETIME! What's you? XD) ~

I walk to the cafeteria, and line up for food. I get shoved out of the line by some jocks.

"Move outta the way emo" one says, the head of the stupid pack, Hayden, said, shoving me and taking my tray, the others laugh at me. I stay quiet, get another tray and line up again.

"Don't get messed up in this again" I tell myself once I get my food I sit in my usual spot, in the back corner, away from everyone.

"Hey, Virgil, you ok?" my friend Patton asks, sitting next to me

"Yeah" I mumble, I glance at his tattoo on the left side of his neck

"I thought it had 4 lines, not 3 and 2 extra" I say, Patton realises what I'm talking about and pulls hi grey sweater he has tied around his neck down lower so I get a better look.

"Nope, it's always been like this, you just don't pay attention" he giggles, and goes back to eating his lunch.

"Library" I say, getting up and grabbing my bag and heading for the library.

"Hey weirdo!" I hear someone yell, I freeze

"Yeah you! Emo! Come here!" it calls again, I don't want to turn around

"I said come here" it growls, I feel a hand on my shoulder and spin me around. It was Hunter and his goons.

"Hey, I was talking to you, why did you ignore me?" he asked

"yeah, why did you ignore him" one of his 'buddy's' repeated

"Shut it Owen" Hayden barked, he grabs my collar and lifts me up, nearly off my feet.

"Ignoring people is very rude, and do you know what happens to rude lil' boys?" he questions, slamming me into the locker covered wall. I start shaking all over

'not again not again not again not again not again' I think, I don't want to go through this again

"P,please, j,just gimme a break, just one day witho- OOF!" I grunt as his fist slams into my stomach (isn't that a weird word, s t o m a c h such a weird spelling XD) he lets go of my collar and I drop to the ground, he kicks me in the stomach again.

"GET UP!" he barks and kicks me again

"If you stop kicking me I could" I mumble

"What was that? Speak up!" he kicks me again in the chest, I gasp for air

"I ... said ... if ... you stop ... *gasp* stop ... kicking me ... I could" I say again, louder, he picks me up by the back of my hair

'ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow'

"Excuuuse me?!" a vain on his forehead looked like it would pop. He punches me in the stomach again and again, I drop down, but his goons pick me up ad hold me with my arms behind me. They snicker as Hayden punches me over and over.

"HEY!" I hear someone yell "KNOCK IT OFF"

They boys all turned around and saw two guys standing in the hallway. Both had brown hair and pale skin, one was wearing a red jacket, black and white shirt with a crown on it, torn blue jeans and red converses, the other had cream pants, black polo shirt, a blue tie and glasses, he was standing behind the one in the red jacket.

"STOP IT!!" the boy in red said again, walking towards us

"Or what?" Hayden laughs, the others too

"You and that, that nerd?! HA! I doubt he's gonna do anything, so it would be 5 against 1" he taunts

The boy in red takes off his jacket and holds up his fists, the boy behind stood next to him, doing the same.

"I am not a nerd, and the correct term is 'going to' not 'gonna'" he says

"Ooooooh, I'm scared, the nerds gonna give me a lecture about proper grammar" he laughs again, he turns and faces the boys fully, his goons let go to back him up. I groan and roll onto my side, curling up in a ball clutching my stomach.

The boy with glasses steps forward first, swings at Hayden with lightning speed, it connects with his jaw. The force spins Hayden around, ha falls and looks up at the boy in shock.

"What the-" he says, but the boy spins and kicks him in the side of the head with a flying side kick, Hayden hits the ground, his goons are backing up now, Hayden drags himself up, he looks at the boy that just assaulted him, lib split and big bruise on the side of his face,

"You little-" the boy in read steps in-between the two and throws a punch square in the face, I hear his nose crack

"ARGH!" he clutches his nose, when he slowly releases it, its gushing blood and crooked

"YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" he screams, I hear thundering footsteps, I roll over and see his 'buddies' run down the hall, thinking better then wait their turn. Hayden runs after them.

The boy in red bent down and held out a hand for me,

"Are you ok? I'm Roman" he smiles, I grab it and he hauls me up.

"Ow" we both say simultaneously (BE PROUD A MOI LOGAN FOR DA BIG WURD I USED!!)

I pull up my sleeve and see my tattoo on my fore arm glowing gold, and I look at Roman, on the back of his hand had the same tattoo! And it was glowing gold too!

"Y, your my, my..." I stammer

"Soulmate" he finishes, smiling.

"Well, this was numerous un-foretold events that have unfolded today" the boy with glasses said, adjusting his blue tie.

"Salutations, I am Logan, Roman's brother" he says

"Wow, you, uhh, you were great..." I say, trying to ignore the pain from my beating, the glow rom my tattoo fading, I pull the sleeve back down. I hear someone running towards us

"VIRGIL! ARE YOU OK! WHAT-OOF!" Patton slams into the back of Logan, the both fall and exclaim in pain. Patton's neck starts glowing green.

"PATTON!" I point to his glowing neck


"Well, isn't this a coincidence" Roman said, smiling still, Logan lifted up his right pant leg, on his calf was the same tattoo Patton had, glowing green too.

"Well, I guess this means you are my soulmate" Logan says

"Hi, I'm Patton by the way!" he said happily, holding out a hand to help him up, or to shake, either way. Logan stood up and shook it, the dimming glow on Patton's neck glows brightly again.

"Soooooo, what now?" I ask

"We chat" Roman said, but the frowns

"After we get you to the nurses office" he says, grabbing my arm, my tattoo burns again, but not as much as before, its almost like a comfort pain.

"N,no I don't need too" I say, trying to take my arm away

"What happened?" Patton asks, Logan explains as we walk to sick bay.

"OH MY! VIRGIL! You're ok right? Well obviously, you're not, you just got beaten up! W,wa-why!?!"

Soon we're at the nurses office, I get some ice packs and pain killers, we discuss what happened, what were gonna do, and soon, we talk about what we like and dislike, turns out Logan is a professional karate instructor.

'friends' float through my mind 'more' Roman was cute! But, he probably didn't like me like that.

Little did he know Roman did, soon their friendship blossomed (and Logan and Patton) and soon they were the cutest couple in school! <3


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