Dang it! Drangon Witch! (Prinxiety) (Part 4)

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This chapter is sponsored by Butter Beer. Ha, nah, I'm only two. Also, this might be triggering to people with ummm, well there's no no words, blood and water so.

Thomas' traits made their way to the front of the castle. It looked somewhat tall, and the black bricks made it intimidating to the twin tricksters.

"So, I'm guessing that Virgil is going to be in the tallest tower?" Drake asked. The prince nodded, getting Drake to roll his eyes and mutter 'Typical.' under his breathe

"Keep your sword drawn at all times, we don't know what's lurking around in this castle." The preppy one warned.

As prince pushed the doors open, the door made an aery creaking noise. Unsettling, but meh.

The crew trailed behind Roman. Sir-Sing-Along stood out against the black walls because of his white clothing.


"YA-YEET!" Patton screeched as he latched to Logan. The nerd was able to get out 'What the-' before he fell.

Three giant spiders had taken it a pound themselves to approach the group. "Look! Prince Roman isssss here to ssssssave the day!" The first hissed as it moved forward.

"He knowssss it'ssss pointlesssssss." The second one hissed to the other. "He'sssss going to messsss up like alwayssssss." the third hissed.

Princey didn't show it, but that last comments did damage his ego a bit. Missy swung at the first spider out of no where.

"He's doing his best!" Missy yelled as he cut through the first spider. The other two spiders seemed surprised.

"Who gave the toddler a sword?" The second spider yelled. "I'm not a toddler!" Missy swung again and hit the third spider.

The second arachnid look at it's dead siblings and quickly crawled away. "Where you think you're going?" The Mischievous trait ran after the spider, ignoring the demands from Patton.

Roman followed after Missy and the spider, knowing the the spider had just made a stupid mistake. Missy was about three feet in front of the prince and the spider was four feet in front of Missy. (How many feet is the spider from Roman?)

It was a good ten minutes until they heard the spider stop and speak. "Dad! A toddler killed my bros!" The spider whined. Missy stopped and hid behind the door. Roman followed the younger trait's actions.

"They're finally here." A voice said, a bit of annoyance. "Probably here to save this burden of a trait. I'll send out guards to get them." The DragonWitch's voice boomed, then with a snap of their fingers, Roman and Missy felt a presents behind them.

The unwanted presents pulled both of them into the room so that the could be seen by the DragonWitch and the stranger. But Roman's attention wasn't on the two villains, but on Virgil.

He was leaning on the glass, eyes, looking like an absolute mess.

They must have drained some of his power. Roman thought as the emo opened his eyes.

Patton came through the door, dragging Logan, Deceit, Drake, and Pranks behind him. The usual happy go lucky expression was replaced with absolute rage.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON?!" Patton screeched at the DragonWitch as his eyes fell on the frail figure of Virgil. The DragonWitch smirked.

"Oh, I was just doing a bit of this," it hit a button, causing the emo to give out a pained scream, "and a little more of that." The DragonWitch was about to do it again but Patton stopped it by throwing his shoe at it.

"So, you want to fight? Well why don't we put a timer on this? If you can't defeat me and my friend by the time Virgil's tank fills up with water, well, I guess you know the rest." The DragonWitch growled.

The cloaked man hit a button then ran at the group of traits. He tackled Patton and Logan. Patton kicked him in the gut, slapped him across the face, and did everything in his power to cause this guy physical pain to the jerk.

Well the man was distracted by Patton, Logan slithered out from under the cloaked man and threw him off of Patton. Roman was locked in combat with the DragonWitch, who had changed into full dragon mode. The prince ran up the DragonWitch's back and cut the back of its neck. No affect.

It usually worked! One cut to the neck would have caused the DragonWitch to meet its end. "Did you forget, moron, that I have control over the Imagination too? It makes me all power full!" The DragonWitch cackled as it sent Roman flying.

As he was flying backwards, he took this time to look at Virgil's tank. The water had risen to the emo's waist. Virgil was running his shoulder into the glass repeatedly, hoping for it to break.

Deceit and Drake couldn't help him out because they were fighting the last spider, who now looked like it had taken steroids for centuries. Missy and Pranks were helping Patton beat the ever loving crap out of the cloaked man. Logan was the only one that wasn't fighting, but the only problem is that he was unconscious.

Roman hit the wall, but it was as though it was just a scratch. He charged to Virgil's tank and hit the glass with the hilt of his sword. The prince repeated this action until the DragonWitch sent him flying again.

"ROMAN!" Virgil cried franticly, banging even harder on the glass. The water was rising higher and higher by the moment and it was also getting colder and colder. It was up to his shoulders now and Virgil was doing his best to swim up.

He felt something pull at his leg as he tried to kick. The fucking chain. The pale side kicked harder, feeling the chain being pulled up higher.

Patton stepped away from the cloaked man and ran to help Roman with the DragonWitch. The dad hit it from behind well the prince hit it from the front. "Wow, a tag team? Never thought that you'd do that because of your ego, Prince Roman." The DragonWitch cackled.

This continued for a few minutes, only getting mere scratches on the DragonWitch. "ROMAN!" Drake yelled, succeeding in getting the Prince's attention.

The critical one was currently being crushed under the spider and Deceit had taken quite a beating and was in too much pain to move. "I'M COMING!" Roman yelled back, sprinting over. "DON'T HELP ME! HELP VIRGIL!" The fighting in the room stop immediately.

The creative side looked the tank, seeing that it had filled and Virgil was eerily still. The emo's eyes were close and his mouth was open. Roman's heart rate sped up as he ran towards the tank. The Prince's moves were to fast for the DragonWitch to stop him.

Roman hit the tank with the hilt of his sword over and over. It didn't make a dent.

You're failing.

Another hit. Nothing.

It's pointless now,

A harder hit. Still nothing.

He's dead, you can't change that.

With rage coursing through him, Roman delivered another blow.


Water came flowing out, bringing shattered glass out with every wave. Roman got knocked off of his feet by the built up power in the water. Said power from the water caused the chain on Virgil to break.

The royal stood up and ran to Virgil's body. The body was cut up from the glass shards. The blood mixed with the water around the deathly pale trait. The prince knelt down to the emo and checked his pulse. Slow. Roman started doing CPR, hoping for his crush's eyes to open and gasp for air.

"My son..." Patton's heartbreak could be heard in his voice. "You killed my son." Dad said, now staring at the DragonWitch.

The DragonWitch smiled innocently. "So? What is some mom going to do about it? Cry? Scream at me? Tell my-" The DragonWitch was cut off with a punch to the jaw.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU THINK IS SOME GAME?" Patton asked, punching the DragonWitch where ever he could.

Meanwhile, Roman continued CPR. "Please work..." Roman muttered. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died! I can't live without your snarky remarks and the new nicknames you give me every time we speak!" Roman said to the emo's body as he kept trying to save him.

"I love you!" The Prince cried franticly. Tears slipped down his checks as he pushed up and down on Virgil's chest. Nothing was working. The Prince was about to collapse and cry into Virgil's chest when he heard it. A quiet small cough.

The Royal continued, heart speeding up. The coughs became louder. He continued until Virgil rolled onto his side and started throwing up water. The emo turned back to face the prince, his savior.

"Ro-" The emo couldn't finished his sentence without coughing up a storm. More tears sprang from Roman's eyes as he embraced Virgil. "You're alive!" Roman sobbed into the emo's shoulder.

"Y-you love me?" Virgil croaked out. The prince nodded, somewhat afraid of what he was going to get in response. Virgil's cold arms wrapped around Roman.

"I-" Screaming from the DragonWitch snapped the two back to the world around them. The DragonWitch lay dead on the floor and Patton stood on its chest, holding a sword that impaled the DragonWitch.

"Dad! That was so cool!" Missy cheered. Patton straighten his cat hoodie and looked at Missy. "Don't ever do what I just did, okay?" The dad got a nod in response.

"What should we do with this guy?" Logan asked, sitting on top of the cloaked stranger. Deceit crouched next to the cloaked guy. "Where's my hat?" The snake asked.

"I threw it out, along with that mess of a hoodie." The stranger answered, having a cocky sound in his voice. Deceit stood up and walked away from the man, not wanting to do anything drastic.

Patton ran over to his son, taking off his cat hoodie from around his shoulders. "Are you cold? What am I saying? Of course you are!" Patton rambled a little but caught himself.

The father put his hoodie onto his son. "Thanks dad." Virgil said, hugging himself. "Can we get out of this place? I want to lay down on a bed."  The Emo asked, sneezing a little at the end.

"Of course! You might becoming down with a cold!" Patton said, his dad mode fully in action. Logan and Patton left first, holding the child traits in their arms. Drake had Deceit slung over his shoulder because the snake was crying over his hat.

Roman picked up the cold trait and followed the others out. "Roman?" Virgil said, catching the Prince's attention.

"Yes?" The fanciful side asked, looking over at the one in his arm. Anxiety put a hand onto the Prince's face and pulled into a little kiss. "So you like me back?" Roman asked, flustered.

"No, I just kissed you as a friendly jester." Virgil said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Roman laughed at the emo's comment. "It's good to have you back, love." The prince sighed. "Good to be back." Virgil yawned and snuggled into Roman's chest.

The end.
I actually finished this. WOWIE!

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