Flowers {Logically, Slight Prinxiety}

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Requested from: JacieCool123 (who you should go follow, btw.)

Sorry that this took so long. I had just gotten back from my vacation the other day and life being busy because of school staring this month for me and ahh sorry.

Also sorry if some parts seem rushed or weird. 😅

Logan had a secret. It wasn't anything bad, it was just (in his words) something he'd be rather embarrassed about if one of the other sides found out about it.

Logan loved flowers.

He had no idea why he did, but there was something about the flowers that were so peaceful and relaxing....

Somedays, when he's in a really bad mood or he's just upset or annoyed, Logan would even alter his room into an open field that's filled with flowers and he would just sit there in the grass.

It made him calm and at ease, just sitting there and making flower crowns in peace and quiet just seemed like a very relaxing thing to Logan.

And one of those days where he did that just happened to be today.


"I just don't get it. Why did you have to ruin it?"

"It wasn't intentional."

"You flipped over the picnic basket! And you made everything like the dark and stormy night you are!"

"So? What's so wrong with that?"

"I worked so hard on transforming my room for you and you just ruined it!"

"Okay, that's it. Logan, your smart, help us with this. Who's right? Me or Sir-Sing-A lot?"

Logan had just walked into the kitchen to grab a snack when he had overheard an argument between Roman and Virgil. The two sides had recently gotten in a romantic relationship with the other. They were getting in fights and usually ended up kissing afterwords. Which is also why this was their tenth fight in the current week.

Logan turned around and faced the other two sides. "This is a relationship problem, correct? If it is, I suggest you contact Patton, mainly since he's good with emotions and stuff like this while not. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be getting my Cro-"

"See this is why we should have asked Patton like we were going to!" Roman shouted to Virgil, interrupting Logan while doing so.

"Well since Logan is literally right there, I thought it would be okay if we asked him. And Patton's probably busy anyways so why bother bothering him!" Virgil shouted back.

"Well maybe we should of asked Patton instead of calculator man over there! It's not like he'll help!" The prince-like persona yelled back at the anxious emo.

"Well maybe you should just-"

"Can you two just shut up?!" Logan snapped, cutting Virgil off. Roman and Virgil turned to Logan. They had almost forgotten that he was there and were surprised that he because of one little thing.

Besides the fighting between his fellow sides getting on his nerves, Logan already had a lot of work that he was doing and all the stress was getting to him. The fight between Virgil and Roman was just (in Logan's words) the metaphorical straw that broke the metaphorical camel's back.

Logan cleared his throat, breaking the newly found silence. "My apologies. I'll just be going now." He said, quickly walking out of the kitchen.

Logan could already tell they were about to start arguing again, so there would be no use on staying in there. Plus, he needed to calm himself and get back to what he was working on, anyways.

And five, four, three, two...

Aaaaand, the two were at it again. Logan quickly reached his room and closed the door behind him. He adjusted his glasses while taking a deep breath. With just that, the room transformed around him into a field filled with flowers.

Logan walked towards the middle of the field and sat down. He sighed, picking up a couple of the flowers and started to make a crown out of them. It truly did help him relax.


Patton was in his room, baking cookies in the kitchen he transformed his room into. He could tell that others were in the kitchen because of....well, because Roman and Virgil were yelling.

How could he tell it was the kitchen? Well, a magici-I mean, a dad never reveals his secrets.

Anyways, Patton was just putting the cookies on a plate when he suddenly heard silence. He was about to go check when he heard the yelling start again.

That's...odd. It usually just stays silent. Patton thought, setting the last cookie down on the plate. Being the curious dad-guy he is, Patton decided to check on them. Bringing the plate of cookies with him, he headed out of his room and into the kitchen.

When he walked into the kitchen, he was met with...well, Patton saw Roman and Virgil kissing, and Deceit hiding his face in the fridge, obviously not wanting to see what Virgil and Roman were doing.

Patton coughed, and the two sides separated, both with blushes on their face.

"O-oh hey there, P-Pat. W-what's up?" Virgil said, a bit embarrassed as he looked at the older side.

"Well, I heard yelling coming from here and I decided to see what was going on. Oh! And I brought cookies just incase any of you want any." Patton explained, setting down the plate of cookies on the counter.

After a few minutes of talking and eating cookies in the kitchen, Patton noticed something....

"Hey have any of you seen Logie-I mean Logan?" Patton asked the three. Virgil gave a thumbs down, while just Deciet shook his head 'no.' Roman spoke up and said, "Sorry, Padre. I haven't seen him since he snapped at my emo nightmare and I before he walked out of the kitchen. Don't worry, he's probably just working again." (Wow Roman, your actually being helpful in this one shot rip Fourth wall I mean w h a t-)

Patton gave a smile, pretty much saying "thank you", before getting up and walking out of the room. He went into the hallway and quickly went to Logan's room, knocking on the door. When he didn't get an answer, Patton figured that he couldn't open the door so he decided to just let himself in.

"Hey Logie! I'm here to check on y-HOLY SHI-STARS! HOLY STARS LOGAN IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?" Patton started to say calmly while walking in, before pretty much squealing once he saw what Logan was doing. Patton quickly shut the door behind him and sat in front of Logan, who seemed...startled, to say the least,

Logan suddenly looked up, dropping the flower crown he was about to finish making. He had heard Patton knock on the door, but he had assumed that he would go away instead of just walking into his room without asking.

"Salutations, Patton." Logan said, a bit nervous. Logan was surprised that Patton didn't find out that he does this earlier. Patton was his boyfriend, after all, so it wouldn't really be a surprise if he had found out earlier.

Patton is probably judging me now. Oh god. He's okay with me loving Crofter's Jam, so why wouldn't he be okay with this? Maybe because one is a plant while the other is food. Oh gosh oh go-

"Lo? Lo? Are you okay? Your crying." Patton said, snapping Logan out of his thoughts.

Logan was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize the tears forming and falling down his face. Before Logan could even understand/comprehend what was going on, Patton wrapped him a hug and started comforting him, whispering things into his ear and asking him some questions that Logan answered with shaking his head 'yes' or 'no.'

After a few minutes, Logan had calmed down and the two sides separated from their hug. Logan wiped off his glasses, quickly putting them back on his face and adjusting them again.

"So, love, care to explain why you decided to come into my room?" The teacher like persona asked the dad like figure.

Patton then quickly explained to him his worries and not knowing where he was, etc., etc.

Logan, not one for emotions, just simply nodded at him. Well, before Patton picked up the unfinished flower crown.

"Ooo this is so pretty, Logie!" Patton admired, twirling the flower crown in his hand, which led to Logan being flustered and mumbling the words "thank you."

The two sat in the field, just talking (mainly Patton) while making flower crowns in the process. Patton, trying to make a crown with dark blue flowers for Logan. Even if it wasn't the best. And Logan, making one for Patton only using light blue flowers. Even if it wasn't as good as others he'd made before.

It was all going well before they heard the door burst open and saw Roman with a sword in his hand, and Virgil behind him, face palming.

"WHERE'S THE MAIDEN IN TRO-oh wait, it's just you guys. In a field...?" Roman started to say before his eyes quickly went to the flower crowns, "And you have crowns? Without yours truly? How rude."

"You and Virgil can join us, if you want!" Patton joyfully said with a smile, motioning the other two over to sit by them.

Roman made the sword disappear, and turned to Virgil and whispered something in his ear, which Virgil made a face at. The two other sides saw the Prince persona whisper another thing into the emo's ear, but they had no idea what he said to him.

The two sides joined Patton and Logan in the field, and sat next to the pair, joining in making flower crowns as well.

It took them some time to finish their crowns, along with some patience from Logan to not get annoyed ("Dang it! Why isn't this working!" "Well it is your first time making one a flower crown, correct?") but they all did manage to finish their crowns.

The four just relaxed in their for the rest of the day, the flower crowns that were made by their significant other on their heads.

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