Haunted {Halloween Special}

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Yeahh I couldn't think of a title. Anyways, this is a human AU! None of them are related or look the same. Only a little similar.

Possible Trigger Warning: Slight mention of death

Logan Sanders was a recent college graduate, graduating at only 19 due to being the top of every class he's done.

He had a good life. A nice job, a nice home. There wasn't anything else he really needed. His life was going exactly as he wanted.

Well, that is, until his most recent assignment for work.

Logan was told to go investigate an old, former neighborhood due to a kid about his age dying there several months ago. They had just recently discovered the exact location of the house after narrowing the houses down after months.

Some people on the team say it was suicide, due to it being such a quiet spot where people would usually never go.

While others think it was murder, due to this house in piticular having sound-proof-walls that would make it harder for people to hear someone scream or cry for help.

So out of all the people on his investigation team to go to the site, they choose Logan to alone, for whatever reason was necessary.

He exited the car that drove him to the house, thanking the driver and telling him to leave. With a bit of hesitanetness, the driver drove away.

Logan has always liked to work....well, alone. And without anyone waiting or possibly watching him. Since, that would be a bother and they would most likely come after him.

He took a few steps towards the house, taking it in. The windows were somehow still in tact, some of the wood on the house seemed to be somehow peeling off, and the wooden steps seemed that they would break if you stepped too hard on them.

He carefully walked up the steps, hearing a creak each step he took. Logan gently opened the door, taking a few steps inside and closing the door behind him.

The floors were a tad....sticky, the walls were a bit scratched up, and there was some blood on....well, a lot of stuff.

This all....puzzled Logan. As he took some more steps forward, Logan felt his foot hit something. He looked down, and saw the body.

It was a boy about his age, quite possibly even a year younger. He had a big, purple bang over his one eye, and eyeshadow underneath both of his eyes. The body still had a black hoodie with purple patches on the hoodie on him.

"Huh. That's...odd. Nineteen and he still hasn't gotten over his emo phase..." Logan said to himself out loud, scribbling down his thoughts on a notepad.

"Actually I am-well, was eighteen." A voice said behind him. Logan jumped a bit, and turned around, seeing the same boy but....for some reason he looked.....transparent.

"Who-who are you?" Logan hesitantly asked. He was sure that ghosts weren't real. Maybe this was just a faked suicide, and this boy was just kidding around.

He sighed and asked, "They didn't tell you, did they?" Logan shook his head in response, which lead the boy to sigh once again.

"Virgil Sangria, dead person. It's a pleasure to meet you." The boy, apparently named Virgil, said, extending his arm.

Logan hesitated, before trying to shake it. To Logan's surprise, his hand went through Virgil's.

Logan's eyes widened as he slowly backed away. "No way.....this can't be real. You can't be real."

Virgil chuckled. "Of course I'm real. My body's on the floor over there. Woah. Now that I'm actually looking at myself, I was way uglier than I thought." He said, sitting down next to his body.

"This can't be real....." Logan muttered under his breath.

It wasn't until long until he heard a booming voice coming from somewhere else in the house.

"Hello? Virgil? Is that you? Is someone else there?" A loud voice said, along with soon approaching footsteps.

"Oh gosh....not him." The ghost whispered under his breath, as the figure soon appeared.

He was a shortish guy, maybe about....five feet. Sitting on top of his brown hair was a golden crown. Why it was there? Who honestly knows. His skin was a bit paler than a regular person's would, and, besides his height, was fairly average.

The boy had a reddish-goldish cape on his back, attached to a white, long sleeved shirt. And, for whatever reason, had a red sash across his body.

The boy turned to Logan with wide eyes and curious eyes, looking joyful.

"Oh-Oh my gosh there's finally another human here! Virgil, why didn't you tell me?!" The boy said, beaming. Logan took notice that for whatever reason, this boy had.....fangs? Logan couldn't tell.

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Princey, we all know your not human."

The boy turned to Virgil and hugged a bit. "One, my name's Roman and you know it but I appreciate the try. Two, I am human! Well, only half. The other half is vampire." The boy, who happened to be named Roman, said the last words to Logan, turning to him with a smile.

"How.....how old are you?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. He looked around fifteen or sixteen years old, which may have been due to how short he is.

"Well, Mr.Nerd, in human years I'm about....eighteen almost nineteen." The prince like guy shrugged. The room was left in silence.

Logan was internally debating whether he should leave or not, until he felt another arm link into his own arm and being practically dragged away.

He saw Roman in front of him, leading him to only God knows where, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Virgil face palming and quickly following behind the two.

"Where are you taking me?!?!" Logan questioned, trying to get out of the shorter boy's grip. He said nothing and just continued walking.

"Knowing Roman, he's probably taking you to Patton." Virgil informed him, rolling his eyes a bit but still had a bit of a smile on his face.

Roman soon led them all into a kitchen-like room, his grip on Logan tightening a bit. Logan noticed someone was turned around, stirring something in a pot, while someone else, who Logan could have sworn has snake like scales on one side of his face, was sitting on the old fridge, looking down at something in his hands.

"Patton! I have found someone!" Roman beamed. The boy stirring the pot, presumably Patton, turned around, and smiled a little, soon looking over Logan.

Patton had lightish brown hair and some visible freckles on his face, along with a pair of glasses. He had a light blue polo and a grey cardigan wrapped around his shoulders and long pants.

Logan noticed he had a bit of a.....well, he had a tail. Odd. Logan didn't have much time to ponder on that thought because he was met with a tight hug and the grip on his arm leaving.

"Hi! I'm Patton!" He said to Logan, soon letting go from the hug and looking at him directly in the eyes with starry eyes.

"So.....your a werewolf..?" Logan asked him kind of awkwardly. Patton smiled a bit.

"Well, only part time! Some days or nights I'm full on werewolf! Other times I'm just stuck with the tail. It's honestly pretty scary if you ask me." He muttered the final part under his breath. It was silent for a few seconds before Virgil spoke up.

"Uh, Pat?" He asked, suddenly appearing next to Patton.

"Yes my dark stra-I mean, Yes Virge?" Patton replied, turning all of his attention towards him.

"What are we gonna do with him...? I mean, I'm pretty sure he's like a policeman or something." The spirit asked him.

"I'm actually a private investigator." Logan muttered in a volume that wasn't able to be heard.

"He's right," Roman chimed in, standing on Patton's free side. "If he doesn't leave on his own, we'll have to do something with him!"

It was silent for a few moments, the three "monsters" staring at Logan, trying to decide his fate. It was like this until they heard a voice from on top of the fridge.

"Can you guys....just.....go......please....it's too loud and you guys better decide slowly before I decide for him." He said. Logan looked up, and it was the same boy with the snake scales.

"Oh shut it, De. We all know you won't actually do anything. You'll just sit up there and lie like the "terrifying villain" you are." Roman spoke up, a bit annoyed.

And with that, the person known as 'De' was silent. And the silence in the room returned.

"So," Virgil spoke up, "what's your choice?"

Hi! I'm currently working on part two to "dear you" but I just wanted to make this real quick for Halloween! Sorry if it's bad. Happy Halloween! Remember to stay safe!

Also you can interpret the ending how you want! Sorry I didn't really wanna continue since....I need sleep.

Bye! 💕

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