Kindergarten Boyfriends {Unrequited Logically, Platonic Moxiety}

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Sorry for lots of angst lately. 😅
This is a human high school AU. They look different from each other.
Warnings:suicide attempt, mentions of a breakup, mentions of homophobia
Anything like this when Patton is talking is him speaking/singing the lyrics (which some of them are changed to fit the characters mentioned while Patton is singing/speaking, as in Patton and Logan, better)

Virgil knew it was a bad thing when he saw his best friend, Patton, suddenly leave school and he looked like he was in a hurry.

Sure, everyone was distracted since there was a pep rally at the moment, and Virgil did usually skip them because of how loud everyone is and also everyone yelling. Instead, he just relaxed in the hallways.

But Patton? He usually loves the pep rallies they have at school. Patton even helps to plan some of them with their friend Roman along with other people on the School Spirt Committee. So it would be strange for Patton to suddenly run out. Especially during a school day. Well, the school day was almost over, but he still just couldn't leave out of the blue.

Virgil looked around to check to see if anyone was in the hallway. Like usual during the pep rallies, nobody was there. He bolted for the exit, following after his best friend.

Eventually, Patton stopped. And it was the worst place imaginable.

Patton had stopped at a bridge. And it didn't take Virgil long to figure out why. Patton was going to jump off the bridge. Virgil knew he had to stop him.

Patton was about to climb to stand on the railing, when suddenly Virgil yelled out to him. "Patton! Stop! Please! You shouldn't be doing this!"

Patton looked back at him, and smiled. "This is for the best. For you. For everyone. For him." Patton replied, starting to try and stand on the railing.

"'Him?' Who do you mean by that?" Virgil asked, genuinely curious. Patton looked back at him. "Do you remember? Remember when I was Logan's boyfriend?" Patton asked, on the virge of tears.

"You were with Logan?" The shorter teen questioned. He didn't remember Logan and Patton being a couple recently. Sure, they were friends who talked a lot, but they were never together recently.

Patton sighed and looked at the big blue sky above them.
"There was a boy I met in kindergarten.
He was sweet. He said that I was kind.
He was good at math and people liked him. And at nap time once we shared a mat."

Patton sighed dreamily, remembering all the good times before everything went downhill for the pair.

"I didn't sleep. I sat and watched him breathing.
Watched him dream for nearly half an hour.
Then he woke up."
Patton sighed, with a smile on his face.

"He pulled a scab off one time playing kickball.
He kissed me quick, then pressed it in my hand.
I took that scab and put it in a locket. All year long I wore it near my heart."

" really gross..." Virgil said. Patton ignored the comment given by his friend and continued.

"He didn't care if I was smart or handsome. And he was mine until we hit first grade.......ooooooooo..."

The memories of Patton's past suddenly all came back to him as he paused. The older kids in the school teased them, some were even disgusted by them and bullied them for dating. The sad part was that they were only in the first week of school. Soon, Logan broke up with Patton and started dating a girl and started becoming the emotionless and cold boy they all know and love.

"Then he woke up."

"Patton......I'm so sorry. But sometimes you just need to let go of the past." Virgil said calmly.
"Well that's easy for you to say. And I'm not finished yet." Patton snapped at him, quickly apologizing.

"Last night I dreamed, a horse with wings flew down into my homeroom. On it's back, there he sat. And he held out his arms.
So we sailed above the gym. Across the facility parking lot. My kindergarten boyfriend and I.

And a horse with wings."

"I'm.....pretty sure that's called a pegasus, Pat." Virgil said nervously, still feeling a little strange about what was going on. He had never been put in a situation like this before. To try and talk someone out of

Patton had a smile on his face, before it quickly fell and became a frown.

"Now we're all grown up and we know better. Now we recognize the way things are.
Certain boys are just for kindergarten.
Other boys are meant to be alone.
But I believe that any dream worth having is a dream that should not have to end."

Patton hesitated to climb onto the railing, Virgil getting anxious and nervous by the second.
"So I've built a dream that I can live in.
And this time I'm never waking  up!!"

Patton had climbed onto the railing, and had taken a seat on it. Virgil started to pull out his phone to call 911. At this point, Patton looked like he was going to jump soon.

"And we'll soar above the trees
Over cars and croquet lawns
Past the church and the lake
And the tri-county mall.
We will fly through the dawn
To a new kindergarten."

Patton looked Virgil in the eyes, tears falling down both of their-well, mainly Patton's face-faces.

"Where nap time is centuries long."

Then Patton jumped off the railing, his usual cheerful smile on his face while he did it.

Virgil didn't know what to do next. He just witnessed his best friend jump off a bridge! And he couldn't stop him now! Virgil suddenly remembered he had his phone, and called for help.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"My best friend......he jumped off a bridge...please send help..."
"Stay calm. Help is on the way."

'Stay calm?' 'STAY CALM?' Well it's a little too late for that, Virgil thought, growing anxious by the second.

He had felt like he was to blame. He couldn't stop him. No matter what Virgil did to try and stop him, he had failed and Patton jumped.

Soon, the ambulance had come and they took Patton, who was luckily-and hopefully-still alive. Virgil had sat in the ambulance, keeping an eye on Patton and checking to see if he was still alive and just passed out or not alive at all. On the way to the hospital, he had called Patton's parents and telling them about what happened with their son, and had also called Roman and Logan about it. But not telling the reason why, of course.

1016 Words

Okay important talk time:
Suicide is never the answer. You matter. You are loved. You are cared for. Even though sometimes it may not feel like it, you are. You deserve to live, you amazing human being!!

Stay safe. ❤️

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