Strawberry Pie {Analogical}

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Ship(s)?: Analogical (Logan x Virgil), Background Royality (Roman x Patton), Familial Lociet (Logan and Deceit)
AU?: Human AU
Trigger Warnings?: For once, it's a no.
Notes: This is actually one of my favorite one-shots I've written.

The baker huffed as he placed up another pie into the oven, this one being a fresh, strawberry pie. He closed the oven, and glanced up at the clock.

6:00 am

Virgil sighed with relief. He wouldn't be opening his bakery for another two hours. The bakery technically wasn't his own, it was his dear friend Patton's bakery.

But, alas, Patton was off on a honeymoon with his newlywed husband, Roman, and Virgil was left in charge of running it while Patton was away.

Even if Patton wasn't away, Virgil would be working there anyways. Back in high school his free time, he found that baking can help out with his anxiety and even some stress. He ended up getting really good at it, and became a baker.

A couple of years after college, he found out his old friend he kept in touch with from highschool, Patton, was opening up a bakery. So he asked Patton if he could have a job there, and there he is now.

Virgil kept baking, and before he even knew it it was time for it to open up. He went to the door, flipping the sign that hung on it to 'open', and went behind the register.

It was a slow two opening hours, although Virgil kind of expected it due to it being a Saturday morning. There was little to almost no customers, so it just consisted of Virgil going back and forth from the bakery to take out the pies and other baked goods from the oven and back to the display case to set them out for customers to see.

As Virgil was just about to go back to the counter with a straight out of the oven strawberry pie, Virgil conveniently heard a 'ding!' at the door.

Strawberry pie in hand, Virgil went back to the front of the shop, setting the pie on top of the display case before looking at the customer-er, customers.

It was a rather professional looking man, wearing a black polo shirt and blue striped tie and everything, and he had a small child with him, who seemed to have two different eyes-heterochromia, most likely.

The kid seemed to be staring at the desserts, not giving caring what's

between him and the desserts. While the adult, who Virgil assumed was the father, looked rather serious in appearance.

To Virgil, he gave off a vibe of a professional businessman and a lawyer combined, ready to shut down any business that had someone look at him in the wrong way, especially with the stoic look on his face, Virgil's anxiety spiking up a bit looking at him.

Although, he had to admit the stranger was a bit on the cute side, but he was most likely straight since he had a child. So Virgil tried not to think about it and instead actually do his job.

"Excuse me, sir, can I get you anythi-"

"Can I have one of your snakes?" A child voice interrupted, racing up to the counter where Virgil was standing.

Virgil, completely confused by the child who was now in front of him, stood speechless for a few seconds and about to ask what he meant before the man behind the kid spoke up.

"He means can he have one of your cookies shaped like a snake." The man explained, monotone as ever.

Oh, Virgil thought, internally face palming. He would have never guessed that. He reached into the display case holding the cookies and grabbed one, wrapping it in a napkin and handing over the cookie to the kid. "Anything else?" He asked.

"We would like one of your strawberry pies, that's all." The man spoke again, as the kid happily munched on the cookie. Virgil grabbed the strawberry pie and placed it in a special container made for pies, closing it and handing it over to the man.

"That'll be 9 dollars, sir." He spoke, the man handing over the money before leaving with the kid.

Virgil went back to the back of the bakery, the man still lingering in his thoughts as he whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

"Keep it together, Virgil." He mutter to himself as he stirred the batter. "You just met the guy, you can't be falling for him."


It was a couple of weeks since Virgil saw the man, and he would be lying if he didn't have the occasional thought or two of him. Especially if it was ever of the two having a romance or actually seeing the man again.

Virgil sighed as he put another pie on top of the display case. Gosh, he was a mess. He couldn't believe he was still thinking about the man.

It's been a two weeks, gosh your pathetic, He thought, about to head to the back to make another treat for the bakery when he heard a 'ding!' from the door, and he quickly headed to the counter.

Just to Virgil's luck, the man he was just thinking about happened to walk right in, a light blush appearing on Virgil's face as the serious man approached the counter.

Trying his best to keep calm, Virgil took a deep breath and spoke. "H-how may I help you today sir?"

The man, who looked like he just got out of a trance, spoke with a teeny tiny bit of emotion. "Ah yes, may I have one of your strawberry pies?"

Again? Virgil thought, before nodding. "There's a fresh one in the oven that'll be out in a few minutes."

The man nodded, and payed him in advance, going over to one of the booths and sitting down, pulling out a book. Meanwhile, Virgil's head raced with thoughts.

Oh god oh god what do I say what if I screw this up what if I-

"Is there anyone besides you that works here?" The man suddenly spoke up.

"Uh, yeah. My best friend, Patton, who owns the bakery and occasionally his husband, Roman. Pat's just on his lunch break." Virgil replied, internally worried that he'll mess up what is most likely the only conversation he'll ever have with this man.

"Oh. I thought it was just you." The man said bluntly, before going back to his book.

It was silent for a few moments, before this time it was Virgil who broke it. "M-my name's Virgil by the way."

"Logan." The man, now known as Logan, replied, not looking up from his book.

It was silent for a few more moment, before a 'beep!' came from the oven in the back. Virgil quickly went into the back, pulling out the strawberry pie and putting it in a container and heading back to the front, where he saw Logan already waiting up there.

"Here you are, sir. It was nice meeting you, have a good day." Virgil quickly spoke, as Logan exited the bakery.

Logan, huh? Virgil thought, a small smile appearing on his face. What a nice name.


A couple of months passed since that interaction, and in the meantime, Logan did ending up stoping over quite a few times, ordering the same pie over and over, and occasionally talking to him. Although that was usually was when Patton and the occasional Roman weren't around.

Virgil couldn't help but fall for him more, especially since what he learned about him through the talks and getting to know him better ("That looks quite amazing," Logan remarked, as he looked at one of the space themed cakes they had on display. "Space is really remarkable.").

Virgil smiled to himself as he stirred a batch of brownies, Logan in his thoughts.

"Watcha' smiling about?" Patton said, suddenly appearing in the doorway, catching Virgil off guard.

"N-nothing!" Virgil quickly spoke, blushing a tiny bit. "A-and shouldn't you be in the front?"

Patton smiled at him. "Maybe. But there's this serious man asking for you and-"

Virgil ran to the front rapidly, a smile of relief when he saw it was Logan at the front.

"Virgil..." Logan spoke, seemingly nervous and showing emotions for once. "Would you perhaps like to go out to dinner with me? I'll understand if you do no-"

"Of course I'll go." Virgil smiled. "Now, let me guess, you'll have a strawberry pie?"

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