Switched {Prinxiety & Logicality}

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Ship(s):Prinxiety (already bf and bf) Logicality(already bf and bf), Platonic Moxiety
Warning:Some cursing
Sorry if they are portrayed wrong, I'm not used to writing them.

Virgil's Perspective

I woke up a bit earlier than usual this morning-actually, scratch that. I actually woke up early this morning. At nine-and I got up and slid on my hoodie. I head into my bathroom and start to grab my foundation when I notice something is....off. Huh. Since when has my hand been small? And dainty? I think to myself, but quickly shrug it off. I look into the mirror to start putting on my foundation and—


Roman's Perspective

I was awoken to the sound of someone yelling. But...it didn't exactly sound...male......
I get out of bed, quickly fixing my hair with my hands. Wait? Why does it feel so long. I take a look in the mirror. My once short, prince like hair has turned wavy, long, and like it was a princess's. I look at the red lipstick that's by my mirror. I've had it, but I've never used it before. Now seems like the perfect opportunity to put it on, since I am a female today. It takes a few-eleven-tries to get it right. This must be why Virgil uses a mirror for his makeup, I think to myself as I walk out of my room. I head over to where the sound came from, Virgil's room, so I head in. Soon, I see a female coming out of the bathroom located in Virgil's room. She's wearing Patton's usual shirt and cardigan tied around the shoulders and his usual glasses, but instead of pants she's wearing a skirt and her hair is tied back in a ponytail. Yep. It was obvious this was Patton.
"Oh, hey kiddo! I see you've switched genders as well!" Patton says before continuing, "anyways, I assume Logan has also so I'm gonna find him.....her to see if he knows how this happened. But I don't really think you should see really go in there. Virgil's........uh......how do I put this........umm, anyways! Just don't go in there. I don't think he.......She wants to be bothered right now." He,wait no she! Gosh! I'm gonna be confused all day. Anyways, Patton said that and walked away. Ignoring the warning given by Patton, I make the way over to the door. If I could handle a Dragon Witch, then I can handle Virgil. I think to myself and I open the door.

[Flashback to before Roman came to Virgil's room.......]

Patton's Perspective

I was cooking breakfast when I heard a female voice say "WHAT THE FUCK? WHY AM I A FEMALE!!" coming from the direction of Virgil's room. I made my way to his room. No Virgil in sight. Must be coming from the bathroom. I think to myself and I start making my way to the bathroom and I open the door and find.....

Oh boy.

A female,who I immediately identify as Virgil, with slightly wavy long hair with a side bang in her face wearing Virgil's hoodie and a black short yet long skirt and a black choker around his neck was looking at himself in the mirror, with a mix of a shock and confusion on his face, and it looks like he's been crying a little. I stand in the doorway and ask,

"Virgil? You alright, kiddo?"

Virgil looked up at me. "Patton? This happened to you too?" I nod as I walk in more, closing the door behind me. Virgil turned to me and continued, "I thought it was some crazy nightmare at first and tried to wake up at first but then I realized it wasn't a dream and....and...." The tears started to look like they were gonna come out, and I embrace the shorter side in a hug. "Shh. It's alright. This probably happened to Logan and Roman as well, and Logan's gonna find a way to fix this." I say. I let go of him and look her in the eyes.
"Heh, yeah...... sorry for cursing." He said, while wiping away tears. "It's fine. Now, you go put on your makeup like you usually do and meet us down for breakfast. I made pancakes." I say and I hear a grown as I start to head towards the door, but then hear a soft "Wait! P-Patton..."
"Yes, Virgil?" I turn around and ask him.
"If Roman or Logan try to stop by or ask what the noise from my room was, just tell them not to come over. I'm a wreck. Plus, Princey probably looks way better than I do as a girl, and I don't want to see him brag about it to my face. And, thanks, by the way."
"Okay, kiddo. And your welcome." I say as I exit the bathroom, closing the door behind me and run into a girl with long, wavy hair, dressed in a white dress with red lipstick on her lips, two gold bracelets around each of her wrists, and red shoes with Roman's sash around her. I assume it's Roman, since the colors kind of match his usual outfit and she looks very princess like, not to mention Roman's sash on her. "Oh hey kiddo! I see you've switched genders as well!"

Virgil's Perspective

As I'm putting on the last of my makeup I hear someone open the door. I turn and see a princess like woman standing there. I immediately see
Roman's sash is on her. Fuck, it's Roman. "Oh hey Virgil. Patton said that you didn't want anyone coming in here, so I thought it might be bad," Roman says with a slightly confused look before continuing, "And it seems like everything is good in here. But I did have a question to ask you...." I raise an eyebrow when he pauses.

"What's the matter, Princey? Wait a minute, I can't call you that anymore. Your not a—-"

"Can I do your makeup?"

"What? Why?!" I ask him, very confused.
"Look, since your a girl currently and girls seem to have a lot more options on the makeup scale, I would like to do your makeup. I'm also trying to improve on my makeup skills and I would like to try it someone besides myself. But it seems like you've already done it so I'll just be—"

"You can do it. I personally don't mind."

Now that certainly gave some shock to his face. I continue, "You can, but you'll have to let me do yours as well." "Ugh, fine.." Roman replies a bit annoyed, and I wipe off my makeup with a makeup wipe.
"Y'know, you look cute without all that makeup. Especially like that." Roman remarks.

"Oh shut up, Princess."

[Meanwhile, with Patton and Logan.......]
Logan's Perspective

I was up early this morning, as usual. I did hear a scream, however, but I just ignored it. I even looked out my open door and saw a female sprinting down the hall that looked like Patton. I conclude that it is Patton and—-

Oh no. I messed up.

I was working on figuring out why-and how-this could have possibly happened, when Patton bursts into my room, causing a book to fall off my desk when he closes the door.

"Hey Logan!" Patton says, cheerful as ever. I turn around in my chair to face him and say, "Patton, please try to be more careful next time."
"I will, I will. Anyways, my dear boyfriend, oh wait! You aren't my boyfriend now! Your a girl today!" He says, a bit annoyed but firm. This is kind of unlike Patton.
"Well, so are you, Patton." I shot back at him. He took a seat on my other couch and went on. "Care to explain why we're all girls?" I sigh and say, "Currently, I am trying to figure out the source of this mess. Both how it happened and why it happened. Now, please leave me be if I'm going to figure it out." "Alright, I will. But your gonna miss my pancakes." Patton replies, then kisses my cheek and left my room. I picked up the book that fell and went back to work.

Third Person Perspective

Patton happily went back to the kitchen.....and realized the bacon had overcooked. He took them out of the microwave, still unsure how he overcooked bacon in a microwave. But weird stuff usually happens to food in the mind palace, so he didn't really think about it too much. He soon sets each of the individual sides plates down on the table and soon after, Roman and Virgil arrive at the kitchen table, hand in hand. "Oh hey kiddos! I see you the both of you are—— OH MY GOSH YOU TWO LOOK AMAZING!!" Patton starts, then looked up and realized that not only Virgil and Roman were wearing makeup, but Virgil had very little and in different places. Not to mention Roman had very princess like makeup. Roman and Virgil took their seats. "Yeah. Roman over here stormed into my room asking if he could do my makeup. I agreed, and I also did his." Virgil explained. "I still can't believe you didn't turn me into an emo nightmare and that you know more about makeup than you appear to." Roman remarks. "Oh hush, Sir-Sings-A-lot. The makeup you gave me is decent." Virgil says, with a smirk on his face. Roman pretends to look offended before replying, "Decent?! Decent?!?! Decent?!?!!!? Well—" Roman gets cutoff by a woman's voice saying,


Virgil's Perspective(you thought it was going to be Logan? Well it's Virgil so your wrong)


I look up to see a woman with her hair tied in a bun, wearing Logan's glasses and tie, a white buttoned up shirt, one of those black pencil skirts, and black heels. "Oh hey Logan!" Patton says cheerfully as he takes his seat at the table. He nods toward Patton as a hello and continues, "Anyways, I figured out why we're all currently females. Remember how I was helping Patton with dinner last night?" I was about to take a bite of the pancake and I shake my head yes. Logan continued, "Well, I was working on this chemical, and I may have accidentally switched the spaghetti sauce with that chemical."
"What?!! How can you mix up a chemical and spaghetti sauce? They are literally two different things!" I say, getting angered. "Well, to be fair, they are very similar colors and someone was distracting." He clarifies, and he looks at Patton when he said 'someone.' "Seriously Patton?" Roman said a bit annoyed. "Well I just needed reminders of how much of certain ingredients are in garlic bread, that's all!" Patton say, a bit innocently.

"Okay, so this is pretty much both of your faults that we're stuck like this forever? Great." I say, with sarcasm at the end. "Well, the chemical wears off tomorrow, so we'll all be back to normal tomorrow." Logan explains, and we all get back to eating. We're all almost done when something crosses my mind.

"Which one of us should explain this to Thomas?

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