The Rooftop Tower (My R)

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Warning:Suicide Mentioning, attempts at suicide, slight angst I guess...?
Human AU High school AU
They all look different from each other in this, in terms of facial features.
Based on (and some of the lyrics are in this, obviously changed because it has she/her pronouns in the song) the song above. It's really catchy and I recommend you listen to it while you read this.
The "I's", "myself's," "my's," etc., in the song are Virgil's thoughts he kept inside.
It's time.
As I went to the rooftop,
there I see.
Virgil went the highest tower in all the city. It was abandoned, of course, but the city didn't bother to fix it. Being known for people coming to the roof and jumping off. They all had there reasons, and Virgil tried to go everyday. He often couldn't go mainly since he usually hung out with his friends, who were oblivious to Virgil's situation as they possibly could be. Obliblous to his anxiety (well, they knew about that), the bullying, his home life (his dad was barely home, mainly drinking after his work, and had little time to take care of Virgil), and, most importantly, his thoughts that drove him to do this.

This time, however, a kid around his age was already there. Standing near the edge of the tower, ready to jump off into the darkness.

There was a boy with good hair here before me.
Virgil took a few steps forward, closer than he was originally standing. He recognized the boy as his close friend, Roman. He couldn't let Roman do this.

Despite myself, I went and screamed,
"Hey, don't do it......please." Virgil screamed out at his friend. Wait a minute, what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way. To be honest, I'm somewhat mad. This was my opportunity missed.

Roman turned and looked back at him with a small, sad smile. "You've probably heard it before. I really thought he might be the one. But then he told me he was done." Virgil was mad. He couldn't do let Roman do it for a reason like that!
"Are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me!" Roman turned, tears in his eyes. "Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted? You're lucky you've never gotten robbed of anything!" A tear fell down Virgil's face as he said the last part.

"I'm feeling better. Thank you, my dear friend." With a bow, Roman took a few steps away from the ledge, and turned away and vanished into thin air. A few seconds later, Virgil walked out of the tower himself, following what his friend had probably done. Virgil took a deep breath. Surely, he must try tomorrow.

Virgil did go the next day.
Alright today's the day

Or so I thought.

He started to take off his shoes, the petite boy noticing a tall boy his age standing near the edge. He sighed, slipped his shoes back on, and walked to the boy, who suspiciously looked like his friend Logan. He couldn't let one of his closest friends do this.
Just as I took both my shoes off
There was a boy taller than me.
Despite myself, I go and scream.
The boy told me his woes.
Logan turned and looked at Virgil as he pushed back his glasses as he told Virgil his troubles. "You've probably heard it all before. Everyone ignores me, everyone lies. I don't fit in with anyone here." Virgil clenched his hands into fists.
"For gosh sake please! Are you serious? I just can't believe for some stupid reason you got here before me! 'Cause even so, your still loved by everyone at home! There's always someone waiting for you at home!" Virgil said, and Logan took a few steps away from the ledge.

'They're waiting for me." He said with a smile and happy tears, then soon turned away and vanished into tin air. Just like Roman did the day before. Virgil sighed and left the building.

And like that, there was someone everyday. I listened to their tales, I made them turn away. Virgil sighed as he walked home, ready to come back to the tower the next day. For the past four weeks, people had been there and he had stopped them. A tear managed a way down his cheek as he thought about what would happen if the roles were reversed.
And there'd be no one there, who'd do this for me.
No way I could let out all my pain.


Virgil went again the next day after school, speeding away from his friends, lieing about having a lot of homework. He ran up, and dropped his backpack at the sight he saw. He ran up and imeditally knew who the boy his age was.
For the very first time their I see.
Someone with almost the same pains as me.
Having done this time and time again...
It was a boy who looked like Patton, about to jump off. Virgil knew he had to stop his best friend.
He wore a dark grey cardigan.
"I just wanna stop the sadness that gets out. Every time that I go home. That's why I came up here instead." That's what the boy in the cardigan said.
Woah, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way.
But on the moment I just screamed,
something that I did not believe.
Tears fell down Virgil's cheeks as he screamed at his friend, his voice cracking,

"Hey.....don't do it.........please."

Oh what to do?!
I can't stop him oh this is new!
For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew!
Patton turned around, looking at the sadness in his eyes while Virgil continued.
"But even so!
Just turn away so I can't see!
Your pitiful expression is just too much for me!"
Patton approached Virgil and wrapped him in a hug and said, "I guess today's just not my day." He let go then took a few steps away from me and vanished. Virgil grabbed his backpack and ran out of the tower.

Quicker than the previous day, Virgil ran out the building without even saying goodbye to his friends, which obviously worried them. Well, at least Patton.
When Virgil got up to the tower the next day after school, nobody was there.
There was here today. I guess it's time. It's just me, myself and I.
No one here to interfere.
No one to get in my way here.

Taking off my black hoodie,
Virgil slipped off his hoodie.
Watching my makeup come undone.
Virgil grabbed a makeup wipe and removed his makeup for a final time and placed it by his hoddie, by a note that said 'From, Virgil S.'
This petite guy short as could be..
Virgil slipped off his shoes and added them to the pile. He moved closer to the edge, tears falling down his face. Virgil closed his eyes as he was about to jump.
Is gonna jump now and be free.

"STOP!" A familiar voice shouted at Virgil. He soon felt two hands on his shoulders grabbing him and standing him upright and away from the edge. He opened his eyes and saw Roman standing before him, gripping tightly on his shoulders. He looks behind him, and sees Patton running to the two with Logan behind him, clearly out of breath. " have to fast, Virgil?" Logan said, sitting down.

"Why'd you all come after me? And Roman, can you please let go of my shoulders?" Virgil said, not making eye contact with any of the three. Roman let go of Virgil, and went to sit down at one of the tables, the other three joining him. "Well, we worried about you. You've been really distanced from us and quieter than usual, and you been running off as soon as the bell rang." Roman said, and Patton chimes in.

"So we decided to follow you to see where you went! I'm surprised you didn't hear footsteps running after you!" Virgil looked down at the table.
"So, care to explain why you came up here today?" Logan asked. "Wellllll, I have been coming up here every day since four weeks ago and——" Virgil started, before getting cutoff with a singronised "WHAT?!?!" Coming from his three friends. Virgil explained to them what has been going on, and more importantly why he was coming to the roof. The only thing he left out were the parts where he saw them come up to the roof and vanish into thin air. "And today, since nobody was here, I took the opportunity we are......." Virgil finished and then look up, soon getting a trademarked Patton Bear Hug from Patton.

"You could have just told us about all of this from the start. Therefor, we would have never been in this situation in the first place." Logan says, and Roman gets his usual look before he says something and then asking it. "Yeah.......why did you never tell us?" Roman asked, and Virgil said with a shrug, "I don't know, honestly. I guess I didn't want to be a burden or a bother to you all." "You are never a burden to us!" Patton says, squeezing Virgil tighter, soon stopping and returning to his seat at the table.
"Next time this happens, just come to me. I'll vanquish those villains for you!" Roman says, and Virgil lets out a laugh. Roman looks at Virgil dead in the eyes seriously, but then laughs as well. "Sure. Now, we should all definitely get home. All of your parents must be worried for you all." Virgil said, and they all soon left, leaving the tower for good. Virgil got one look at it...and remembered his stuff was still up there.
1655 Words
And now an important message brought to you by the author!
Remember: You matter.
You are loved.
I know, it's kind of cheesy, but it's true. There are so so many things in this world that can give you joy!
Friends (unless they are mean people. Then the internet),
Puppies 🐶,
Um...animals in general!
Waking up and being alive,
The fact Thomas Sanders exists,
The fact that positive people exist even sometimes they can be annoying,
The fact there are videos about reasons to smile,
Whatever makes you happy,

EDIT:I thought of more! 🙂
The fact that there are a million babies in the world right now just smiling. Smiling!,
Pictures of cute animals

Like this one ^,

The best one of all: The fact that you (yes, you person reading this) are an amazing human being ❤️,
I actually almost....myself and I am so so happy I didn't. And remember: It will get better. Whatever the situation.
To quote from 'Dear Evan Hansen',
"Today is going to be a good day and here's why because....because today at least your you and that's enough."

And remember to have a beautiful day or night, boys, girls, and non-binary royals! ❤️ Stay safe!

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