Coffee Crushes (Prinxiety & Logicality)

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May 7th, 2018

"Mornin' Roman!"

The princely young man yawned with a slight smile as he waved. "Mornin' Patton," he replied, setting down his bag in the back room of their little coffee shop.

The two of them owned it, running it together. At the moment, it was just a little coffee shop where you could sit down and have a nice cup of freshly prepared coffee; however, the two of them dreamed of expanding it into a more bakery style shop. Patton loved baking, and Roman loved to decorate his sugary creations, so together they made the perfect team.

"You remembered to bring in the taste tester cupcakes, right?" Roman asked as he put on his apron, personalized with his name written in spirally gold letters and a crown.

His friend nodded, smiling as he turned to show him the box. They set out the sampling plate, placing the mini cupcakes carefully on it. "I really hope people like them," Patton said, flashing a hopeful smile as the princely man placed the plate on the counter.

"I'm sure people will love them," he reassured him. "Ready to open up shop?"

He nodded and Roman crossed the shop, flipping the sign to say open. The morning always started off slow, but as 6:00AM turned to 7:00AM, customers started arriving. Many were familiar faces they saw every day, the kind they would chat with while preparing their coffee. Others were new, who they welcomed with warm smiles. Even those who came in with a sour look on their face left the shop with a smile. Almost everyone who came in tried a mini cupcake, praising them immensely and agreeing that they should expand.

When 4:30PM started rolling around, they reached the slow part of the day. Not many people went for coffee in the middle of the afternoon. However, on that day, Patton and Roman were met with a pleasant surprise.

The bell rang to signal that someone had entered. Patton had been cleaning up a cup, drying it off when the person, or people, who had entered reached the counter. He saw them in his peripherals, swiftly putting the cup back and making his way of the to register as he wiped his hands on his light blue apron.

"Sorry for the delay, how may I help you-"

His voice cut off as he finally looked up properly at who'd entered the shop. His heart rate increased and his cheeks reddened as he met the young man's gaze. The man's features were sharp and angular, and his hair was neatly slicked back away from his eyes. He was dressed smartly, the polo and necktie giving off an 'all business' vibe. Patton didn't realize he was staring with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth until he spoke. "Uh, hello?"

He jumped, gasping as he realized what had happened. His face flushed as he began scrambling for his notepad he used to record the orders on. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Um, where's that notepad- there it is- sorry again- oh my goodness, um, what would you like?" he said quickly, flashing an embarrassed and nervous smile as he readied his pen.

"It's not a problem, we'll order two hot chocolates," the man replied, slight amusement in his voice.

Roman came back from the back room, joining his nervous friend at the register. He was oblivious to the customers' presence at first. "How's it going, Pat?"

"U-Um, great! Just taking down what these two would like," he said, gesturing to them.

That's when the princely man looked up, eyes widening as they landed on the man standing next to the one wearing a necktie. He looked drastically different from his friend. His hair was messy, purple, and hung over his eyes. He was wearing a rugged looking black and purple hoodie, giving off a dangerous and dark feeling that intrigued Roman more than intimidated him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Roman realized he was staring, snapping out of it swiftly with a smile. "N-Nope! Not at all! What are your names?" he asked as he and Patton got to work on the hot chocolates.

"Logan Sanders," the necktie wearing one stated, straightening his glasses. Patton's heart lurched at the sound of his voice, biting back a giggle as he felt butterflies swarm his stomach.

"Virgil Black, and could you put extra chocolate chips on that please?" the other requested, looking toward Roman. The princely man quickly nodded with a smile as the two of them moved to sit down.

Once their hot chocolates were prepared, the two baristas delivered them to their table with nervous and flustered smiles. "Enjoy!" they said as they went back behind the counter.

The two of them were incredibly nervous, seeing as they were the only other people in the shop. They kept themselves busy, Patton wiping down tables while Roman cleaned dishes. The princely man didn't realize he'd started to sing to himself until someone spoke up.

"You're really good," Virgil commented, approaching the counter. He flushed bright red as he said thank you. "Also, thanks for the extra chocolate chips on my hot chocolate. Most places just shrug me off if I ask for that kind of thing, so I usually don't ask."

"My pleasure," Roman replied with a smile as he set down the dish he'd finished drying. "We try our best to make our customers' personal experience a good one in any way we can. Right, Patton?"

The man who was on the other side of the shop looked up, smiling. "That's right!" he replied as Logan and Virgil both headed to the register to pay for their drinks. He made his way back behind the counter as they rung up the cost. They pulled out their wallets.

"It's extra for the extra topping, right?" Virgil questioned as he thumbed through his wallet.

"The chips are on me," the princely man said quickly with a smile at the man surprised expression. "My treat for that compliment on my voice, which is greatly appreciated."

He smiled a little as they payed for their drinks. "Are those free samples?" Logan inquired before they left, gesturing to the mini cupcakes.

"Yup! Baked from scratch myself and decorated by this guy!" Patton said with a bright smile, pointing to Roman. "You're welcome to try them. We've been talking about expanding into a coffee shop and bakery, but we'll need to know if people with want what we have to offer!"

The two of them each took a cupcake, taking a bite simultaneously. Their eyes widened in shock. "Oh my god..." Virgil said as he looked down at the treat. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted."

"Agreed, you're an extremely skilled baker," Logan commented, meeting Patton's gaze.

He blushed bright red with a smile. "T-Thank you! I'm glad to hear that!"

"Thank you for everything, we'll definitely be coming back," he said as the two of them walked to the door. "Have a pleasant rest of your day."

"Have a good day as well!" the two of them called as they waved goodbye.

When they were out of sight, the two baristas squealed and covered their faces. "Did you see his smile when I gave him the extra chocolate chips?!" Roman gushed, blushing as he smiled. "I think I'm in love, oh my god!"

"Same, I thought I was going to pass out!" Patton giggled, face red as well. "I really hope they come back soon."

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