Flirting Lessons (Logince)

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May 31st, 2019
Requested by Eternal_Roses

Thomas wasn't used to flirting. He didn't do it often and it wasn't a common occurrence that he was flirted with. It came as a surprise for him when a handsome young man approached him in a coffee shop. 

"Is this seat taken?" he asked charmingly. 

Within the Mind Palace, it was Logan and Roman watching at the moment. The logical Side told their host to analyze the person. When Thomas looked at the man, he recognized his intentions immediately. The cocked hip, the smile, the way he was looking at him; all of this was definitely evidence that pointed toward attraction. Roman grinned confidently and told their host to offer the seat to him.

"No, not at all," Thomas replied, gesturing to the seat across from him. 

"Thanks, you're a life saver," the man replied exaggeratedly. "The only empty tables are outside and I do not want to be out there in this weather."

He laughed in agreement. "Yeah, it's really hot out there," he said. "I'm Thomas by the way."

As they started talking, the man introduced himself as Luke. He was charismatic and easy for Thomas to talk to. His suspicions about the man being attracted to him were confirmed relatively quickly when Luke started flirting with him more openly. He commented on his eyes and smoothly asked if he was single.

Roman grinned further. "Oh he's totally interested, Thomas has gotta flirt back!" he told Logan.

He told Thomas to flirt back, so Thomas leaned forward on his left hand. He fluttered his eyelashes a bit more and returned the flirtatious comments. However, Logan stepped in, telling Thomas to keep a good impression and look responsible. His right arm found its way behind his back as he tried to sit up straight.

"What on earth are you doing? We've gotta make him interested!" the creative Side pointed out.

"That's what I'm trying to have Thomas do," Logan replied, glaring at the dramatic prince. "If he looks professional and responsible, he's more likely to be interested. He'll deduce that Thomas is the type to 'go steady' with, as people tend to put it."

Roman shook his head. "No, no, no! He's got to look sexy and irresistible! That way he definitely asks him out!"

The two began to argue about their different methods of winning a man, making Thomas in the real world behave a bit ridiculously as he tried to pick between the two. He looked silly, ending up somewhere in the middle as the two Sides fought over him. Luke looked at bit perplexed, but not put off. Fortunately, the conversation didn't last much longer but ended with the exchange of numbers.

Thomas put his head in his hands with a heavy sigh as the man walked away, feeling his cheeks go red with embarrassment.

In the Mind Palace, Roman and Logan watched as Luke walked away. "See? Look what you did! Now we don't know if he'll actually call us," the creative Side snapped. He crossed his arms and huffed. "You don't know anything about flirting, Logan."

"Perhaps, I don't," he admitted, sighing. "I will say, emotion driven actions are... confusing to me."

The prince rolled his eyes and gestured for him to sit down on the sofa. "Fine, I'll give you some lessons, so the next time we get approached by a hot guy, we don't mess it up for Thomas," he said exasperatedly. The logical Side took a seat and Roman clapped his hands together to get focused. "Alright, the first thing you need to know is how to read people."

"But I do know how to read people," Logan complained. "The way their dressed can indicate their profession and income-"

"No, no, you need to read the mood," the prince corrected. "You need to be able to tell if someone's into you or not. For example, look at my body language and expression and try to gauge from it whether or not I'm into you."

Roman turned his acting on, looking at Logan as though he didn't know him. He was pretty cute, but he looked a bit nerdy for his type. He looked him up and down.

The logical Side peered at the way he was acting and suddenly felt self conscious. "You don't seem very interested," he muttered.

"Exactly, which means you should not flirt with me right now," Roman instructed. "But, there are ways to get someone who's unsure to be more interested. Here," he moved forward and loosened Logan's tie despite his protests and undid the top most button of his polo, "now you don't look so up tight. Also, slick your hair back a bit more."

Logan begrudgingly did as he was told and then looked at the prince with a glare. A sudden flash of warmth went through Roman's chest. He eyed him subconsciously and felt the urge to make a move.

Okay, damn, the Microsoft Nerd can look hot when he wants to, he thought to himself.

"See now you look way sexier," he told him with a grin. "Now I'll try to flirt with you."

He sat down beside him on the sofa and flashed an enticing look toward the logical Side. He lifted his chin up and tilted his head flirtatiously. "Do you come here often?" he asked, letting his voice go smooth and sultry. 

"This is Thomas' Mind Palace, I live here," Logan replied blankly.

"No, that's not-" Roman stopped, face palming. He took a deep breath. "Try to not take this so literally, it's a scenario. I'm a hot guy who's hitting on you, and you want to hit on me back to try and score a date or phone number or... whatever, you know?"

The logical Side shrugged. "Fine, how do I do that?"

"Alright, flirting is kind of a combination of genuine compliments and flattery," he explained. "You want to be honest, but also inflate their ego a bit to get them to like you more. So if I was to flirt with you, I'd say something like," he looked at him flirtatiously again and leaned forward, "your tie looks good around your neck, but I think it'd look better tied around your wrists."

Logan's face flushed red as he leaned back. "T-That's extremely suggestive Roman, what the hell?"

"I'm just saying, although yeah, that line is a bit more risky," he said, shrugging. He smirked, getting an idea. "Yeah, and actually, it'd have to go over your eyes. I mean, you wouldn't be able to see with your glasses all fogged up anyway so why not make it more fun?"

"That is not- what are you-" he cut himself off as he continued to turn a brighter shade of red.

Roman grinned. "What? No clever comeback? You're usually more fun to mess with because you try to talk back."

"You know Roman, I happen to know where you keep your clothing, and I know of several articles of clothing that indicate you'd be the one being tied up if this scenario was real," he growled.

The prince's face went red. "What? How did you know about that stuff?"

"I was assisting Patton with the laundry, and I happened to find several skimpy outfits in your closet. Isn't the maid costume a bit of a cliche?" he continued, leaning into Roman's space with a glare and slight smirk. "I mean, seriously? That and the fluffy handcuffs? I knew that you were reckless, but goodness-"

"Shut up!" he snapped, flushing. 

Logan smirked and leaned back. "I'm just messing with you, but you're quite amusing when you're flustered. I might even use the word attractive."

"You... You were flirting with me?" Roman said.

"Oh yeah, I suppose I was. How did I do?" Logan asked, smirking. 

The prince felt himself smile as well, relaxing a bit. He leaned in without any suggestiveness and pecked him on the cheek. The logical Side blinked in surprise and blushed. "Not bad, Microsoft Nerd."

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