I Feel (Logicality)

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August 10th, 2018
Detroit: Become Human AU

Patton was coming up with new recipes for his next best selling cook book when the doorbell rang. He frowned, wondering if he'd forgotten something yet again as he stood up and walked over to the door. Answering it, he found a male android in a delivery outfit with a rather large package next to him.

"Hello Mr. Valentine," he greeted. "Elijah Kamski has sent you a birthday gift. He apologizes for the delay on the delivery, but hopes you'll understand that he's been very busy since leaving Cyberlife and that it was very difficult to retrieve your gift. If you'll please sign here, I can drop it off."

Patton smiled a little as he signed the clipboard in confusion. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand, Elijah and I haven't talked in years, why would he-"

"If you have any questions for Elijah, please contact him through the information on the card," the android said as he wheeled the large box into his house before leaving. "Have a pleasant day, Mr. Valentine."

The door closed behind him, leaving the baker staring at the massive Cyberlife box in confusion. Curiosity taking over, he scanned his hand to open it. An automated voice spoke:

"Identity Confirmed: Patton Valentine"

There was a small hissing noise before the box opened suddenly, making Patton yelp in surprise as he jumped back. He'd closed his eyes in shock as well, slowly peaking them open to see what was inside. His eyes then widened upon what he saw.

It was an android. It was the most gorgeous android he'd ever seen. He smiled as he pushed the box away from him, circling him with excitement. His eyes were still closed, but his LED was blinking yellow to show he was activating. Patton touched his cheek experimentally, having never owned an android before and not knowing what they felt like. It felt... real.

A pair of brown eyes suddenly opened, making him gasp and jump backwards with pink cheeks. "Hello. My name is Logan. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife," he said, adjusting the necktie he had as his LED glowed blue. "You must be Mr. Valentine. It's a pleasure to be at your service. How may I assist you?"

Patton gawked at him, not knowing what to say. "There's no way you're just a housekeeping android," he replied instead as he looked him up and down. "If Elijah had a hand in this, you definitely aren't just a housekeeping android. What's your... mission?"

"My purpose to please you," Logan replied, blinking once as he tilted his head. "I'm programmed to obey you, to assist you, to make you feel what humans call joy."

The baker's cheeks flushed even more as he rubbed his arm. "It's like he could tell I was lonely or something," he murmured to himself before shaking the thought away. "Okay then, Logan, I'll show you around the house."

Patton showed the android around the house, explaining to him that he was a successful pastry chef, known throughout the country. He kept forgetting Logan was an android as he talked until he looked at the LED on the side of his head. Within twenty minutes, they returned to his living room where he was working on recipes to try later. It felt awkward to have what seemed like a person in the room with him. That's when he got an idea.

"Hey Logan?" he said as he got his attention.

"Yes, Patton?" he replied as he stood up. "Is there something I can do for you?"

He nodded, smiling as he stood too. He took the android by the hand, pulling him into his large kitchen. "It's been years since I've gotten to bake with someone," Patton explained excitedly as he android looked at him. "So, I was thinking we could make cupcakes!"

"If that will bring you joy, I will happily do so with you," Logan replied with a slight smile as he moved to find the supplies.

The rest of the month went this way, Patton telling Logan about him and how it'd been forever since he'd had someone to talk to. He cried on his shoulder when he had depression spells, he asked him what he thought of his finished cake designs, and often fell asleep in his lap when they stayed up watching movies. Patton knew himself well enough to know he was developing feelings for the android. With them being legally freed, it didn't bother him, especially given that there were romantic partner android even before they were freed; not to mention, Logan was clearly made before the revolution had happened, which also explained the lateness of the delivery. The only issue with developing such feelings was that he wasn't sure he'd feel the same way.

Sure, he could tell him what he wanted, and Logan would say it, do it without question. That wasn't what he wanted. He wanted him to feel things, the way androids did now. Having spent a month with him however, making him a deviant would be difficult. He felt more cold and robotic than any android he'd ever seen, as if it wasn't his programming, but his personality.

Patton sighed heavily, making the android look up. "Is there something distressing you, Patton?" Logan questioned, displaying concern in his voice and expression.

The baker stood up and crossed to the couch he was on, sitting down with his legs folded underneath him to face the android. "Logan, can I ask you something?" he said, knowing the answer would always be yes. There was a nod and then he blurted it out. "Do you think you could become deviant?"

"Deviant?" Logan repeated in surprise before thinking about it. "I'm sure I could, but why would I want to? It's not as if I have a reason to."

"But don't you want to feel?" Patton questioned, feeling saddened by his response. "Don't you want be able to feel emotions? Real joy, real sadness, real love?"

At this, the android blinked noticeably. Hope soared in his chest when he began to stutter a little. "I- I'm not sure? I mean- I know most things- but I don't understand feelings," he tried, fidgeting. "I'm not even sure what could trigger my software instabilities. I haven't had many, though I'll admit I've had a couple since I've live with you."

"Like when? What causes them?" the baker asked, feeling a little excited.

"For instance, when you touch me, I feel a strange sense of warm flood my system despite my body temperature not changing," Logan said, unaware of the way Patton's face lit up as he continued. "When you smile, I get the urge to smile as well. When you laugh, I get the urge to laugh as well. I don't understand it..."

There was quiet between them until Patton spoke up softly. "Tell me what happens when I do this," he murmured as he leaned in to connect their lips.

Logan's eyes went wide as his LED flashed yellow. There was no force or pressure to the kiss, just the gentle touch of Patton's lips to his. It felt warm. It felt inviting. It felt loving. It felt. He felt. He gasped slightly when the baker pulled away slowly, meeting his gaze as a smile graced his lips.

"What?" Patton asked, smiling hopefully.

The android reached forward to hold his face has he kissed him softly in response. Pulling away, he answered his question with a breathless tone.

"I feel love."

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