Playing My Heartstrings (Prinxiety)

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May 29th, 2018

Roman's POV:

Patton came bursting in our apartment, and my first thought was, oh god, what's got him so hyped up now? He was giggling and jumping up and down as he rushed over to Logan. "Babe! I got tickets to see Anxious Storms, Malicious Roses later tonight!! I can't believe I got them! They're even really close the stage!!"

"That's great, love!" his boyfriend replied, kissing him briefly on the cheek. Anxious Storms, Malicious Roses was an alternative band who's front man used to be friends with the couple. It was a long time ago, and I doubt he would recognize them if they were to meet face to face again, but it didn't stop Patton from taking any opportunity he could to go see him. He handed Logan the tickets, making him frown. "There's three of them?"

Patton nodded, looking at me. "Yeah! Roman's coming too!" he exclaimed. I laughed sarcastically, assuming it was a joke.

"Come on, Pat, you know I'm not into that type of music," I tell him, but he just shakes his head.

"You're coming with us, regardless," he tells me firmly as he pulls me to my feet. I let out a gasp as he does so. "You just might find that you enjoy it, and," he winks slyly, "the lead singer's really hot, and an old friend of ours."

I rolled my eyes, blushing just a little. "Yeah, I know," I tell him as he shoved me into my room to put on shoes and get ready. "I've heard the story of how you two knew the great Virgil Black about a hundred times. That doesn't change the fact that I'm not interested."

"You'll fall for him in seconds," Logan stated, shrugging as though it was obvious. Patton giggled in agreement as I glared at them.

Knowing it was pointless to argue with them, I joined them on the way to their car. It was only a twenty minute drive to the venue we were seeing these guys in. We found our seats, front row center. Damn, how in the hell did Patton get these tickets on such a short notice? He just said someone sold at the last second, but if that's the case he's literally the luckiest person of all time.

"You're going to love it," he reassured me as I sighed.

I rolled my eyes, still skeptical to whether or not that was true. "We'll see Patton, but I'm only here because you went through the trouble to buy a third ticket for me," I tell him pointedly.

Though I wouldn't admit it out loud, the stage's set up and overall aesthetic was actually really cool. There was an amazing energy in the room, and all the fans of the band were clearly excited. There was a timer up on the screen, counting down until the show would begin. As it reached the last ten seconds, I couldn't even hear anything clearly through the screams. I winced a little at how loud it was, not accustomed to these types of concerts. I watched the stage, eyes widening as the band set up. Last on stage, was the infamous Virgil Black.

It would be cliché to describe my feelings upon seeing him as 'my heart stopped' or 'I couldn't breathe', but what was infuriating was that Logan had been at least partially right. While I certainly wasn't in love with him just by seeing him, I was now interested.

Virgil Black was breathtaking. His purple hair hung messily in front of his eyes, which had makeup all around them. The base was a deep purple, with indigos and blacks carefully added as well with the finishing touch of a striking white lightning bolt that crossed over his left eye. It looked like there was a storm on his face, which I could assume was to go with the band's name. He wore a purple crop top underneath a black trench coat. Sewn into the coat, were red roses, also complimenting the band's name. He had on skinny, ripped black jeans and purple combat boots. There was a black choker around his neck, containing a storm cloud pendant, and he wore black earrings. I could see everything in detail because of my close seat.

"Told you he's hot!" Patton teased, seeing the awestruck look on my face. "Just wait until he sings!"

I flushed, looking at him again with wide eyes. "GOOD EVENING!" Virgil then said into the mic, making my heart rate increase even further at the sound of his voice. "You're all beautiful! Thank you so much for coming this evening!"

The crowd cheered in response to his words, making him chuckle a little into the mic. My heart lurched at the sound. "We're Anxious Storms, Malicious Roses if you didn't know," he said, earning another round of cheers and screams. "Thank you! Thank you! We're going to play you some of our songs for a couple hours, and we hope you enjoy it!"

With that he was finished talking, leaning away from the microphone as he made sure it was where he wanted it. As the band began to play, Virgil smiled to himself and looked at the crowd in front of him. My eyes widened and my breathing stopped for a moment as his eyes landed on me. Being so close, I could see the way his eyes then traveled up and down before looking at my face again with a smile. He shot me a wink before he began singing, making my face warm. Okay, now I was in love.

His voice had the capability to sound like an angel's or as if it was the embodiment of sin. It changed between songs, making goosebumps form on my skin. I went from standing there pleasantly to cheering between songs, which Virgil seemed to notice as he was handed a guitar and sat down on a stool that had been brought out for him.

"So, we're gonna calm it down for this next song," the singer said, smiling at the cheers as he strummed his guitar a bit. "Now this song, this song is a love song. Yeah, it's a love song, and I hope you enjoy it."

He looked down, making eye contact with me and actually winking. My face heated up even more as I smiled bashfully. It was pretty clear that it wasn't a coincidence at this point. The singer smiled as he began the song, which I'd never heard before, but as I listened to the lyrics and the sound of his voice, I felt myself just melting. I had to lean on the barricade in front of our seats because of how weak his singing made my legs feel. I smiled up at him though, especially when he looked down at me again. 

To my shock, he then stood from his stool and moved to the edge of the stage, kneeling down and singing directly to me. Patton was jumping up and down, yanking on his boyfriend's arm as he did so, clearly freaking out over what was happening. The crowd was cheering too, there being cameras that was showing what was happening on the screens above for the audience that wasn't as close.

Virgil smiled at me as he sang and then to my surprise, reached out. Apparently there was a line in the song that fit his action. "Take my hand," he sang, making me look at him in shock before reaching to do just that. He continued to hold my hand for the majority of the song, seeming to reluctantly let go as it came to an end. 

"That was beautiful you guys, you all sound so good," he complimented the audience, which had been singing along to the song. "Sorry to have to break it to you, but our next song is our last."

The crowd yelled playful displeasure which quickly turned to cheering as he introduced the individual members of the band. "And I'm Virgil Black, baby," he said, sending another wink in my direction as he started the next song earning crazy amounts of cheers from the audience. 

When the show ended and the band left the stage, all I could think about was getting to the stage door. "Come on! We have to get to the stage door before they leave!" I exclaimed at Patton and Logan, who were both saying 'I told you so' in their own ways as we approached the back door of the venue. My heart stopped as I saw him; he was signing things for fans, but the crowd had already begun to thin. I swallowed nervously as I approached him, clearing my throat as he finished up with the fans. "Um, hi?"

Virgil turned at the sound, eyes lighting up a little with recognition. "Oh! Hey! It's Princey!" he said nodding to me as he looked over at the other members of the band who were talking with fans. They all smiled and laughed a little as he looked back at me. I must've shown how confused I was because he then said, "oh, that's what we ended up calling you backstage cause you look like a fairy tale prince."

"O-Oh, thank you," I managed as I blushed, smiling nervously. 

"Hi Virgil!" Patton exclaimed, saving me before it got awkward. I really didn't have a plan. 

The singer's eyes lit up again. "Aye! Patton Valentine and Logan Sanders! It's been a while hasn't it? Good to see you two again!" he said as he hugged the two of them. They started chatting back and forth, the two lovers complimenting his performance while the performer commented that they seemed to be doing well. "Yeah, yeah, we should totally hang out together and catch up! It's been ages!"

"We could go on double date! That would be so fun!!" Patton suggested, looking up at his boyfriend hopefully. 

To my surprise, the singer then looked to me. "I'm down so long as Princey here agrees to be my plus one," Virgil said, smiling. I let out a gasp as he offered his phone, opened to a new contact. "Would you like to go out sometime?"

I was stammering and blushing but I managed a shaky yes as I handed him my phone and put in my information into his. He laughed when I handed it back to him. "Oh my god! You're name is Roman Prince?!" he said in realization. "Our nickname could not have been more fitting!"

"N-No, it couldn't have," I said in agreement as I smiled.

He smiled to, jumping a little when someone called his name. He seemed disappointed as he nodded to them and looked back at me with a sigh. "Well, it seems I've got to get going, but I'll be waiting for a when and where for that double date offer," Virgil said, reaching down to lift my hand to his lips for a brief moment. "Parting is such sweet sorrow, my prince."

I swear, my heart is going to explode because of this man. I managed to thank him as he hurried away, waving. It wasn't until they'd all vanished from sight that I was able to release the breath I didn't know I was holding. Patton looked at me smugly. 

"I told you that you'd enjoy it."

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