Silly Celebrity Crush (Prinxiety) (Part 1)

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June 23rd, 2019
A/N: The video is to give you an idea of what the song sounds like sung by a male, because the song is by a female artist.

Also I might actually make a part 2 to this!

As soon as Roman walked through the door, he knew what time of the year it was. It wasn't that it was special a holiday or something, it's just that America's Got Talent was back on TV. His dorm mate Patton Valentine adored the show, and though he pretended to be annoyed with it, Logan liked it too.

He was kind of indifferent to the whole thing. He enjoyed the concept, but usually he found himself rooting for someone who would never win purely because of how the show is set up. He didn't always agree with America's decisions when it came to the voting, and sometimes someone who had no business going through who beat someone out that had actual talent; the princely young man would often lose his temper when that happened.

Nonetheless, Patton enjoyed watching it, so he would sit down and join him, not wanting to crush his spirits. He plopped down on their couch with a bottle of soda, sipping it as an episode was playing.

"How many episodes have there been?" he asked, placing the soda down on the coffee table.

"It just started, this is the first episode! First round auditions!!" Patton replied excitedly. "I'm already near the end though, would you like me to start it over?"

Roman shook his head. "That's not necessary, I'm fine watching from here," he said. He flashed a smile at his dorm mate to reassure him of this and the episode continued to play. There was a montage of amazing acts, then a montage of terrible acts, and a couple full length auditions. He yawned and got up to toss the soda bottle in the recycling. "It's over now right?"

"No, there's always a final act that gets the Golden Buzzer," Logan informed him from the kitchen, where he was cooking dinner for the three of them. "Then it should be over."

He nodded and rolled his eyes. The Golden Buzzer was kind of stupid in his opinion; it almost always went to some singer and of course the deserved it, but the show isn't just about singers! It's uncommon for other types of acts to get that advantage.

Roman wasn't planning on watching it, but then the person on stage began talking. "H-Hi, I'm Virgil Black," he said into the mic shakily.

The princely man looked up curiously. He looked about their age and was dressed casually rather than professionally. He wore almost entirely black, but with purple scattered over his outfit. He looked rugged, edgy, and dare he say it: emo. His purple bangs hung in front of his eyes, but he could see black eye shadow there. Rolling his eyes, he turned his back to the screen, pulling out his phone.

"I'm... I'm a singer..." he said, answering the judge's question on what he was going to be performing.

Of course he is, AND he's going to get the Golden Buzzer, Roman thought. Seriously, I doubt he's even that talented, and he's probably gonna sing some emo song by My Chemical Romance or something.

"What brings you here?" one of the judges asked the contestant.

"I... I've always been anxious about sharing myself with others. I've never really tried to stand out, but the older I get, the more and more I realize that I can't go my entire life not knowing what would happen if I did," Virgil Black said.

He took a deep breath as the audience cheered and the judges wished him luck. A familiar song began to play over the speakers, making Roman pause.

"Heart beats fast, colors and promises... How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow," the young man sang smoothly, earning a small round of applause. His voice peaked the princely man's interest further. It was low, shy, but promising, as though it clearly had more to offer. "One... step... closer..."

"He's really good, isn't he?" Patton gushed, smiling at Roman.

"I mean, yeah, I guess," he said begrudgingly, sitting down to watch more closely.

Virgil Black closed his eyes once he got to the chorus, seemingly focused on singing and pretending the crowd wasn't there. "I have died everyday, waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more..."

His voice made goosebumps raise on Roman's arms. It was incredible, the way it seemed to captivate him. It was so full of emotion that it felt as though he was the person being sung to.

"Time stands still, beauty in all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything, take away, what's standing in front of me. Every breath, every hour has come to this," Virgil continued, eyes glistening with depth and emotion as he sang.

Because of the length of the audition, he had to cut some of the song, leading to the singer jumping ahead to the bridge with anticipation hanging in the air.

"One... step... closer..." he sang softly. "One... step... closer..."

The audience clapped as he went into his head voice. It was light and airy, and the tone of his voice perfectly conveyed the feeling of hope and desperation to get closer to the subject of the song.

Virgil took a deep breath before moving into the final chorus. "I have died everyday, waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."

"And all along I believed, I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years," he continued as the audience clapped and cheered. He paused and let the last line float into the air. "I'll love you for a thousand more..."

Roman was just left in awe, staring at the young man on the screen. He felt so moved by his performance, by the emotion he put into the love song.

He wanted to know him. He wanted to be the subject of that beautiful voice. He wanted to hear his voice for the rest of his life.

"Aww, Roman's got a crush on him!" Patton said, pulling him out of his thoughts. His cheeks went red and ducked his head, but he didn't disagree. "That's so cute! You should message him on Twitter or something! Maybe he'll reply!"

"Yeah right," he said with a roll of his eyes, pretending that wasn't opening his phone to follow him on all forms of social media possible. "He's probably getting tons of messages."

His dorm mate shrugged. "Well, you never know unless you try."

Roman just looked down at his phone, gazing longingly at the profile of the singer on Instagram. Who knows, maybe I can get his attention somehow...

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