Silly Celebrity Crush (Prinxiety) (Part 4)

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July 14th, 2019
A/N: Here's the next part of this little mini series!! After this there will be one more part and then I'll move on to some requests I've got stacked up! Hope you enjoy!

Virgil was anxious about his performance. Of course he was; these were the live shows that he'd been sent directly to thanks to the Golden Buzzer. This was where the competition got real. This was where the audience started to pick their allegiances to the contestants, and because he'd skipped the second round, they didn't know him as well as the others.

He was so nervous to do this. He wasn't sure if he really deserved the Golden Buzzer for his performance; it had been good, but had it really been that good?

The young singer fidgeted with his hands as he looked around the waiting room at his other contestants. None of them looked nervous, unlike him. He was pale and practically trembling as he clutched his guitar close to his body.

I wish I had already met these people during the second round, Virgil thought, swallowing. They all seem to know each other and feel comfortable around each other, and then I'm just the outcast that no one's met that stole one of the Golden Buzzers they could've gotten. My nerves are getting to me on top of all of this...

He sighed as he sat down in a couch in a corner, trying not to work himself up into a panic attack. That's when his phone buzzed.

Virgil took it out and checked the notification, feeling his heart jump happily as he as he saw who it was. Roman Prince had messaged him again. He'd been chatting with him every so often ever since he followed him back on Instagram. Well, chatting might be a strong word for it. Roman had started to reply to him on Twitter, comment on his Instagram posts, and direct message him something sweet every week.

He slid open the direct message, reading it quickly as a glimmer of joy spread through his chest.

roman-prince: Hey Virgil, I hope you're feeling okay about tonight, I know you'll be great :)

He smiled and sighed with relief. It had calmed him down so much to hear that from him. The singer found himself caring more about his messages than he cared to admit. He tapped on the keyboard to reply. hey roman, i'm not doing to great actually...

roman-prince: Huh? What's wrong? everyone else has already met and already know each other and i haven't and i'm too anxious to talk to them. i'm starting to get really nervous about it, and the more nervous i get the worse i'm going to do on stage... i don't think i'm ready for this...

roman-prince: Hey now! None of that talk! You're freaking Virgil Black! You are an incredible singer who got that Golden Buzzer for a reason, and you're going to go out there and prove to everyone that you're there to win! >:(

The singer smiled widely at the message, feeling his heart warm and his nerves fade away completely. Roman could be on AGT because of his remarkable talent to calm him down and he didn't even realize it. thank you roman, i can't tell you how much i appreciate you and your messages

roman-prince: Any time Virgil, I'll be watching at home and I'm always here if you want someone to talk to! Now go out there and give 'em hell kid!

He laughed out loud and covered his mouth. Virgil blushed a little, thinking that he really liked this guy and that he was totally crushing on him. did you intentionally make an MCR reference?

roman-prince: Yes, did it succeed in making you smile? :) yes, it did, thank you roman <3

Somewhere in the state of Florida, Roman Prince's face had gone bright pink as he realized that the Virgil Black, a Golden Buzzer act from AGT and a rising star, had just sent him a heart in their direct message conversation.

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