4 Years [LAMP]

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AU: Human
Ship: LAMP
Requested by:×
Tw: Homophobia
F/A/S: Flangst
POV: 3rd

"You ready for tomorrow guys? :3"

Virgil smiled as he glanced at the message in the group chat, seeing the other two reply much quicker than him. "Well, yes, we've rehearsed this so of course we are ready." "Logan, he means emotionally ready, we are graduating after all, and I believe I am, ready to escape this hell hole anyway." Virgil chuckled a bit. "Same, Ro." he sent. He didn't engage to much in the conversation as he glanced over to the three pictures he had taped on the wall.

He pulled the first one off the wall, it taken at the end of their freshman year. Roman held the camera, having his other arm around Virgil pulling him closer to him in an attempt to fit everyone in the frame, logan stood beside Virgil, a genuine smile on his face as Patton had his arms around his neck, doing the same as Roman was trying to do, Roman also, had a black eye.

That was the year that they all met and became friends, well, Virgil and Logan already knew each other from middle, but were both anti-social in their own respects, so they hardly even spoke to each other in person.

Virgil had managed to sort of just blend into the background and not make any enemies or friends, he had Logan and that's all he really needed... That changed when a new kid got moved into his speech class. "Pat-ton Marsh..?" Mrs. Bradshaw said, horribly butchering the new kids name. "U-um... It's, Patton, and I am present miss!" The kid who sat at the front said, earning a few mumbles, snickers and even minor insults from those who Virgil always avoided. "Oh, well then, since this is speech and you've already missed a bit, why don't you go up to the front and tell us a bit about yourself." The teacher stated in a way that was a demand not a request.

Patton laughed, seeming chipper and not dreading this, which confused Virgil ever so slightly, before he remembered, not everyone has severe social anxiety, he's just a freak.

He did actually manage to shut up his self-deprecation just long enough to look up at Patton who was now stood in the front of the class, he was chubby, it was more evident in his freckle covered cheeks than his stomach but it was still there, the circular brown glasses that framed around his bright blue eyes showed off his chubby cheeks even more so. "Um, well... Hey there! I'm Patton! And, um, I just moved to this school, cause of my parents work! And I hope to befriend at least some of you!" He said, Virgil immediately felt terrible for him as almost the entire class began laughing at him.

Patton's smile dropped, and returned into one much more forced. His bright cheery eyes now showed hurt and pain. He quickly just grabbed his backpack and moved to the back. "I-Is um..." He didn't finish his sentence as he motioned to the seat beside Virgil. Virgil just shook his head. "N-No... you can sit there, it's okay.." He said quietly. "Thank you." Patton mumbled back politely as he took his new seat, wanting nothing more to just go back in time and say something different or just disappear. He laid his head down on the desk. Virgil had been in this kid's place before, so, despite his natural instinct he started talking to him.

Patton was actually genuinely kind, but that wasn't appreciated in this type of hell. Virgil tried his best to keep up with his conversation and slightly cursed himself for his constant stuttering and little minor slip-ups in his replies. Patton, despite what Virgil thought, actually really enjoyed Virgil's company.

Soon enough the bell rang. "Oh! Hey, Virgil.. What lunch do you have?" Patton asked as he glanced down at his schedule. "Um... C-C..." Virgil mumbled out. Patton beamed "Same!! Well, would you mind if I sat with you?" He asked. Virgil tensed up slightly, unsure if Logan would mind it or not, seeing as their both the anti-social ones no one seems to talk to. "N-No... I-I don't mind..." He said quietly, Logan can get mad at him later. Patton smiled. "Great! See you then!" He said with a contagious chipperness, making even Virgil crack a smile.

Virgil went basically silent for his next classes until lunch, as always. "Hey, Lo." Virgil greeted as he took his normal seat across from Logan in the lunchroom, Logan was of course, reading. Logan offered a small wave, not even glancing at virgil since he obviously did not want to be interrupted mid-paragraph. "Aren't you talkative today..." Virgil sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, by the way, um... someone might be joining us." He said. That caught Logan's attention, making him peer over the top of his book at Virgil. "What?" He asked. "A new guy in my speech class got laughed at for introducing himself the way he did... So, I... um.. Kinda took pity on him, but he's actually pretty nice.." He explained with a shrug.

Logan sighed, "Alright." He said "I do hope he'll understand that neither of us are particularly good at socializing." Virgil nodded "Yeah.. well, he knows I am at least." Before Logan could reply- "Virgil!" The bubbly voice sounded, startling both of them as Patton walked over. "O-oh hey, Patton." Virgil said with a bit of a smile. Logan's eyes widened a small blush crawling across his cheeks, but he cleared his throat and greeted him. Patton sat beside Virgil as he glanced at Logan, realization washing over him as he grinned. "Hey! We have the same math class!" He said. Logain raised an eyebrow at him, "We... Do?" He asked. Patton nodded "Mhmm! Miss Lee? Fourth period?" He said. "Oh, well then I suppose we do." He said as he pushed his thick black framed glasses up. "I am, Logan. Logan Sanders." Patton smiled, "Well, aren't you formal?" He giggled. "I'm Patton, Patton Marsh." "Pleasure to meet you." "Pleasure's mine"

"That's gay." Virgil mumbled jokingly before snickering. Patton's entire demeanor shifted, he glanced at Virgil, having a look in his eye that Virgil couldn't quite pinpoint, but he knew it wasn't good. "Is that... a bad thing?" He asked, in an almost scary tone. Virgil quickly shook his head, "N-No... I was just... j-joking.." He mumbled. "Good!" He giggled immediately reverting back to his overly happy nature. "Anyway.." Patton continued to talk while Logan and Virgil traded a quick 'Did that just happen?' glance. After a minute of Logan and Virgil's confused silence the three began a conversation, nothing too deep, but just shared interests and old stories. Logan had placed his bookmark in his book and moved it to the side, much more intrigued with the conversation rather than the book he had already finished two times previously.

Unfortunately, the time passed too quickly, and they all had to part ways. Since they knew they most likely wouldn't see each other the rest of the day, Patton gave the two his number. Over the course of the next few months, the three became incredibly good friends. Of course they always had their bad days, which mainly went like Virgil not showing up to lunch and just staying in the bathroom either having a panic attack or recovering from one, Logan showing up but just glaring whenever one of the others tried to talk to him, which Virgil had to explain to Patton that was how he dealt with his bad days, and Patton showing up and just having his head down, Virgil would offer to talk to him about it, and sometimes Patton would explain it, but other times he just said that he needed a minute, which the other two understood.

Their small group grew towards the middle of the year. A few days before Christmas break, Logan had stayed later than normal for a class, as he left the school building to wait outside he heard some people laughing and talking to his right, where the auditorium and band hall were.

They were voices he recognized, bad ones. He stopped walking and quickly hid behind one of the brick pillars that held up the sheet of metal the school used as a sort of canopy above the sidewalk around the school as the voices grew louder.

The people that the voices belonged too, were the three notorious bullies, they were Juniors, who felt the need to use their upperclassmen status as an excuse to intimidate, beat up and harass Freshmen and Sophomores. "Fucking faggot." One of them laughed, "You showed him!" "Fucking freshman bitch." The insults continued as they walked away. Logan sighed, deciding to go check down in the direction of the exit next to the auditorium. The nerds and the theater kids were always their favorites to pick on... When he got there, he saw a boy in a white hoodie and red skinny jeans, sitting with his back to the wall, his knees to his chest and his head resting on them. "Are, you alright?" Logan asked against his better judgment.

The boy looked up, his cheek had a slight discoloration, showing that a bruise was beginning to from and a bloody nose. He sniffled "Not really..." He stated. "They really need to be reprimanded for all the harm they've caused, expelled or at least suspended." Logan said sighing.

"I'm assuming you've had a run-in with them as well?" The other asked. Logan nodded "Several." There was a small pause between them as the boy wiped his eyes, before Logan spoke again, awkwardly introducing himself. "I'm Logan." The other smiled "Roman, Roman Prince." He said as he tried to stand, only to fumble a bit almost falling as Logan caught him, helping him to his feet. "They're such assholes..." Roman muttered to himself. "Agreed." Logan said moving away from him.

The two began talking, despite not having that much in common they somehow continued to find things to talk about. Until eventually Logan's father came to pick him up, he offered to give Roman a ride but Roman politely declined. The next day, at lunch as Logan what happened to the other two, Roman just happened to walk past them, and recognized him. "Oh, hello Logan." He said as he tapped him on the shoulder and continued walking. "Hello." Logan responded back. "Was that-" "Roman? Yes." "He's cute." "Ooooo Does Virgil Addams have a crush~" Patton jokingly taunted. "No. I can just.. Appreciate guys who.. Look good.." Virgil flushed hiding his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.

Patton giggled. "Shut up! Logan was the same way when you showed up!!" Virgil said without thinking, making Logan almost choke on the sandwich he was eating. "Wait what?" Patton asked, cluelessly. Logan cleared his throat sending a bit of a glare Virgil's way. Virgil just shook his head "Nothin' Pat." he said.

Patton looked confused but shrugged it off "Mkay." He said. Roman wasn't integrated into the group as quickly as Patton was, as he had already established his group of friends in the theater club. He never specified exactly what happened, but he just began sitting with them and not the friends he had at the beginning of the year. He seemed really upset about it, or rather he tried to hide that he was upset about it.

Virgil was brought out of his reminiscing as he heard his ringtone sound. Patton was video calling them, he rolled his eyes and answered as the other two did as well. "Oh, Virgil you're not dead." Roman chuckled, "You weren't answering any of us on text." Virgil smiled, "Yeah sorry, just reminiscing." he said. "Oh, about what?" Logan inquired. "About how Roman got his ass kicked three times on the last week of school." Virgil said with a smirk as he heard Roman's offended noise.

"Hey!! It's not my fault! They snuck up on me!" He defended. Virgil shrugged "Fair enough, they were dicks." "I believe I heard about one of them going to prison." Logan stated nonchalantly. Roman raised his eyebrow "Recently?" He asked. Logan nodded, "He got caught selling drugs to students, Take a guess on who it was three, two, one-" "Jackson." The three said in unison. "Precisely." Logan answered

Virgil glanced back at the other two photos on the wall, as he taped the first one back in it's place. "You still have those, Virgil?" Roman asked, Virgil nodded "Yep." "don't say it like it's a bad thing Roman! I still have my copies of them." Patton said, moving his camera to show the pictures tacked carefully on the bulletin board which was framed with fairy lights.

"Nerds." Roman chuckled. "Oh, we're nerds? At least we didn't whine and throw a fit when we didn't get the lead for the play back in sophmore year." Virgil said, an obvious smirk on his face. "Okay! Listen here! I was spot on for the role, just the teacher didn't like me cause-" "Cause you were a show-off?" Logan chimed in.

"What is this, make-fun-of-Roman day?? And it's theater! You're supposed to show-off!" Roman said as he crossed his arms and pouted. The others laughed a bit before Logan stopped them. "This is quite fun, but I believe we all need to head to sleep, before we continue for another couple of hours." "aww, just a bit longer?" Patton asked, in that adorable tone that made Logan's cheeks flush. "I... guess, just for another few minutes though as it is 10:30 and we have to be properly awake and ready in time to be there." Logan said, earning a 'Yay' from Patton.

And they, did, they continued talking, but for a lot longer than a few minutes, more like, a few hours. Once it was just about 1:30, Logan happened to notice and got slightly upset for himself for losing track of time. They said their goodbye's and their 'I love you's quickly before hanging up. Unlike the others Virgil stayed up, continuing to reminisce through their four years together. They had all been dating now for almost exactly a year.

It was Logan and Patton who got together first, then Virgil and Roman... then as the couple's hung out more and more and going on more double dates than just normal ones, the possibility of a polyamorus relationship was presented to them by Logan, after of course, having discussed it with Patton first. They all accepted and had been together ever since. They obviously weren't the perfect group, and they had their fair share of fights, but nothing has torn them apart, yet.

It was the yet that Virgil feared, he feared the day that something would happen and split them all up, but for now, he didn't let that bother him. Him and the others were graduating tomorrow, then going out for dinner afterwards. He just wanted to focus on that, focus on finally getting out of that hell-hole, focus on seeing his boyfriends, focus on, just being happy, which he did and with a small smile on his face, he fell asleep peacefully.

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