Argument [Logince]

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Ship: Logince {Platonic Analogical}
Prompt: "Shit..."
Requested by: GabbyFarmer5
TW: Abuse
F/A/S: Angst
POV: 3rd

"You never listen to me!"

"Oh!? I never listen?!? You disregard every contribution I make!"

"Because the monotony you propose, is not at all what Thomas needs, Logan!! You always do this!"

"The monotony I propose is the one that will keep him alive! It is the exact schedule he needs."

"No! It isn't! There needs to be some flexibility! Or it'll drive him insane!"

"More like it would drive you insane, you're incredibly self-centered Roman, you have no care for anyone besides yourself, not even Thomas!"


This had been going on for about an hour... Virgil and Patton were just hanging out in Patton's room when they heard the arguing begin, and there wasn't really anything they could do to stop it.... It would be better if they just didn't get involved..

"They'll get over it kiddo, they always do..." Patton tried to reassure the anxious trait, even though he himself was unsure of if that statement was true. This was worse than their normal arguments....

Much worse... The original argument wasn't any topic anywhere near close to what they were arguing about now... But... the need to have the last word deep rooted in both of them prevented them from just dropping out.

Virgil shook his head. "Maybe we should just go get them and pull them away from Each other before-"

The sound of a hard slap echoed through the entire mindscape...

What's worse was the dreadful silence that followed afterwards...

Patton and Virgil went wide-eyed, both of them immediately bolted up and went to the door. When they opened the door out into the mindscape, Logan quickly rushed past them and into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Shit..." Virgil mumbled. "Pat, go check on Roman... I'll check on Logan..." Patton nodded and went over to Roman's room and knocked on the door, while Virgil did the same to Logan's.

"Virgil, leave me be." Logan said through the door. "Lo... What happened?" Virgil asked, he was partially concerned, he didn't want to push to much but... This isn't something you can just drop and forget about. "It is none of your concern."

"It is... Me and Patton both heard it... What happened..." Virgil repeated. Logan sighed, and slowly the door creaked open. Logan stood in the door way, his eyes were just a slight bit puffy and red.. his tie was slightly undone... Virgil's eyes widened as he glanced at Logan's cheek.... A large red mark stood out obviously from his pale skin...

"Logan... Did.... Did he-"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does! Logan, did Roman hit you...."

"It's fine, Virgil... I provoked him..."

"First off it doesn't fucking matter if you provoked him.... Did... You... Hit him at all?"


"Then there was no reason for him to-"

"Virgil. It is fine. Just leave me be."

"You two aren't still-"

"Virgil, I explained what you wanted, now please. Leave." Logan said, his words incredibly dull as he shut the door in Virgil's face. Virgil sighed "Fine... I'll talk to you later..." he mumbled as he turned to go to the common room.

Patton was in the hallway, looking... incredibly agitated and angered. "I'm.... I don't know what to do..." Patton mumbled to Virgil. "Let's just hope they're at least taking a break...." Virgil replied. Patton nodded "Yeah..."

Neither Logan nor Roman showed up to dinner that night.

Thomas at one point in the night summoned Virgil and Patton. "Do you two know what's going on? I've tried to summon Roman and Logan a couple times and they haven't come up." Thomas asked, worry and concern present in his tone.

Virgil sighed "Something... Bad happened... They're both okay, well... Physically okay... Just... Give it awhile..." He explained. "What happened?" Thomas asked. Patton shook his head "If... They're okay with talking about it later... Then we'll tell you... But I don't think they'd be okay with talking about it..."

Thomas nodded "Um alright... Thanks..." He said. Virgil and Patton nodded and sank down wordlessly. The logical side, and the creative side didn't leave their rooms, well at least not while the others were awake, for another two weeks....

The two came down the stairs for breakfast, talking like nothing had happened... Roman had his arm around Logan and they were both smiling... Virgil looked over at them, it was a bit odd to him that, they're acting like that argument had never happened. "Hey, are you two alright?" He asked.

Logan and Roman responded so close to being in sync that it was creepy

"Yes, we're alright, of course."

Roman's smile looked purely genuine.....

While Logan's couldn't look any more fake...

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