Blood Lust

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[Warnings: Blood, biting, talk of death, Vampires, anxiety attacks]

This is a Vampire Au that I and @ Side-for-sides came up with for an RP! 

Context: Logan and Roman are vampire hunters that made an exception for these two vampires to come back to their base to be studied because Roman had a soft spot for one of the vampires, Patton, who also had a strong bond with the other vampire, Virgil.

Hope you enjoy!

Patton's eyes slowly opened his eyes, groaning as he adjusted his glasses. He focused on the scene in front of him, his eyes only widening in concern and worry. Roman, the only one of the two hunters who was actually really nice to him and Virgil, despite the two being vampires, was laying on the ground, holding onto his neck, his eyes were full of pure fear, yet half-lidded with drowsiness. He blinked a few times, only then noticing the line of blood that seemed to be running down his neck.

Slowly, a voice saying his name drifted into his mind, "Patton? Patton, it's alright, just calm down..." It was Virgil. He tried to get up to go over to Roman, wanting to help, but there was a pressure around his wrists, it felt like skin, but it was cold. Virgil's behind him, holding onto his wrists, he was so confused, "What...?" His voice came out raspy and strained almost. His tongue darting out to lick his lips, he felt something on them. That's when he tasted it.

Blood. But it isn't the animal blood that they had been feeding on and given, it was thicker, more filling and so, so much sweeter. His eyes darted back to Roman, sudden flashes of images running through his mind, all flickering through like an old film reel. Patton pushing Roman down, while he and Virgil were screaming his name, but he didn't stop. Instead, he dug his fangs roughly into Roman's neck, only stopping for a moment because Roman had managed to push him away just that bit before going to bite him again.

Virgil pulled him off and restrained him, and that's when he came out of it. He felt sick, so very sick, he could feel the drops of blood going down his throat, he could taste it on his tongue still. Immediately, he broke down into tears, muttering out pathetic scraps of apologies. The other hunter came in not a moment later, quickly picking Roman up and leaving again, the small pool of blood being left behind on the white tiled floor.

"Patton, it's okay, I don't think you took enough to hurt him," Virgil murmured quietly as he released his grasp on his friend's wrists, "He'll be okay, Pat." Patton turned and clung onto Virgil again, "I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!" he sobbed burying his face into Virgil's chest. "It tasted sweet! I hate it! Why! Why! Why Did it taste BETTER?!!??!" He screeched, "It shouldn't!!" Virgil rocked back and forth with him, trying to calm him down, "I know, I know... I hate it too..." he murmured to him.

"What... What was that...?" Patton asked, his voice still full of pain. Virgil sighed, "It's called blood lusting if you don't have enough, you sort of lose control of yourself, and Roman just happened to walk in.." He explained, giving Patton a look of pity, and sympathy. "I don't eat that much anyway! Why now..." Patton only whimpered. Virgil nodded, "Yeah, now you know why I get a little antsy when I've gone without human blood for a while, I don't know what it is about it, for some reason it satisfies the craving longer."

Patton shook his head, "It shouldn't! It shouldn't do that!" He broke down once again, "I hate this! I hate these stupid fangs! All they do is make me hurt poor animals, and now my friend! Who never deserved it! They didn't deserve to suffer just because I was hungry!" His upset and tearful ramblings were interrupted as the door to their room opened once again. The other hunter, Logan, walked in. His eyes were cold, dead and emotionless, the blade both him and Roman used when they were 'Doing Their Jobs' aka, killing other vampires, was very visible attached to his belt.

"Patton," He spoke, his tone matching the look in his eyes, "Come with me." Virgil immediately stood up, moving Patton behind him in the corner, standing in front of him protectively. "He's not going anywhere with YOU." He stated, leaving no room for discussion. That didn't keep Logan from responding with a hint of agitation, "Virgil, Move." He snapped. "Never, I don't trust you." The vampire shot back, Logan only rolled his eyes, "Roman wanted me to spare him only because he had never bitten a human before, and he wasn't violent. This is now proven false, therefore, I must complete the job both of us were set out to do." He unsheathed the knife, twirling it in a bored manner in his hand.

Virgil snarled. "You. Won't. Hurt. Him. Even if it kills me."

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