Fool [Logince Playlist]

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Welcome to the start of my playlist fics! Where I'll take one or two songs from the playlists I have made for the Sanders Sides ships and write a fic on them!

This one has been a long time coming and is a combination of two songs from my Logince playlist, Fool by Cavetown, and Colors by Halsey. Both are really good songs that I personally enjoy! I hope you will like both those songs and this chapter!

Warnings: Very Minor suicidal thoughts, break-ups, and angst. Let me know if I am missing anything else.


It wasn't often that the prince was like this, he didn't get upset and he wasn't easily hurt, well, not to this point. Often times he was being overdramatic, but this time, he could feel this ache every single time he walked past Logan in the hall. Every time the two were both summoned at the same time. It was the kind of pain that didn't hurt all at once, it was a slow incline of pain. There was a brief period when it first happened, where it didn't hurt at all. He was happy, at first. Happy that Logan was honest with him, but, then it began. The emotional pain came and went in rushes of power and only slowly ebbed away.

Patton had tried to comfort him, but, there was nothing the moral side could do to help other than reassure Roman that he'll feel better eventually! That they just have to get past this, and then it'll all be normal again. He was probably right, but he found it harder and harder to believe that as the weeks went by. Each day seems to drag on longer than the last. This was so ridiculous! A strong independent prince should not be feeling this distraught, not for this long. He was so angry with himself for being this way, he tried to fake it, he was the actor after all, but the others could tell. Virgil especially.

Logan was in a weird area mentally, he wasn't suffering as much as Roman was, but he wasn't at all pleased with the result of his hasty actions. He was not good with emotions, and romantic things of the sort. He felt mainly regret now, regret for not speaking up sooner, regret for not just saying no from the start, regret for letting this all get out of hand. He tried to play it off, beginning to resort to a more emotionless state to contain control over himself.

Virgil noticed this and tried to get him back to being... Normal! This wasn't the logical side he used to, sure Logan doesn't understand a lot of things when it came to emotions, but that doesn't mean he didn't have any! But of course, no matter what he tried, he'd get brushed off, given nothing more than a side-glance and a simple hum, or vague one-word answer in reply to what he asked.

Roman had traveled to the imagination, trying desperately to get his mind off of that day, that one day where everything both made sense and became a million times more confusing. That day when Logan looked at him with this unreadable expression, it wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm like his normal expression, it wasn't the one he fell for. Tears began to invade Roman's eyes, he stared up at the sky he had created, as the warm red and orange colors were slowly beginning to fade.

The sky felt so empty now, it wasn't before, it was nice like this, just the bright red, yellows and oranges, when he was by himself. They were his colors, bold and vivid, just like him, right? Brash, bright, independent, stand alone.... He chuckled sadly at the thought of those words representing him.... They used to, they used to. They used to show his strength, his passion, his significant rank as the Prince, the great royal prince. Now they didn't, not at all, He shook his head, "Right... The great Prince Roman..." He muttered degradingly to himself as he looked down at the deep precipice that the cliff he stood on overlooked.

One step further and he would slip off...

Just one...

He quickly shook his head dismissing the thought, his breath quickened slightly. No. He felt small, worthless, hurt and pathetic, but he would never... He glanced back up at the sky, The warm tones had begun to shift into those cooler colors... The red of the sun crashing with the deep blue of the night sky. The deep blue that would soon shine with stars. Stars that would bring more memories back, those memories... More tears fell, even though he began furiously wiping at them attempting to keep them from coming, but he couldn't and ended up falling to his knees letting out a horrendous sob. He knew when it started that it wouldn't last, but that one part of him was stuck in the fantasy of the possibility that it would...

He shouldn't have listened to that part...

Cause it led to him being here, in his realm that was normally his escape that was now an all too accurate reminder of the reality... This is his realm, his realm to fill with constructs of guests to entertain, his realm that he can paint millions upon millions of different scenes to impress... Him... but now he is alone here, alone and cursed to think back to that damn day, that day and the way Logan silently motioned for him to follow him to his bedroom.

Away from Patton and Virgil, away from the sense of normality, they had been in the middle of their routine. Their routine of cuddling at the end of the day to relax and watch a movie. The other couple didn't question it at the time, or at least Roman didn't think they did. That day that the two stood apart, facing one another, Logan refusing to look him in the eye, shamefully. Roman had asked if he was alright, but was met with no answer, he could see Logan was trying, trying oh-so-desperately to just say what he needed to. The words struggling on his lips. "Roman," He began, "I'm sorry..."

Roman remembered how confused he had been, the day coming back to him so vividly, that every single detail was played through in his mind, his feelings coming back in harsh echoes. "Whatever do you mean, my love?" He didn't notice it then, but he certainly can't miss it now. The way Logan winced as Roman called him by his pet name. "I've made... a mistake, and I should not have let this go this long without saying anything..." Roman's mind flickered through an infinite number of painfully and heartbreaking possibilities in the span of a few seconds. He took a breath, "What... What mistake, Logan?" He hated the way his voice shook.

"I lied..." Logan took a breath as he finally managed to say those four little words, "I never loved you..." The words still made his heart rip and tear into pieces, he could almost feel it. He didn't start crying then, he felt the tears and the sobs begin to build up, but he didn't let them out. "Then... Then why? Why did you act as you did? Why did you keep this facade up?" Roman asked his anger and hurt showing much more in his voice than he intended for it too. "Because, I was, confused, I thought I did... But, that theory has long since disproven that..." Logan explained, Roman now noticed how full Logan's voice was of shame, regret, he was genuinely upset at himself for the pain he's caused the prince. But back then, he didn't, he didn't hear it, he only heard the four words repeating over and over.

A level of hate rose up inside of him, "Well! Isn't that fantastic! I've wasted months of my time," he trailed off, shaking his head meeting Logan's eyes with such a harsh glare that Logan flinched back slightly. "Fine. Thanks for telling me I guess." He snapped storming off, slamming the door.

Roman sighed, collecting himself, and sitting down on the edge. Staring up at the now dark and star-filled sky, happy memories came back, the amazement in Logan's eyes at all the starry and space scenes he had created for him came back to him... He felt a few more tears fall down his face, he didn't even bother to wipe them away. He drew in a shaky breath, singing always calmed him down and cheered him up right? So, he began singing the first song that came to mind... "I was such a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great, you were such a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me, I don't know where I'm supposed to go..."

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