Selfishness Vs. Selflessness [Part two]

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So, let me preface this by saying, this will not be a "This side was wrong, this side was right" thing. Though I do have an idea of who I think truly won the argument, both sides had their faults in both reasoning and behavior.

I'm going to explain my opinion first, then explain a theory I have regarding future episodes especially containing Patton and Deceit. Then at the end, I'm going to give my opinion on the discourse that has been going on. I accept criticism, but just flat out saying that I'm wrong with no criticism/argument to back it up will get your comment removed.

Opinion: Thomas made the incorrect choice. The wedding was, yes, important, but as he was not taking part in the wedding, (I believe that was confirmed on the live stream?) and was already dreading the wedding more than anything due to the heartache he knew it would bring, it would have been more beneficial to go to the call back.

As someone who has been in theatre, especially musical theatre, since a young age, I understand the importance of callbacks. That means that you're being considered, among others, for the role. It's not a guarantee that you will get the/a role in the movie/show/musical etc. That depends on the performance of the callback. Now, callbacks no matter what are important, but I will say, I most likely missed one or two while I was doing shows at community theatre due to other plans (Maybe a wedding but I was young so I don't know)

Though this was for a movie, a movie with an incredibly sought after and well-known director in this universe. While Thomas not getting the part was more likely than him actually getting it, not going at all eliminates the possibility entirely. This is a chance he will never get again.

The wedding in comparison, was not as life-changing- well, for Thomas anyway. Though the bride and groom would be disappointed at Thomas' absence. I highly doubt they would have never spoken to him again over this. They could have also arranged later for Thomas to buy them dinner, and look at wedding photos at a later time due to the importance of his reason for missing (It's not Aunt Patty in the hospital, but it is a very rare opportunity. One that can not be made up if missed)

[This is also similar to a dilemma that Patton and Logan spoke about in 'The Mind Vs. The Heart' in season one. Remember that because we are going to come back to that for the theory bit of this]

Thomas is a selfless person. He is. He's a good person, kind-hearted and empathetic, but here is the thing. Doing one thing, that's important for your future, that is important for your emotional/mental well-being, over something for someone else, is not selfish. It is protecting yourself, helping yourself and allowing yourself to have a break and do something for yourself. Which Thomas seems to really need. (Again, a past reference to something similar to this in 'Making Some Changes' when Roman stated that Thomas' friends were not waiting on him to pursue their dreams so he must not wait on them, that could easily apply here)

I bring up emotional and mental well-being due to what was stated by Thomas and Logan during the courtroom scene. At 14:07, Logan states, "The call back has more to offer. The only thing the wedding has to offer Thomas is a potential increase in depression" and Thomas at 34:45, "I was planning on playing Word Crush on my phone during the wedding ceremony to keep my mind off the fact that I'm single. I don't want to go, I'm afraid to go"

It would not at all make Thomas happy to go, he would want to be happy for the couple sure, and give them his best wishes, but it's obvious the events that caused Moving On are still impacting Thomas even minorly, and he's heartbroken that he has still yet to find another person he clicks with so well, when his friends (Who I'm assuming are around his age) are perfectly happy and getting married.

But, that's just my stance on the matter.

The theory: Patton is going to push Thomas to be a good person so much so that Thomas never gets to do anything for himself. Now, I am not by any means saying Patton is toxic, manipulative or anything. He is just doing what he thinks is best for Thomas. As are all of the other sides (Deceit included). There will be a moment when Thomas gets burned out and will not be in a good place mentally due to not taking time for himself, and that will be addressed.

Of course, that's a small theory, but is very important and just what I think would happen at this point in time. The reason why I think this is because I think most recurring problems in the series tend to lead to more character development and resolutions in the series, Patton has had this problem before, in 'The Mind Vs. The Heart' in season one. At 1:54 Thomas is presented a similar dilemma as the one stated in this video, though not as extreme.

Patton states that since Thomas has such good friends he needs to be a good friend to and should help them move. Which is perfectly reasonable. Until Logan explains that Thomas has other things going on that day and the next day and helping the friend move would cut into the time needed for him to rest and get optimal sleep. They go back and forth for a little bit but ultimately they decide to compromise and explain the situation or cancel something else.

Compromise is what all of the sides seem to struggle with. Communication also. [See 'Why Do We Get Out Of Bed In The Morning' and the fact that the sides all seem to hide things from both each other and Thomas.] and in all honesty, I think that it is getting closer and closer to being addressed. Especially considering Virgil very, very forcefully warning Thomas to never let Deceit or 'His Friends' stick around ever again. Virgil was also the one (besides Deceit himself) to hide Deceit and the others from Thomas in the first place back in 'Accepting Anxiety'

Secrets tend to cause more turmoil than they're worth.

Thomas and the rest of the team seem to very much understand and know this, as it's the root of most conflicts in the series. So, eventually, it needs and probably will be addressed.

Now. Opinion on the discourse:

 I knew this video was going to have at least some discourse, but this is a little too far. I love Patton, he's an amazing character and full of love and care for both Thomas and the other sides. But, just like the other sides, he makes mistakes. Those mistakes are just what he thinks is doing right. If people hate Patton for his choice and stance here, then they should have no problem hating all of the others.

Logan wants Thomas to basically work and work until he dies. 

Roman wants Thomas to go out and do whatever his dreams lead to, despite how dangerous or threatening it could be.

 Patton wants Thomas to always put his friends first, no matter the circumstance.

 Virgil wants Thomas to be more cautious than anything, cautious of almost anything and everyone that is unfamiliar.

 Deceit wants Thomas to do whatever is in his best self-interest for his own protection, or even be selfish if you want to push it that far.

If Thomas listens to any one of the sides 100% of the time, there will always be something missing, or potentially hurtful with that.

Which is why they need compromise.

The thing with Patton is just that he hasn't really pushed how he wants things to go before, and him doing so is confusing and kind of upsetting the fandom. With Logan and Roman, it was normal due to their aggression. Patton was not aggressive in this but what he was doing was what he thought was best. He even apologized at the end for speaking for Thomas when he didn't know Thomas' true feelings about the matter. Someone being manipulative and toxic (at least on purpose) wouldn't apologize.

They Are All Trying Their Best To Help Thomas In What They Think Is The Best Way.

I respect people's opinions, but unless it's in a fic/artwork/au, etc. Do not label characters as manipulative and toxic if they aren't.


I hope this made sense, I wrote it over the course of a day or two with long breaks in between cause sdbnfosnefkln I couldn't sit still for too long ya know.

Let me know your thoughts about it. I may post a third part of this that is more so pointing out details that show more things for Deceit and other things that help with the plot or whatever if that's wanted! Thanks for reading! :P 

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