•Sleep talking•

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F/A/S: Angst
POV: 3rd

This is something me and our Virgil {_Lynx_is_lazy_ } had been working on, since she informed us of a headcannon she had about Deceit.
Then I made a little story around it, and slowly we made it angstier and angstier, then our Deceit {JeremyWasHeere } joined in and helped with editing
Hope you enjoy!

When Deceit began fully appearing in the mindscape, it didn't take long for Virgil and Roman to quickly write him off as the true villain. He fit the bill, darker color scheme, half a snake-face, and harmful to Thomas… Right? Logan seemed indifferent to the two-faced side's presence, but it was very obvious from the glares he gave that he didn't enjoy him existing. Patton on the other hand, he felt as though he should at least give him some sort of chance, until he decided to impersonate him in order to convince Thomas to lie. Then his opinion soon matched the others.

Deceit is a weaker side to the others because of how little Thomas actually lies, since he's the weakest and well, hated. He doesn't even have his own room in the mindscape and is forced to sleep on the couch. He doesn't mind it, that's a lie. He really fucking hates it, because of a little problem he has.

He sleep talks, but what's worse, is that when he sleep talks, he only speaks in pure truth. Which is dangerous, being Deceit he has many things he has hidden away. Things he really doesn't want the other sides know. But soon enough they found out. Or at least one did, Patton.

One day, Patton was up at his normal early time, when he heard small mumbling coming from the lump on the couch under the blanket. He paid it no mind at first, until it became coherent.

“They hate me.”

That made Patton freeze, slowly turning to face the mumbling lump. He slowly shuffled towards Deceit, slowly bending down and leaning in to listen.  The mumbling continued,

"I hate myself.”

“I’m a freak.”

“I don’t deserve to be a side.”

“I can’t be one of them.”

Patton covered his mouth as he started to feel worse by the second, each word being spoken, stabbing him like a knife. Every rude word said to Deceit suddenly coming back to Patton. Every glare and demand for him to leave adding an extra layer of guilt.

“They all hate me, even T-Thomas.”

“I’m just trying to protect him..I just want to protect him..”

Deceit’s voice began to stutter and quiver, as if he was trying to hold back from crying. Patton whimpered slightly as he tried to hold back small sobs, he felt disgusted at himself for the way he acted.

“I’m nothing but a liar.”

“They won’t ever accept me.”

Deceit started tossing and turning in his sleep, his mumbling becoming louder.

“I’m evil.”

“I’m disgusting.”

Patton stood, his hand drifting to his side as he cleared his throat, taking a step back.

“I’m not accepted.”

“Nothing is fine… It never has been…”

“Why won’t they accept me?”

“Why don’t they l-listen to me?”

“Why couldn't I have just existed without a physical representation…”

Deceit’s tossing and turning died down a bit as he just curled up more and stopped talking. Patton stood there dumbfounded, tears pressing at the back of his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away, reminding himself to act a bit nicer to him tomorrow.

The other sides began slowly waking up as Patton made breakfast, first to join him in the kitchen was Logan, who took no note of Deceit even being there. Then Roman, who casted the same hateful glare towards the sleeping snake as always, making Patton's heart ache slightly as he realized that he does that every morning.

Virgil joined them last, he rolled his eyes as he, not so lightly, tapped on Deceit’s shoulder. “Get up, this is my seat.” He said. Deceit slowly sat up and shook his head as he woke up, him and Virgil trading the same glare. Patton quickly turned to look at the two before mumbling, ”Hey kiddo, let Deceit sit there, just for today..I promise.”

Logan looked up from his book as he heard this, surprised and looked over to Patton, with a questioning look. Virgil did the same, while Deceit just looked confused.️ Patton avoided eye contact as he whispered again, ”Please.” He said a tiny bit more force.

Virgil took a moment, him, Logan and Roman exchanging confused and concerned glances. “Hey, Pat? Can, I talk to you for a sec? Now.” he said. He motioned for Patton to follow him as he made his way up the stairs. Patton flinched slightly at Virgil's incredibly serious tone and nodded “Yeah, okay, um… Lo? Mind finishing breakfast while me and Virgil talk?” He asked.

Logan nodded. “Alright.” Patton walked out and up the stairs, giving an apologetic look to Deceit as he did so. The door to Patton's room was open, and Virgil was inside glancing at the things on the walls. “So, what is it kiddo?” Patton asked as he walked in and shut the door behind him.

Virgil sighed. “Patton, whatever Deceit said to get you to trust him, you have to remember that he's a liar… Nothing he says is true.” He stated as he turned to face him. “What did he try and convince you of even?” Patton sighed. “He wasn't lying this time..” he mumbled. Virgil rolled his eyes. “Patton, I know you like to think that but-” “He wasn't!!! I know for a fact that he wasn't! Because he didn't know I could hear him.”

Virgil paused, now looking confused and not annoyed. “What do you mean?”

Patton sighed as he looked at his hands,”This morning… H-He was sleep-talking and I overheard him saying some terrible things about himself, and it made me feel so ter-“

“OH MY GOD,” Virgil said loudly,”You don’t really believe him now do you Patton… he’s a liar.. he lies for attention ..he just wants attention.” “o-okay but what if he's not this time? Hmm? He's… He's still a part of Thomas… He's there for the sake of self-preservation… Remember?” Patton said in an attempt to defend himself.

Virgil shook his head face palming, “Patton, you don't-” “I know what that means! I'm not stupid Virgil, he's there to protect Thomas… Just like you.” Patton raised his voice slightly. Virgil's expression dropped into a deadly glare. “I. Am. Nothing like him. Don't you dare compare me to him.”

Patton flinched slightly,”I-I’m just saying..he plays an important part too…” Virgil shook his head “No he doesn't. Thomas could make it just fine without him. My job- your job, all of our jobs would be so much easier if he just didn't exist-“ He said

Patton sniffled slightly as he screamed out,”SHUT UP, VIRGIL!” He said sniffling a bit more,”I won’t let you talk about him like that anymore!” Virgil glared, “I’m just telling the truth… unlike him. He’s just trying to get you on his side, so that he can manipulate Thomas even more, you’re morality! He wants to corrupt you-” “NO HE DOESN’T!!! HE’S TRYING TO PROTECT THOMAS, JUST LIKE YOU!! JUST LIKE ALL OF US!!” Patton snapped, Virgil took a step back. “Fine, if you don’t believe me, I can get Logan and Roman to convince you.” He growled as he walked back downstairs.

“Why don’t you just leave?” Roman hissed at the snake. “It would be better if you left us alone, today is a big day for Thomas.” Logan said, eyes piercing as he glared at Deceit. “We don’t need you messing this up.” Deceit said nothing for a few moments before sighing, “Fine.” he mumbled before walking out, going to the darker area of the mindscape. “See Patton?” Virgil asked once he had left. Patton glared at Virgil slightly, ”All of you are ...are ...pitiful.”

Logan looked over to Patton, his arms crossed. “What do you mean by that, Patton? What have we done to warrant your disdain?” He asked. “Are you serious?” Patton asked. “I thought you were the-” He got cut off as Virgil put his hand over his mouth. “I’ve been trying and failing to get Patton to realize that Deceit isn’t good, since he’s started thinking that he is.” The emo trait said.

Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Morality, he is your opposite, meaning that he is immoral. It is impossible for him to be good, I understand that you like to think that everyone is good, but you can’t think that way. I do not understand what spurred this, you used to agree with us on this. Remember he impersonated you in order to attempt to get Thomas to lie.” Patton lightly hit Virgil’s hand away so he could speak. “Sure! He did! But you don’t think that maybe he thought that that was the right thing to do in that situation? Because maybe he realized Thomas wouldn’t listen to him once he fully showed?” He defended.

Roman rolled his eyes. “Patton, remember that he is a liar, everything he says is false.” “When he makes the mental effort to lie! Just like any of us! Don’t act like none of us have ever lied! I have, Virgil has, Roman has, and Logan so have you! Lo, if you’re so smart, you should know that you have to make that mental effort to lie, or else you’ll just speak in truth.” Patton said as he crossed his arms, letting his gaze go into a glare, he doesn’t get angry often, but he’s morality, so someone being mistreated for something they have no control over, is the one thing that will cause him to begin yelling and getting incredibly agitated. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Patton.” Logan said.

“Yes I do! Stop treating me like-like… some child!” Patton yelled, “That is how you act most of the time, Patton, you do not understand the depths sides like Deceit are willing to go to, his main function is to lie and deceive others to get what he wants. He is just trying to trick you.” Logan said, his voice a lot more agitatedly than he previously had been.

Patton screeched, ”STOP IT..STOP TALKING DOWN TO ME… LIKE I DON’T UNDERSTAND! I KNOW DECEIT IS A GOOD PERSON..YOU ALL JUST DON’T FREAKING GET IT!” He inhaled,”I ...I heard him okay?” He panted out, ”Please just… just give him a chance...” Logan raised his eyebrow at Patton, “Heard him? What do you mean?” He asked. Virgil rolled his eyes. “He said something about Deceit talking in his sleep and being self deprecating… “

Roman laughed. “Patton, you do realize he could have been pretending to sleep, just to trick you?” He said, waving his hand dismissing what Patton said immediately. “Exactly.” Logan said as Virgil just crossed his arms and smirked. Patton shook his head dejectedly. “You know what? Fine, forget I said anything, not like that’s any different from the normal anyway.” He said, sniffling as tears began forming in his eyes. He quickly turned and ran up to his room, letting the door slam behind him. The three others just allowed their days to carry on as usual, Virgil still felt guilty, but Patton needs to understand that not everyone can be redeemed. Deceit didn’t return to the normal area of the mindscape until the others had already gone to sleep. While in the darker side of the mindscape the lights will change depending on who is awake, they had all flickered and faded to a dull gold, meaning he was the only one awake, which was his cue to go back so he could sleep.

The next morning, Virgil was, for once the first one awake. He walked down the stairs, casting a scornful glare at the side sleeping on the couch. He was about to wake him up, when he heard the mumbling begin.

“I’m disgusting.”

“They don’t want me here..”

“I should just disappear.”

“I should be forgotten…”

“I ruin everything.”

Virgil hadn’t noticed Patton sneaking beside him before he whispered,”I told you...I told you, Virgil!” He whispered yelled. Virgil started to stammer over his words,”h-he’s lying...he must be lying.” He felt his palms start to sweat, the voices starting to yell at him,

“You did this.”

“You made him like this.”

“You’ve become the monster you wanted to avoid.”

“You’re just like Roman when you first appeared.”



“Virgil?” Patton called once more, a hand on Virgil’s shoulder as he tried not to wake Deceit,”h-huh?...I’m fine ...uh sorry… He’s… He’s still probably lying…”  Virgil muttered to him as he stepped back and went to the kitchen. “You really think that?” Patton asked, his voice slightly accusing as he followed him.Virgil sighed as he glanced between, Patton and Deceit. “I….I don’t know….” He said, the voices starting to scream again, and his body starting to shake. “I didn’t… want….I didn’t mean-” Virgil was cut off as he heard some shuffling coming from the living room.

The two looked over quickly to see Deceit standing there, his hair a mess, his normal eye seeming puffy. “Deceit….?” Patton asked quietly. “I wouldn’t recommend trying to pity me.” The snake said. Virgil glared, all previous guilt now gone. “So you were awake.” He growled. Deceit sighed. “If I said I wasn’t you wouldn’t believe me, now would you?” He just slowly shook his head about to head for the door.

“Deceit. Wait-” Patton was cut off “Don’t.. I don’t want your pity. I’m just here to do my job. Just don’t try to interfere with it.” he snapped before leaving, shutting the door behind him. Leaving Patton and Virgil standing there in silence, with nothing but an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

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