Spelling Bee [Analogical] (Drabble)

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AU: Human
Ship: Analogical
Prompt: ×
Requested by:×
Tw: {Um? I don't think it's in enough detail to warrant a warning, but just to be safe} Panic attack
F/A/S: Fluff {Partial angst}
POV: 3rd

Heh, um.
Okay, okay, okay.
I like... Need to learn to stop myself from writing so much...


My Analogical heart as been hurting recently, I have a bunch more ideas about Deceit, and OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS INVOLVING ROMAN THAT IT HURTS

{Partially why my Analogical heart is hurting because, I can give you guys a break from Roman angst. Cause like even my Logince ideas are angsty-}

Also that question about favorite sides I asked you guys about awhile ago, that is for a chapter and it is getting written. I was on the fence about it before, but I liked the idea to much to just let it go unwritten.

An idea I originally had for the group account {Yet another chapter that incorporates different rooms the mindscape could have- Only I haven't seen this one yet} Is now going to be written solo, um, and that might take a bit to get out, due to the vagueness of the original idea and the Complexities that go along with it, it might be damn near 2,000 if not 3,000 words.

I did get my new phone today
{The case is deep purple and black-}
{Yes I went that far for a reference shut up}
So messages will be updated this week as I promised
So yeah!

I'm working on a lotta things, so expect those
I am working on those other chapter ideas I promised a hell of a long time ago, and actually our Virgil is helping me out with the Heathers one. And it's fucking hilarious so far

Um yeah!
But for right now
No updates on this book for the rest of the week, I think two and a half chapters is enough?

Onto the Drabble
Hope you enjoy!
Bye! (^.^)

×Virgil and Logan met when they were forced to be partners for an ASL project, seeing as how they were the only two without a partner.

×At first the two had disagreements, Virgil even refusing to tell Logan his name and telling him to just call him 'V'

×But overtime they grew to enjoy each others company, and began meeting up outside of school

×Logan helps Virgil study, even though Virgil constantly asks for Logan to just give him the answers.

"Lo, please... This would be so much easier.."

"No, it will not help for you to have the answers now, you will not retain the information needed to pass the test"

"You could give me the answers to the test too."



"Do. The. Work. Yourself."

"Ughhhh fiiiineeee."

× Virgil gives someone to rant too about the utter stupidity the two have to endure from their fellow classmates

×"Why they choose to interrupt class just to draw more attention to themselves is beyond me"


"like it's not even beneficial to them to behave like that! It is purely for the purpose of interrupting class because it is quote unquote boring."

"Well, to be honest Geometry is really boring."

"How so? It's quite interesting figuring out the different angles, trajectories, measurements, and similarities."

"And you wanna know why that's so interesting to you?"


"Because you're a NERD"

×One day it was announced that their entire grade had to participate in a Spelling Bee

×Virgil immediately told Logan that he was going to mess up on purpose in the first round so he could get out quickly and be done with it

×Logan somehow manages to convince him to actually try, seeing as how, english, is Virgil's favorite and strongest subject.

×Virgil was fine for the first couple of rounds, the attention being put on him didn't effect him that much since Logan was standing right beside him, a bit closer than he should have been but it comforted him knowing he could just sort of run and hide behind Logan, if need be.

×Until, surprise surprise, they are the last two left.

×Virgil was given his word and fear slowly sunk in on him, Logan had to be further away from him due to the rules.

×His breathing and heart rate sped up, his palms began to sweat, he noticed all the eyes on him, he felt like crying, he was shaking ever so slightly

×Logan cleared his throat which got Virgil's attention as it echoed across the dead silent

×Logan and him made eye contact for a second before Logan incredibly subtlety moved his head to the side motioning behind him.

×Virgil glanced over, and saw that Logan was finger-spelling the word behind his back.

×Somehow the judges don't notice this

×Slowly and shakily Virgil spells out the word and gets it correct.

×Logan is then given his word, and he messes up.

×On purpose...

×After Virgil gets his first place award, Logan has his second place award, and some other kid named Roman, has his third place award. Virgil realizes that Logan should have known the word.

×"infinitesimal" Virgil mumbled as The two were over at Logan's house after the awards ceremony had taken place

"Reliving your victory, Virgil?"

"No, I just... I know you knew that word... You've written it and used it before... Why'd you throw it?"

"I do not believe I threw anything?"

"No..... I mean... Why'd you intentionally mess up?"

"Oh. I believe that we could have gone on for many more rounds, and seeing your distress I wanted to end it as quickly as possible as not to cause you to have some sort of panic or anxiety attack."


×Then after a minute

×"Hey, Logan?"



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