Split [Part two]

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Ship: X
Prompt: X
Requested by: X
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, Sympathetic Remus, Panic/anxiety attacks, angst with a happy ending and yelling. If I missed any Let Me Know!
Summary: Patton gets frustrated with Virgil, as Virgil tries to actually show Thomas again that he is Anxiety that he can be a bad thing. Patton ends up snapping and causes Virgil to split in two, much like Roman and Remus.
POV: 3rd
Side Note: The ending you hopefully wanted!

Also I have an update about a few things that is coming soon :)


Thomas took one last deep breath as he calmed down fully from his anxiety attack. He looked up at his sides, who all seemed to be in a similar state of dismay. Vito stepped back and away from Thomas again, giving him space, "Are you... Okay?" he asked hesitantly

Thomas nodded, "I... I think so... This was just- Is just... overwhelming..." he murmured, glancing over to Patton who nodded in agreement. "I'm... I'm sorry, guys... I really didn't mean to..."

Vito glances at Patton, "It's ok Patton I know you didn't mean to... It... It just hurt a lot both physically and emotionally..."

Patton flinches at the memory of the blood-curdling screams. He can only imagine how much it must have hurt to be split into two. "That still doesn't make what I did ok... any of it...I'm so sorry Vito. For everything. Including sending Virgil to the dark sides." He turns to face Roman and Remus. "I'm sorry for splitting you two up also... It's not right... I'm so sorry to all of you."

Vito slightly smiles at Patton, "I forgive you, Patton... You messed up but I forgive you and I know Virgil would too."

Roman and Remus look at each other. They both look back at Patton and simultaneously say "We forgive you to Patton."

Patton starts to tear up again when Deceit interrupts, "As much as I love to interrupt this apology session. Where is Volt?"

Vito's eyes widened as he glanced over to where the previous half had been, "I-I... I don't know!"

Deceit paused for a moment, "Well, we know he hasn't ducked out."


Roman glanced at the lying side, confused, "How do you know that?" Vito and Deceit shared a momentary glance, before Deceit replied, "I have my ways."

Logan interjected, "That's not the matter at the moment... He most likely did retreat to his, or rather, Virgil's room. Maybe to seek some sort of comfort?" Patton nodded, and adjusted his glasses, "I-I mean that makes sense... So, we have to go there again? With the spiders?"

Vito glanced over to Patton and smiled patiently, "you'll be okay, Patton." Patton, of course, returned the smile and nodded.

Thomas allowed himself to smile a little as well, "Okay, let's go guys."

Thomas begins to think about things that make him anxious and next thing him and the sides know they're rising up in Virgil's room.

The room looked to how it had been when they first visited, only instead, there was a large crack in the middle of the room, splitting it in half. One side seemed to have a little bit more light than the other. The other almost looked pitch black.

Thomas looks over the room, "So this is the new room. It looks pretty similar to before."

"Of course it does. Since they have been together and one whole for much longer as you developed, when they were suddenly split, the room itself split, as they were not meant to be separated later on like this." Logan answered, he glanced around the room and hummed, "Volt is nowhere to be seen, however."

"What do you want?" a booming voice echoed across the room, directing the others attention to the kitchen, where Volt sat on the table. His hood was up, and his eyeshadow so much darker than Virgil's had ever been. But there was something different. He was smiling, that smile said a million words. He wasn't upset that they were in the room, but there was an underlying tone that only two dark sides seemed to get.

"Volt, you should probably come back, so that we could fuse you again." Deceit said, trying to be both strict and not at the same time. Volt chuckled, "Oh, Dee... You know there's no point, don't you? Because think about it. Patton wanted the light one he could agree with all the time, and patronize all he wanted." He snapped.

"And, if I'm being honest..." He grinned, holding up his hands and showing the red sparks of lightning coming from them, "I don't mind being this way, not anymore. It feels great to use these powers again."

Thomas stares at Volt in shock that this really was half of Virgil, "But what about all the progress Virgil made?"

"Who cares? Not like he's here anymore anyways." He jumps off the table and walks over to Thomas, "Virgil is gone and he's not coming back. I'm the bad guy now."

Thomas stares back at him in horror. Vito grabs Volt's arm "Volt! You don't need to be the bad guy!"

Volt shoved Vito back forcefully, "You don't get it! I want to! There's no point in being something that I'm not!"

Remus looks volt up and down, "Oh there's Anxiety!" Deceit immediately shuts Remus up.

"Ok ignoring that... But this is who I am I'm not some angel. I'm no one's son!" Volt growls directing that last part at Patton.

Patton just bursts into tears, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! I've been trying, Volt! I really have, I've been trying to make Virgil feel more comfortable! I never wanted you and Vito to feel uncomfortable or strange, I've been trying!" He choked out.

Volt, however, didn't falter at all, "Well, big shocker. It's not working. And ya know, betraying Virgil also isn't a good idea either! I'm not going to forgive you that easily!"

"Volt this whole charade is completely illogical. Just calm down and cooperate so we can get Virgil back." Logan interrupts.

"For logic, you really are an idiot. You just don't get it! Virgil is not coming back he is never coming back! It's better this way! This way he won't get hurt!" That comment from Volt sent the other sides into a spiral, soon almost all the sides were again either yelling, sobbing or shouting. As Volt refused to listen to any of them.

It felt like hours, and maybe it was, of just shouting and shouting and crying. It was too much, it was all too much for Vito to handle, just as the arguing reached its peak, Vito finally snapped. "Just stop it!" He yelled louder than all of them in his Tempest Tongue, "Volt cut it out! Patton didn't mean it! No, it doesn't make it right, now we can either keep arguing or we can fix it or we can just never fuse again or let any of this be settled, and let Thomas suffer. I couldn't handle that, I know I couldn't. Please, just cut it out!"

A few tears fell from his eyes as he stopped holding back his voice going back to normal, "I-I... I just want Virgil back." He choked out, "I just want things to go back to the way they were. No, they weren't perfect, but they won't ever be... and you know that... Just please, Volt..."

Volt stood in stunned silence for a moment, watching his half crumple to the floor in tears. The electricity around his hands stopping as he calmed down. He felt the guilt settle in finally, he had caused this, all of this distress, yeah he could say it felt right all he wanted to, but he knew that it didn't. Deep down he knew it didn't.

He slowly made his way a bit closer to Vito and kneeled down beside him, "I-I'm... I'm sorry..." He whispered quietly, his voice was no longer terrifying and intimidating for the first time. He looked Vito in the eyes, "I would like to be Virgil again if that's okay with you...?"

"I would love that..." Vito said smiling at Volt. Volt drew his half in with a hug, and within a second there was a bright flash of purple lightning, that blinded the others.

Once they regained their sight, they noticed Virgil, sitting on the floor, looking more content than he had in a long time. Before the newly reformed anxious side could speak, he was being hugged, tightly. By a sobbing Patton. Patton, upon realizing what he did, immediately pulled away from him, taking his glasses off so he could wipe his eyes, "I-I... I'm sorry, kid- Virgil..."

"It's... It's okay dad... I forgive you." He pulls Patton back into a tight hug.

The two just sit there hugging for a bit eventually they let go and Virgil looked around at everyone. "I'm sorry everyone for how I acted..."

Thomas has tears in his eyes as he smiles at Virgil, "It's okay Virgil. I'm just so glad to have you back." He goes over and hugs Virgil.

The other sides all approach Virgil and join Thomas in giving him a big group hug. Things weren't perfect and there were still things to discuss. For now, though Virgil was back and that's all that mattered.

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