The Dark Imagination

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Prompt: "I'm not evil!"
"Says who?"
Requested by: ×
Tw: Gore
F/A/S: Angst
POV: 3rd

I've had this idea for awhile since I saw the animatic above^
I'm fucking tired.
It is 3:54 in the morning, and I haven't slept, and I finished writing this and a chapter for the group account today

Speaking of the group account, my girlfriend _Lynx_is_lazy_ and our Deceit {I'm now Logan lol} JeremyWasHeere helped me by editing bits and pieces of this.

Hope you enjoy this!

I'm gonna pass the fuck out
Night guys
See you in 2 hours when I'm supposed to  wake up

Roman was the embodiment of good, the 'Prince Charming', the knight in shining armor, and the hero in this fairy-tale. He definitely enjoyed it, he truly did, but there was just one thought that plagued his mind. This thought eventually lead to a question, the question lead to action in order to find the answer. The immense pleasure that was derived from finding the answer, only lead to him spending more and more time in the imagination room. The others had begun to worry as they saw Roman less and less.

Whenever he came out of the room, after staying there for a few hours, he'd have this look in his eye, one that sent a chill down the other traits spines. The look was only visible for a few moments, before he'd blink and his eyes would go back to their normal confident expression.

Patton was the first one to notice it and it startled him so much that he jumped back and squeaked in fear, Roman looked incredibly confused "Patton? Are you alright?" Patton just quickly nodded. "Yep kiddo! I um...I just remembered I left something on the s-stove!" He blurted out quickly before rushing down the stairs. Roman didn't question it, and just continued on with his day. Patton, very obviously, was incredibly off the rest of the day, and seemed tense whenever Roman was in the room.

When Virgil noticed it, the interaction went incredibly similar as it did with Patton. Virgil just happened to be passing by the imagination room right as roman left it, the two made eye contact, the way Romans eyes seemed to shine with at least some sort of malicious intention, made Virgil stop dead in his tracks and just stare, frozen in fear.

The one thing that scared Virgil the most about the expression, was how strikingly similar it was to the one the fifth side always seemed to have. "Virgil?" Roman asked, the maliciousness leaving his eyes so fast it was difficult to comprehend if he truly saw anything to begin with, "um, Roman.... Are you okay?" Virgil asked, his voice having the most subtle quiver to it, "Well, yes, of course, but I was just about to ask you the same question. "

"Yeah, I'm fine.. You just...startled me..." Virgil replied, not entirely lying. "Oh well, apologies, but it is just me, Virgil. No need to worry." The royal stated with a small chuckle. " Virgil shrugged as he started to walk off "Yeah, sure." he mumbled under his breath.

Patton and Virgil had discussed what they had noticed, but were never able to figure out the correct word to describe what exactly they saw in the creative traits eyes, that was, until Logan noticed it. He never said exactly what happened or how he saw it, but it was obvious as Logan had the same, almost petrified, expression when he joined the others for dinner that night. The next day the three began talking about it, once Roman had gone back into the imagination for the day.

"It's sinister" Logan stated, "Malicious in nature, and.... Evil... I had never seen that look from him... Him desperately wanting to be seen as the hero, it makes no sense for him to have such a look, no matter what the given scenario was." Patton took a minute, letting his mind register the information. "Do you think... maybe... no... no nevermind..." He mumbled as he shook his head. "Patton, continue, please?" Logan requested.

"It's just... I remember, him, a while ago, talking about his kingdom he had in the imagination room...I actually saw it once, and it was beautiful all the people were happy and smiling.... I'm... I'm wondering... If.. we were to go there now, we would see the same kingdom... because the look is always from whenever he leaves the imagination...So maybe something happened in the scene he made up?" He said. "But that doesn't explain why he would still have that look after being brought out of the scene." The logical trait said.

Virgil was dead silent in thought until his eyes widened in realization.. "I...I think I know... What happened..." He said, fear invading his voice. "What?" "What is it kiddo?" Virgil swallowed dryly, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, goosebumps forming on his skin as he shuddered at the thought. "A few... months ago... he asked me something.... And he sounded so overly curious, that even after I gave my answer, he still didn't seem satisfied..."

"Virgil. What. Was. The question...." Logan asked, taking a pause to be better understood. Virgil looked over at him, eyes blown wide. "What is it like to be the bad guy..."

"What if... he got curious and....decided to try it out....?" Virgil asked after he saw the realization sink into the others. "Well, if he tried it out that long ago, why would he still have that look now?!?" Patton asked, his voice accidentally raising. "Because he enjoyed it..." Logan said. "He must have enjoyed playing the villain for once... So... he stays there in his free time...." "What?!!? NO! This is.. This is Roman we're talking about... He would never-" "How do you know for sure Pat? We have to go check... I don't think he locks the imagination room up.... We need to see for sure." Virgil said as he stood up from his spot on the floor.

Logan nodded "Precisely. Let's go." Logan said, quickly turning on his heel and walking up the stairs, Virgil followed immediately, but Patton took his time, still not believing that Roman would actually do something like this...

The three stood in front of the door, Logan took the lead, followed by Virgil, then Patton. "Ready?" he asked, earning a nod from the other two. Logan quickly opened the door, and almost froze at the scene on front of him. Shock and terror bubbling through him and shattering his calm and collect normality. He saw a storybook village, one that could look like it belonged to a kingdom, but the normal bright green grass, and almost childish like stone walkways, were now colored a deep crimson, it looked like a pure river of blood, pieces of cloth and what looked like, belongings, seemed to be sinking into the pool of liquid.

What was even more terrifying was the lack of sound, no screaming, crying, nothing that you would expect... just dead silence... The three slowly walked in, Virgil almost screaming and Patton almost throwing up as they took in the scenery, "This... T-The... This is... T-The kingdom... I-I... I saw... All those... Villagers...." Patton stammered out through whimpers. "Patton, they aren't real..." "It doesn't matter!!! He still did this!! He's hurting people!!" Patton almost yelled, which echoed across the land, rather loudly. "Patton Sh!!" Virgil shushed.

A loud thud sounded from behind them, startling all three. They quickly turned to look at the source, and there in front of the now closed door, stood Roman. Roman's eyes had that same sinister look in them, his expression seemed bored, and uninterested. His white princely outfit was now black, the bright red sash was now a deep, crimson red that matched the color staining the area... He wore a black cape and crown... But, the one thing that scared them more than anything else in this scene... was Romans sword, he held it tightly in front of him with both hands, as he stood perfectly upright, it dug into the soil slightly, it's sharp silver blade, was covered in blood.... That was still dripping off of it....

"So...." The Prince spoke, his voice rough, deep, and intimidating.

"Now, you know..."

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