The Mindscape [LAMP]

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{But hints at LAMP at some points}
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F/A/S: Mainly Fluff, but there's angst for a certain character who isn't mentioned directly.
POV: 3rd

I've been giving you guys a lot of fluff recently...
Let's see how long that lasts.

Also I'm a sucker for oneshots where Thomas gets to see the sides when they're not filming so that's why this is a thing.

I listened to Faded by Alan Walker on repeat while I wrote this.
And it somehow fits?? Oh yeah I listen to music while I write, it typically is what gets me in the mood to write whatever, if you're ever curious ask and I'll let ya know what I was listening to!

This took me way to long to finish I need to learn to speed it up XD
Hope you enjoy!

Thomas was sitting down on the couch, working, again. He felt tired, but he had to get this done, he had to. He sighed, running his hands down his face and shaking his head trying to keep himself awake. When Patton rose up. "Hey Kiddo!" He said loudly, startling Thomas almost making him drop his laptop.

"Ah! Patton!.... Um.... We aren't filming a Sanders Sides video tonight..." Patton's bright smile slowly fell into one that was halfhearted as Thomas spoke. "I-I know that kiddo..." He said slowly with an almost hurt tone. "I... Just.... I had an idea! That doesn't have to do with videos!" He said his peppy tone returning instantly.

"Thomas, Please disregard Patton's idea." Logan said as he rose up as well. "Logan!!" Patton whined. "That was a bit rude..." Thomas chimed in. "Sorry, the idea is just, incredibly stupid." "No it isn't!! It'll let him have a well needed break! And it'll be fun for us! and it can't hurt him!" Patton explained. Logan just rolled his eyes.

"Virgil and Roman already said that they were onboard with it! Can we just tell him then let him decide?" He said, pouting slightly. Logan sighed, he can never say no to Patton's pouting face... er... It was possible too... But it was incredibly difficult. "Fine." He said. "Yay! So Thomas... We have our own little... World... Outside of our rooms.." Patton explained.

"W-What?" Thomas asked. "It's called the mindscape, and there's a lotta other rooms and hallways and other things that we could show you! So we thought that tomorrow you could take a break from working and come into the mindscape with us and we could all hang out and show you around and everything." Patton said, quickly and overly excitedly tripping over his words.

"W-Wow... That sounds... Awesome! But like how would I-" Thomas was cut off. "We'll take care of that! Just tonight, go to sleep on the couch and you'll wake up in my room tomorrow!" Patton said slightly bouncing in excitement. "Um... Okay.. Alright this should be fun!" Thomas said, now actually looking forward to tomorrow instead of dreading more work.

"Actually, Thomas, you should get to sleep soon it is..." Logan paused to check the time on his watch. "9:30, so the computer needs to be off anyway." He stated. Thomas sighed "Alright... I'll see you two... Tomorrow then?" He asked, still slightly confused but more excited than anything. Patton nodded "Yeppers! Goodnight kiddo!" He said as he sunk down. "Don't be on your phone anymore tonight." Logan ordered as he sunk down.

Thomas laughed a bit, before saving his work and shutting off his laptop. He went upstairs and grabbed a blanket and a pillow so he could actually be comfortable downstairs. Before he actually tried to go to sleep, he decided to read a bit. When he did try to go to sleep however, he started thinking, what if there was something in the mindscape that could actually hurt him? Virgil's room was evidence of that. What if there were the other dark sides that he wasn't prepared to see? what if-

His train of thought was cut off as Virgil appeared. "Don't do that." Thomas jumped a bit in surprise. "Do what?" He asked. Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed. "I know I'm causing you to worry about it.... But... Keep in mind that um... I'm basically your defense... And... I wouldn't have let them invite you into the mindscape... If it could hurt you... Just... Listen to us, and you'll be fine." He explained.

This actually calmed Thomas' thoughts down a bit and he smiled "Thanks." "No problem. Night Thomas." Virgil said as he sank out doing his two-finger salute. "Night Virgil." And soon enough, he was asleep.

When Thomas woke up, he was in Patton's room, the mess of trinkets on the floor and golden haze was the only thing showing any change of scenery as the room was exactly like the living room. He sat up, feeling still out of it and a bit uncomfortable, knowing he's probably going to be in his PJs all day... Or rather that's what he thought, when he looked down at himself, he was fully dressed, as if he had already woken up.

"That's.... Weird..." he mumbled, then again, this is the mindscape, he doesn't know what rules apply here. He just shrugged and stood up, about to go up the stairs when he heard a door shut. The noise had come from where his normal front door would be... So cautiously he went through that door instead.

He was now in a long hallway, the lighting was incredibly bright where he was, but when he looked to his left the lights seemed to grow dimmer. Also down the left, stood Virgil, who obviously hadn't noticed Thomas standing there. He was staring at a pure black door that had an incredibly shiny golden handle.

The door also had chains across it, with a red and gold padlock. "Good idea Roman." Virgil muttered, he waved his hand and four incredibly tough metal looking locks appeared down the side of the door. Thomas' eyes widened, whatever was in there, they certainly didn't want it to come out.

Virgil soon turned to face him and actually jumped back in surprise "O-Oh! Uh... Hey... Welcome to the mindscape." He said. "Um.... What's... That door go too?" Thomas asked hesitantly. "It's just someone's room... Don't worry. C'mon I think Patton made pancakes." Virgil said quickly switching topics as he walked past Thomas and went down the stairs to the right.

Thomas waited a minute, looking at the heavily locked door. Who's room could it be? And why do they want to exclude a side, again? Especially Virgil. He glanced at the other rooms' doors. Patton's was light blue with a light grey handle, Roman's was red with a golden handle, Logan's, blue with a black handle, and Virgil's, Purple with a black handle, all with their symbols placed on their respective doors.

He glanced back at the locked door, gold and black.... Who's colors are....?

Before Thomas could make any sort of attempt to figure it out, he heard his name be yelled by Patton from downstairs. "Thomas!! Come get breakfast!" He made his way down the staircase and was brought to a normal looking version of his living room.

Logan, Roman and Virgil were sitting at the table eating, while Patton was still in the kitchen presumably making pancakes. Logan looked up from his book, setting his coffee mug down. "Good morning, Thomas." He said. "Greetings!" Roman said, he had his normal enthusiasm, but it did seem a bit toned down than normal... Probably because he's tired, Virgil just waved, not looking up from his phone.

"Mornin' Kiddo!" Patton chimed in. "Uh, hey... This is really weird..." Thomas said laughing a bit. "No shit." "Virgil! Language!" "Sorry." Patton walked out of the kitchen with a plate of chocolate chips pancakes. "Here you go kiddo." He said handing it to him. "Wait... Can I actually like..." Thomas paused to figure out how to phrase this. "Touch us?" Patton asked, not realizing how dirty that sounded. Virgil snorted as he tried not to laugh. "Quiet Tumblr!" Roman said.

"Uh... Yeah?" Thomas said. "Yep! we can hug you now!!" Patton said cheerily "The only reason I'm not is because you're holding food." He giggled before he took a seat in-between Logan and Roman. Thomas sat down across from him, which was in-between Logan and Virgil.

Breakfast with them was incredibly pleasant, the five were all discussing how things worked in the mindscape, mainly Logan talking until Thomas brought up a question that applied to one of the other three. Then they answered before Logan could overcomplicate things.

Turns out that outside the door was a hallway that will change depending on which side was in the hallway. The example Logan gave was that Roman could go out into the hallway, touch the wall, and the walls will go red, and the doors would then lead to the rooms Roman has control of, as long as another side doesn't touch the wall, it'll stay that way.

In Logan's hallway, there existed the Mind Palace Center, where Logan's typical debates are held. Which hasn't been used at all since his and Virgil's debate. As no one, besides Virgil, is reasonable enough to have a debate with. His hallway also contained the Library of Facts and Evidence.

The name was exactly what it implied, it was this incredibly vast library filled with thousands of books of everything Thomas knows, this can range anywhere from someones name to how to edit. It is organized in a way that only Logan can understand so whenever the other sides can't remember something they ask Logan and he gets it to them almost immediately.

Virgil had commented that him and Roman have gotten lost there before.

Roman's hallway has the Mind Palace Theater, which Roman returns too quite often to just preform to relax, his job can be rather stressful. Especially recently, but none of them seemed to comment on the side note of the weight of Creativity's job.

His hallway also had the imagination, how he described it is that, it's a pitch black room, with seemingly no end in any direction, until he or one of the other sides manipulated it, it could show any scene ever. The possibilities are endless, he typically has a kingdom scene for him to escape into and be a real prince, a well respected one at that, but if one of the other sides needs it for some kind of escapism, he happily makes the scene disappear and appear in whatever way the other needs it.

Patton's hallway had the emotional chamber, very similar to the imagination, the chamber can manipulate whichever side goes in there's emotions, nothing sinister or anything, it's mainly just used for whenever Virgil is feeling down or upset, the chamber will make him forget whatever was making him feel that way and focus on more happy and positive things. Patton has control of it at all times, it can be used for negative emotions, but it won't be. Ever.

It also has, what Virgil has named, the 'House Of Memories' similar to the Library of Facts and Evidence. The House of memories has every memory that Thomas hasn't forgotten. Very similar to the Long term memory from inside out, but organized by type rather than time. Virgil can only be in there so long, as it contains some of the memories from when Virgil was a dark side and he really doesn't want to remember that.

Virgil's hallway, which he refuses to let Thomas into due to his having nothing but rooms that are bad, has basically the bad part of the imagination. It's called the Panic Room. It is another pitch black room, only it's more like an incredibly narrow hallway. It seems to go on forever, the further you walk into it, the more creepy things will begin to appear. Scratches on the wall, and random indecipherable scribbling.

But the worst part of all, is that about halfway through, you'll start hearing whispered insults, and threats. They range from miniscule things like 'stupid' to worse things like 'worthless', the further you go, the louder they become. At the end, they're so loud that you can't even hear yourself think.

Patton made him stop talking about it since it was obvious he was shaking. And explained that Virgil had actually gotten stuck at the end of that hallway, and it was weeks before they found him. {Before you ask, yeah I'm writing a oneshot on this}

Once all the explaining had been done, Thomas had let it all sink in, and they were all finished eating. Patton gathered everyone's plates and began to do the dishes as he spoke to Logan "Lo? Why don't you show Thomas around your hallway first?" He asked.

Before Logan could reply, loud banging sounded from upstairs, startling them all. There were three bangs then a pause and then three more... Then it stopped... Patton shut off the water as he glanced towards the staircase, then to Virgil and Roman who both glanced to the side, avoiding eye contact with guilty looks. "Really guys?"

"Just for today, because Thomas was coming..." Roman said. Virgil nodded. Patton sighed. "Fine.... Just... Remember to unlock the door later..." "We will." Virgil said. The topic was dropped and switched before Thomas could ask. "Anyway, yes I'll show you around my hallway first... Then Roman, and finally Patton due to Virgil's hallway being... The way it is." He stated. "Thanks." Virgil muttered.

The rest of the day went on without a hitch, Logan managed to surprise Thomas with how much he actually knew. Roman managed to fascinate Thomas with the vastness of the imagination, and Patton made Thomas laugh and almost cry over all the memories he had, but the crying was quickly stopped with a trip to the emotion chamber.

Once the tour had been completed, the five spent the rest of the day, just hanging out, watching movies, and playing some videogames, mainly the portal two co-op, where Roman and Logan were on a team, and Patton and Virgil were trying to beat it quicker. Surprisingly Virgil and Patton won, because Roman was busy messing around and playing instead of actually trying to solve the puzzle. Patton messed around too, but not as much.

Logan was not a happy camper, until Roman conjured up some Crofters, then he was happy.

Finally, around 9:30, Logan told the sides that they needed to get to sleep. "Wait how do I-" Thomas' question was cut off as Patton spoke "We'll take care of it, just sleep out here, and you'll wake up in the normal world tomorrow!"

"Actually... One thing before you guys go." Thomas said. Patton tilted his head to the side and hummed in question. With slight hesitation, he hugged Patton who gladly hugged back tightly. "Family hug now!!" Patton said. Roman laughed and pulled Logan and Virgil to join the hug along with him.

"Thanks guys... This... Today was great." Thomas said once the group hug was broken. "You deserved it kiddo!" Patton said happily. "Really. If you end up getting sick because you haven't slept well, then I'm gonna have more work to do... And that will not be fun." Virgil said.

"Well if we want to keep him on schedule then we should let him sleep now." Logan chimed in. "Alright alright alright! Goodnight kiddo! Love ya!" Patton giggled before heading back upstairs. "Love you, Patton!" Thomas called after him. "Unless Virgil decides to give you some kind of nightmare, sweet dreams!" Roman said as he followed. "I'm not gonna do that... Too much work." Virgil said, before doing his two-finger salute "G'night." And he joined them up the stairs.

"Goodnight, Thomas." Logan said with a small nod before finally joining the others "Night guys!" Thomas said back, even though all their doors had already closed. Thomas looked back at the couch before realizing there was already a pillow and a blanket there.

Unlike last night Thomas was passed out almost instantly, into a deep and peaceful sleep.

His mind failing to take note of the now incredibly desperate banging and scratching sounding from the still locked bedroom upstairs

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