Weak [Logicality]

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Ship: Logicality
Prompt: "Asking for help doesn't make you weak. It means you're strong enough to realize when you can't do it alone."
Requested by: Anon
Warnings: Anorexia, Swearing.
Summary: Patton starts to notice just how little Logan leaves his room, or eats.
F/A/S: Flangst
POV: 3rd


Sorry for being... Inactive recently, my Tumblr got popular out of nowhere?? And I'm waiting for the guilt I feel for being on this app to go away!

Anyway, here's a chapter

"Did... Did Logan come to breakfast this morning?" Virgil asked Patton and Roman as they were eating dinner. Patton stopped to think, "I... Don't... I don't think so..." "He said he'd join us I a moment and never ended up coming down..." Roman said.

"The same thing happened at lunch... And... Now..." Virgil said. Patton shook his head, "Guys... It's... Logan, he knows that he needs to eat, he probably just came down and ate once we had left, he is pretty busy..." Roman nodded, "He went off on this whole thing about an eating schedule for Thomas... He wouldn't starve himself," he said.

Virgil hummed, "I guess... Just... I'm-" "You're worried. We know... But Logan wouldn't be the type to let themselves fall into that sort of habit," Patton said. Virgil nodded, "You're right." He still had the slight hint of worry in the back of his mind the what if questions... But he tried to ignore them... Patton and Roman were right... It's Logan, why would he do that? He never was able to get rid of the worry completely, however. Especially after months and months of Logan barely leaving his room.

He appeared when Thomas summoned him, and nothing was affecting Thomas as if he ducked out. So he seemed normal, despite his odd new habit of almost never leaving or eating... Almost 6 months went by like this before Patton, who was prompted to do this because of Virgil's and admittedly his own overwhelming worry about this, was stood in front of Logan's door.

"Lo?" He asked, his voice was soft and quiet. He heard a muttered curse before a slightly aggravated "Come in." That made his heart sink slightly, so he was doing this intentionally? Pushing the others away? Hesitantly, Patton pushed open the door.

He turned to see Logan at his desk, working on his laptop. His frame seemed so much thinner than it was in comparison to himself and the others, Patton could almost see his shoulder blades moving under his shirt. He didn't even turn to look at Patton fully, and only glanced over his shoulder briefly. "What did you need?" His voice was dull and annoyed.

"I wanted um... I wanted to talk to you, Lo... um... are you feeling okay?" "I'm fine," spoken way too quickly to be true... It was almost rehearsed. Patton sighed, "Don't make me use your own word against you, Logan," he stepped forward placing his hand on Logan's shoulder, only to have it immediately slapped away.

Logan agitatedly sighed, turning in his desk chair to fully face Patton. "Look, Patton, I need to get this work done, now if you will please leave me alone." "I will if you promise to come downstairs and eat with us," Patton said crossing his arms, borderline full dad mode, which normally he doesn't do with Logan. Logan rolled his eyes, "I'll be down once I'm finished with this," He went to turn back around before Patton's firm hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Logan, when was the last time you ate, like an actual meal... Because I and the others rarely see you even leave your room." Patton said, his voice was stern yet it was obvious that he wasn't angry with Logan, the almost harsh tone was there to try to cover up the hurt in his voice, which it failed at. "I ate earlier..." Logan muttered, "Bullshit." The quiet and uncharacteristic swear that left Patton's mouth made a subtle chill crawl up Logan's spine.

"I was downstairs all day, you never came down once..." Logan bit his lip and looked off to the side trying to think of what to say to cover this up, to make the conversation go in his favor, but there was nothing, nothing he could say to get out of this, he's been caught.

Patton's eyes softened, along with his voice, "What's going on Logan? You know you can talk to us, talk to me at least!" Logan sniffled, trying to push back the tears that threatened to fall down his face, "I-I... just," He began only to immediately regret it and shake his head "N-No... I'm fine, you should leave, I need to work-" "Lo-" "No, it's fine, I don't need help or anything, I'm not weak, I can handle this myself, just leave me alone," Logan again tried to spin around.

"Logan! Please look at me... Please," Patton said, again placing his hands on his shoulders. "Listen to me, asking for help doesn't mean you're weak. It means you're strong enough to realize when you can't do it alone." "I don't need help, I'm fine Patton I-" "No you aren't Logan!" Logan looked at Patton, the amount of very visible fear in his eyes made his feel the tears welling up again.

"Y-....You're gonna end up fading, Logan..." Patton's voice was shaking slightly, that's what made the reality of the situation fully dawn on Logan, and he broke down sobbing. Patton quickly wrapped his arms around his now thin frame and whispered words of comfort.

After about ten minutes, they pulled away, "Just please... Let's go downstairs so you can explain what's been going on, and so I can make you something to- Something small to eat... Okay?" Patton asked, cupping Logan's cheek in his hand softly. Logan slowly nodded, "Alright..."

Logan explained why he had been like this, what spiral he had fallen into despite knowing that there was the possibility of falling into that spiral beforehand, while Patton made him just a small sandwich. It took awhile for him to begin eating with the others, of course Patton would always bring him something small while the others ate, so he was at least eating something.

Even though he stated at one point, the very thought of eating made him sick. After months and months of struggling through this, he was finally back to the normal Logan, speaking about how important it is to stay hydrated. The normal Logan, Patton let himself fall in love with, and thankfully, those feelings were greatly returned.

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