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*Warning*  Slight mention of sexual innuendo and Remus. (He's just a warning in itself at this point)

NOTE: I personally think of Logan as a homoromantic-asexual but I can write him differently if a request asks for it.  He does understand sexual themes and get flustered by them he just personally doesn't want to have sex.

*Not my Cover Art*

Not Requested by Anyone

Remus POV

  I laughed mischeifly as I checked to see where Logan was.  He was on the couch in the Dark Mind Palace, he usually stayed here with me and Janus because it is much quieter, besides me being me of course.  But he loved me for it, I'm pretty sure I'm the only loud thing he can tolerate.  I feel really bad about it sometimes and try to stay quieter but that results in my thoughts consuming me and making me imagine the ways I could- I should probably stop my rambling.

  I checked to see where Logan was, I found him on the couch reading one of his books and I decided that it was time for me to execute my genius plan!  I slipped into my room unnoticed and opened my closet door.  Inside was the mother of all- well, you'll see later.

Logan POV

  I was sitting on the couch reading a book I had gotten fairly recently, it was called Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.  Virgil had recommended the show, but I had figured I should read the book first.  Perhaps then I could read it again with Remus then watch the show with him, I believe he would be rather interested in it with the plot including the coming of the End of the World and all.

  It was very nice dating Remus, he had also started properly teaching me "Slang" words and phrases.  He has also told me countless times that not everything is literal and sometimes it is metaphorical or euphemistic.  I had felt quite upset about having to have this repeated to me so many times but he had always reassured me that it was alright and that it didn't bother him.

  I checked my watch to see that it was 4:24 PM (16:24) and marked my page with a bookmark that Remus had made, it was covered in little notes and unfolded into a lovely letter.  I smiled and took a sip of the coffee I had beside me.  I was about to get up to start dinner but I was interrupted by Remus shouting for me to stay where I was standing.

  "Okay Remus, I won't move, I apologize for the inconvenience."

  "Oh Lolo, you don't need to apologize, I just have a little surprise for you!"  Remus shouted from down the hallway, presumably his bedroom.

  He began to come to the living room but before he turned the corner he instructed me to close my eyes, to which I complied.

  "Open em' Lolo!"  He shouted, followed by a mischievous cackle.

  I opened my eyes and what was presented before me made my face turn as red as a solanum lycopersicum.  (I told you I was learning metaphors.)  It was Remus laying on the coffee table in one of those "Paint me Like One of Your French Girls" poses wearing a Crofters fruit spread costume.  Remus burst out laughing at my response.

"Hey Lolo, you see something you wanna eat~?"

  "I-I uh- Remus, what did you wish to accomplish with these actions?"  I said nervously, still with a heavy blush.

  He walked up to me and patted my shoulder.

  "Oh Lolo, all I wanted was to see your face and it was priceless."  He laughed.

  "Is that another metaphor?  Could you explain it?"

  "Oh, it basically means that the thing was so good that you 'Can't put a price on it.'  So I basically said that your face was super funny and totally worth it."  He said and pressed a kiss to my forehead then started walking back to his bedroom, presumably to change.

  "Oh alright, thank you my sourness, I'm making pasta for dinner, are you alright with that?"

  "Of course Lolo, but you know what I really want to eat~"


  "I'm kidding Lolo!  Pasta's fine by me."  He chuckled then returned to his room.

~~Timeskip Past Dinner to Cuddle Time~~

  Remus and I were laying un the couch, well I suppose he was on the couch, I was laying on top of him while he had his arms wrapped around me.  We had a thick blanket over us and on the television The Little Mermaid was playing, Remus' favorite movie which had his favorite Disney villian Ursula.

  "Lolo, do you think I'm a villian?"

  "Where did this come from, of course you aren't a villian Remus, you may have made some mistakes in the past but everyone does, exept me of course."

  "Lolooooo, come on!"

  "Alright, I also make mistakes sometimes.  You got me okay?"

  "Mhm, and thanks Lolo, it's just that Roman and Virgil haven't b-been saying the n-nicest things to me lately and I just-"  Remus had begun crying and buried his head into my shoulder.

  I had turned around to face him and rubbed circles into his back.  His grip on me grew tighter and his shoulders began to rack from the sobbing growing stronger.

  "Shhh, it's okay my sourness, everything  they were telling you are just blatant falsehoods."

  "R-really?"  He looked into my eyes, his a red color from the tears.

  "Yes Remus, all I see in you is a wonderful boyfriend who cares about me, respects my boundaries, loves me unconditionally, and is the most interesting person to talk to.  Can we say that about any of the other Sides?"

  Remus paused to think for a moment.

  "Well Roman is pretty gre-"

  "No Remus we can't, and you know what?  Your lousy brother has done nothing even slightly kind to me.  He's bratty and acts like he is the best at everything but he can't even appreciate the amazing brother he has."

  "Y-yeah I guess."

  "Remus, i have something I wish to ask you now."

  "O-oh, what is it?"

  "Would you give me the pleasure of kissing you?"

  Remus gasped then nodded.  I leaned in gently and placed my lips on his, they were salty from the crying but I didn't mind.  We only broke the kiss a few moments later to get air and Remus was now smiling and giggling, hugging me happily.

  "You feeling better my wilted rose?"

  "Yeah I am, thank you Lolo, I love you so much."

  "I love you too Remus."

  We fell asleep somewhere throughout the movie with my body still being held protectively in Remus' arms as we rest.  Janus had found us there a few hours later, he came to tell us something but decided against it and went back to the light side of the Mind Palace a few moments later.  I don't know what he ment to tell us but I wasn't waking Remus for it so I pretended to sleep until he left then I drifted off again.

  (A/N):  Okay, I know I don't update very often and I'm not going to make any excuses.  I don't have much time, I'm not in a good mental state, and I lack motivation to do most things anymore so I'll update my stories when I get to them.  I have a few good ideas for my Iplier and Septiceye Ego Oneshot book so I'll work on those next but don't expect them like, tomorrow or anything.  I'm sorry for all of the delays but I hope you all understand.



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