Announcement to the masses

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So a while ago I had a question about how comfortable you guys would be with me doing NSFW chapters and if you'd prefer them to be here or in a different book.

I have come to the decision that those chapter(s) will be happening in this book, but I will put multiple warnings in.

(so if some of yalls get upset about not wanting to read that stuff it will be very clear that I warned you multiple times so it's your own fault if you read it, don't attack me pretty please.)

I won't put warnings for stuff like making out and all since I haven't in the past (unless a bunch of yalls want me to, in that case I can).

The only chapter that's coming up that has sex in it as of yet is chapter 37, and I don't know if I'm going to split it up into parts or not cause I've already started writing it and I'm not even a third of the way done and it's already hecking LONG.

On a similar note to me having already started, here's a fun fact: when I'm having writers block in the chapter I need to publish next, I move ahead and pre-write some of the other chapters ahead of time. For example: I'm currently writing chapter 29 but I've already finished writing chapter 30 and chapter 33 and about a third of chapter 36.

For anyone asking I will accept just about any request, so feel free to request anything, but I might not do it for multiple reasons. A) I don't know how I'd write it, B) I'm not comfortable writing it, C) I'm trying to keep some sort of plot that flows and all and this particular request doesn't really fit ( I've been trying to make as many fit as I can). D) I want to write it but have writers block and ahhh, E) it's REALLY similar to a prompt I've already done.

I also might combine some prompts if they're either very similar or might go well together, so it might not be exactly what you requested, but it is similar or at least includes some aspects of what you asked for.

And again, I am still accepting prompts so don't be afraid to write one in the comments or pm me if that makes you more comfortable. Whatever works for you works for me.

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