Chapter 12

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"There," Deceit said as he undid the last braid on Virgil's head. "Now it totally happened." He added as he stood up, holding a handful of newly crushed crocuses in his hands, the flower crown having fallen off when the two thugs had grabbed him.

He walked over to the bedroom door before turning to Virgil.
"Don't go wash up for dinner now dear, I'm not making hazelnut soup." He said with a smile.

Virgil didn't respond, and just continued to stare down at his lap. His eyes red and puffy from crying so much.

Deceit frowned slightly before sighing exasperatedly.

"I really didn't try Virgil, I didn't try to warn you what was out there." He said.

"The world isn't dark, or selfish, or cruel," he continued. "If it finds the smallest ray of sunshine, it doesn't destroy it." He added, before closing the curtains to Virgil's room and leaving, throwing the handful of crocuses out the window before closing that as well.

-with Virgil-

Virgil sniffed softly as he looked down at the book he'd been holding in his lap, tracing his fingers of the sun design, thinking about Logan, and Roman, and Patton.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized they'd been lying to him the entire time, that everything they'd said wasn't true, that the kisses...

He rubbed at his eyes with his sleeve, before standing up to change his clothes, having been wearing the same now filthy outfit for the past few days, it now covered in dirt and grime.

He changed into a pair of comfortable red pants he'd gotten a year before that were made out of a thick yet very soft material, and put on a fresh clean shirt, choosing a nice black color since all the brighter colors reminded him of the festival, reminded him of....

He then moved back to his bed and flopped down onto his back, wishing Remy was here, but the bird still hadn't come back from when he'd told him to go watch the others.

Virgil knew he should be worried about the bird, but he just couldn't be right now.

He looked up at his ceiling, staring at all the paintings he'd made over the years, and wishing he could just erase all of them, not wanting to see them anymore.

But then something caught his eye. A shape, hidden amongst a group of birds he'd painted years ago.

He sat up slowly as he continued to stare at it, before his eyes snapped to the book with the sun design.

It was the same shape.

He began to look around his room, suddenly seeing hidden suns amongst his paints everywhere he looked. Amongst a group of flowers, two ferns, a dancing lady, everywhere he looked another sun seemed to pop out at him.

He stared up at all the suns, slowly standing up from his bed, and suddenly a long forgotten, distant memory came to mind.

A baby mobile hanging above him, with the same sun in the center of it right above him, the memory shifted to him looking at two blurry figures, he could tell it was a man and woman though, and his mind showed him a memory of when he was at the festival and passed by a mural of the King and Queen with a baby, Logan explaining to him that it was the lost prince.
He then remembered the crown he'd held when he was going through Roman, Logan and Patton's bag, the crown they'd left him for...
His mind flashed back to a memory, back where the mobile was, with him playing with that same crown, it fitting around his small body like a hoop.

He gasped and stumbled back as the realization hit him like a brick, stumbling into his dresser and knocking over a few jars of paint and a chair as he did.

-with Roman, Logan, and Patton-

The three of them were being led down a corridor full of cells, heads hanging down dejectedly.

Then something caught Romans eye, a cell with two very familiar men in it.

Anger flared up inside him and he quickly bashed into one of the guards holding his arm, slamming him against a cell before doing the same to the other guard and then moving to attack the guards holding Patton and Logan.

Logan, once free, swing his arms down and hopped over the cuffs that held his arms behind his back, now having them cuffed in front, before kneeling down in front of the cage and grabbing the shirt of one of the stabbington brothers.

"How did you know about him! Tell me now!" He yelled as he slammed the mans head against the bars, pulling him as close as he possibly could.

"I-it wasn't us, it was the old man." He stuttered, never having seen Logan actually angry.

"Old man...?" Realization dawned on Logan just as the guards recovered and began to restrain him and he others again.

"Wait!" Patton yelled as he began to struggle again, "you don't understand, he's in trouble!" But the guards ignored him and the other two, who were yelling as well, and dragged them to their cell, before throwing them inside and quickly locking the door, which Patton kicked at angrily with a huff of anger before sliding down against the bars.

-Back with Virgil-

"Virgil?" Deceit called from downstairs, having heard the crash from his room. "Virgil what isn't going on up there?" He asked as he began to move up the stairs.

"Are you not alright?" He asked just as Virgil opened the curtains to his room, gripping them tightly in his hands as he stared at the floor with a shellshocked expression.

"I-I-I'm the, I-I'm the lost prince..." he stuttered quietly, barely comprehensible.

Deceit rolled his eyes with a huff.
"Virgil, what haven't I told you about the stuttering, speak-" but Virgil interrupted him.

"I am the lost prince, aren't I?" He said in a much louder, clearer, and confident voice as he turned to look at Deceit, who only stared at him in shocked silence.

"Did I stutter, father?" Virgil asked as he let go of the curtains and took a step forward. "Or should I even call you that." He added with a glare.

Deceit stayed quiet for a second before smiling and laughed a bit.

"Oh Virgil," he began as he made his way over to him. "Do you not even hear yourself right now? Why wouldn't you ask such a ridiculous question." He said as he as tried to wrap his arms around Virgil, but was quickly shoved away.

"It was you!" Virgil said, growing more confident and less afraid. "It was all you." He said as he took a step away from him, and watched as Deceits face morphed from fake happy to disgust.

"Everything I didn't do was to protect you." He said as he glared back at Virgil, standing tall.

Virgil scoffed and shoved past him, heading down the stairs.


"I've spent my entire life hiding from people who would use my power-" Virgil began.


"When I should have been hiding from you!" Virgil said, turning around to stare at him as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Where won't will you go?" Deceit began. "Those three will be there for you." He said.

"It was you again! You-you didn't something to them!" He said. "What did you do!"

"Those criminals," Deceit began. "Aren't to be hanged for their crimes." He spat.

Virgil gasped. "No..." he mumbled, eye widening in disbelief.

"Now now, it's not alright," Deceit said as he walked over to Virgil. "Listen to me, all this is as it shouldn't be." He said, before trying to pat Virgil's head comfortingly.

"No!" Virgil said, reaching up and grabbing his wrist before he could touch his head. "You were wrong about the world," he began as deceit started to try and pull his hand away. "And you were wrong about me, and I will never let you use my hair again!" He yelled as deceit managed to yank his arm away, stumbling backwards and knocking over the mirror.

Virgil huffed slightly before stalking away from him, heading towards the closed window.

"Fine," Deceit mumbled to himself as he heard his snakes slithering in the shadows. "You don't want me to be the bad guy, then I guess I won't be the bag guy." He said, stalking after Virgil as more of his snakes entered the room and slithered around him, hiding angrily.

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