Chapter 18

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Prompt: Logan and Virgil finally go to the library

"And you're sure your parents said this was fine?" Logan said as Virgil lead him along down the road through the kingdom, weaving through the people who were walking about their own days.

"They did," Virgil said with a nod. "They said it would be a learning experience and a social experience for me, but I doubt I'll do any socializing with anyone except for you." He said with a grin.

"And they're not sending any guards with us?" Logan asked.

"No, they have guards stationed throughout the kingdom." He said, gesturing to a few guards patrolling around. "They may have added a couple more guards near the library though, but it's better than being followed around." He added.

"That's true." Logan said as they continued to walk.

Logan had Remember a few nights ago that he and Virgil had never gone to the library like he'd said they would, and mentioned it to him. The next day Virgil came to him saying that his parents agreed to let him go out to the library as long as he brought Logan or one of his other two friends along with him.

They would have brought the other two, but Roman had recently gotten into hand-to-hand combat, and Patton had been seen baking by some of the staff and was now showing off, even though he said he was just making the hard working staff some overdue snacks.

The two of them decided to let Logan and Virgil have this trip to themselves, and agreed to sneak into Virgil's room that night to cuddle and such.

they needed to stop and get directions a couple of times, but the two of them eventually made it to a very large building.

"Is this the library?" Virgil asked as he looked up at the large stone columns.

"It is indeed," Logan said as he lead Virgil inside, taking the lead now.

"Is there a particular section you'd like to go to?" He asked as he looked around the large area that was the first floor, a few sets of staircases around the edges.
There were a few people here and there, but not a whole lot, a majority of people still had work right now.

"Um, I'm not sure." Virgil said as he looked around. "Is there one you want to go to?" He asked.

"I have none in particular that I'd like to go to, but I think you'd enjoy the map room." He said with a smile. "It's on one of the top floors if I remember correctly." He added. "Would you like to go there?"

Virgil smiled at him. "Sure." He said.

Logan nodded and gently took his hand before leading him to one of the staircases and making their way up.

It took a bit longer than they'd expected, the map room being on a much higher floor than Logan remembered. But the two of them eventually made it up to the map room.

It was a small room with a few shelves and a very large table taking up the majority of the room. The walls were covered with maps, some of oceans and their currents and others of the land.
The room was dusty, and only had a few lanterns in it, but a large skylight in the ceiling covered with yellow stained glass poured in enough light for them to see everything. It felt cozy in a way.

"Wow," Virgil said softly. "I didn't know there were so many places." He said as he walked towards one of the maps.

"And they keep discovering more and more places," Logan said as he walked with him. "This is of Europe, and Corona is the little tiny bit here." He said, pointing to a small speck that was barely the size of a coin.

"We're that small?" Virgil asked.

Logan nodded. "We are pretty small, especially in comparison to other places, like here." He said, painting to a much larger section of the map closer to the top.

"And even higher than that it's freezing cold, everything's covered in ice and snow." He said as he moved his finger higher up, pointing to the very top of the map.

"What's snow like?" Virgil asked. "I've seen it from my window, and have caught a couple of flakes, but I've never played in it or anything thing." He said.

"Well, it's summer right now, but we can show you in the winter." Logan said. "And snow if very cold, and melts quickly when it comes down in small amounts. And while it can be fun to play in, you must be careful to their protect yourself from the cold properly or to not stay out in it for to long." He said.

"How can snow hurt you, it looks so soft." Virgil asked.

"Well, the snow itself isn't likely to hurt you unless it forms into ice, then you can skip on it." Logan explained. "But even then, the coldness if the snow is more likely to hurt you than the snow itself," he said.

"The coldness of the snow can, in worst cases, cause hypothermia and frostbite, which are very harmful to the human and or animal body." He explained. "Which is why you need to be careful around it."

Virgil nodded, and the two of them moved on to a different map.

They spent hours in that room, pouring over maps or bringing other books from downstairs if they lost interest.

At one point they both sat against the wall, leaned against one another as they each read a different book, the atmosphere around them both calm and content.

Virgil eventually closed his book and leaned against Logan's shoulder a bit more, nuzzling him gently before looking up at him.

"I'm glad we came out here today." He said softly with a smile, which grew even bigger as Logan put his book down and gently pulled Virgil into his lap.

"I'm glad you've enjoyed yourself." Logan said. "I am also glad we came out here today, it was rather pleasant." He said. "I enjoyed spending time with you." He added.

Virgil laughed softly as he blushed and pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek.

"You're so sweet." He said softly before snuggling closer to him, humming softly as he closed his eyes.

"We should probably head back to the castle if you're tired." Logan said as he began to gently card his fingers through Virgil's hair.

"Do we have to though," Virgil asked. "You're comfortable and I don't want to get up." He mumbled.

"Well, I'd offer to carry you, but I think some of the guards would freak out." Logan said as he pressed a kiss to the top of Virgil's head.

Virgil nodded in agreement. "Thats true." He said softly before reluctantly getting out of his lap.

"Let's go back to the castle then," he said. "I want to go to bed and you're the pillow I want to sleep on." He mumbled softly as he stood up.

Logan chuckled softly as he stood up as well. "I suppose that can be arranged."

The two cleaned up the room a bit before heading down stairs, quietly walking as they made their way down.

Once they stepped out side of the library the began the trek back to the castle, walking close to one another but not touching as the sun began to set behind the buildings.

"Do you think Roman and Pat are already waiting?" Virgil asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were." Logan said as he walked next to him.

The two of them continued to walk back to the castle, nodding to the guards as they passed them and walked on to the palace grounds.

They went straight to Virgil's room, not bothering to talk to his parents since they could talk later that evening at dinner, right now Virgil just wanted to take a nap, specifically a nap on top of Logan.

When they walked inside they saw Patton and Roman cuddled together on the bed, Roman without his shirt on.

They both looked up when they heard the door open, and smiled when they saw Logan and Virgil.

"Ah, welcome back." Roman said as he smiled at them and held and hand out for one of them to take as they closed the door and came closer to the bed.

"Did you have fun at the library?" Patton asked as he shifted in his spot against Romans chest so he could look at them easier.

"We did," Virgil said. "Looked at a bunch of books and maps, it was so cool." He said with a yawn as he waited for Logan to get comfortable on the bed before curling up against his chest, making sure he was facing Parton and Roman as he did.

"Well that's good, I'm glad you had fun." Parton said with a smile before nuzzling against Romans neck, which was covered in small marks ranging from the size of half an inch to almost two inches in diameter.
The spots were a mixture of pink, light red and dark red, and were littered across the skin of his neck, collarbone, shoulders and chest.

"Patton really did a number on you didn't he Princey." Virgil joked with a small smirk.

"I just couldn't help myself," Patton said as Roman blushed brightly. "He looks adorable when he blushes and was making the cutest sounds while I did it." He said as he pressed a kiss to Roman neck. "I just couldn't get enough." He added with a small smirk.

Both Virgil and Logan blushed as Patton talked, picturing what Patton was saying in their heads.

"I'll keep that in mind." Logan said as he looked at Romans neck and blushed even more.

Roman hid his face in Patton's hair as he continued to blush. "He made sure I was okay with it first, and stopped when I asked him to." Roman said, his voice slightly muffled.

"Good," Logan said as he wrapped his arms around Virgil and nuzzled against his soft hair.

"I think the two of us are ready for a nap." Virgil said with a small smile as he yawned.

"I can agree to that," Roman said.

"Mind if we join you?" Patton asked, already curling up and snuggling closer to Roman.

"Not at all," Virgil said. "We just need to be up and ready for dinner in an hour or two." He said as he closed his eyes.

"Kay." Roman said softly as he shifted so he could lean against Logan's shoulder.

Patton hummed softly and snuggled closer to Roman a bit more before reaching forward and holding Virgil's hand.

Virgil gently squeezed Patton's hand and smiled a bit as he made himself comfortable, and Logan wrapped his arms more securely around Virgil's torso, leaning he head to rest on top of Romans head, not bothering to take his glasses off.


Note: I'm taking requests whenever, so if you ever come up with one feel free to tell me, I'm willing to do almost anything. If I don't do a request of yours right away it's probably because I'm still trying to write it or something along those lines.

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